准公共物品,quasi-public goods
1)quasi-public goods准公共物品
1.Urban water-supplying is a typical quasi-public goods because of having incomplete non-rivalness and excludability and immense positive externality.城市供水具有不完全的非竞争性和排他性,还具有巨大的正外部性,是一种典型的准公共物品
2.The quasi-public goods of a city play a very important role in urban economy.城市准公共物品在城市经济发展中起着十分重要的作用。

1.Education Lottery:a Method to Raise the Quasi-public Goods Fund;教育彩票:一种准公共物品的筹资方式
2.Research of Quasi-public Goods and Scenic Spot Ticket Pricing;准公共物品与游览参观点门票价格研究
3.Analysis of Monopoly and Reform of the Equal Public Goods in China;浅析我国准公共物品中的垄断及其改革
4.The Characteristics of Quasi-public Goods in Modern Agriculture and the Policy Implications现代农业的准公共物品特征及其政策意义
5.Study of Rural Quasi-Public Goods Supply Based on Income Elasticity基于需求收入弹性的农村准公共物品供给研究
6.Society Approving, Government Subsidy and Promote Private Provision of Quasi-public Goods社会认可、政府补贴与促进准公共物品私人供给
7.Social Impact and Private Provision of Public Goods社会影响效应与促进准公共物品私人供给
8.Study on the Supply of Comfortable Housing Project from the Viewpoint of Quasi Public Goods;从住宅产品的准公共物品属性看我国经济适用房的供给
9.Market Supplying System and Evaluation of Mixed Goods--Take Highway as An Example准公共物品的市场化提供机制及其评价——以高速公路为例
10.The Equal Public Goods,Allocation Efficiency and Information Equality:Economic Study on the Core Function of Public Library in the Environment of Information Market;市场环境中公共图书馆核心职能的经济学研究——准公共物品、配置效率与信息公平
11.The Research on Quasi-public Product Supply Policy and State-owned Economy Function and Institutional Innovation;准公共物品的供给政策与国有经济功能及其制度创新研究
12.Analysis of the dilemma of marketization of urban pre-public goods:take sewage treatment for example;城市准公共物品市场化运作的困境分析——以城市污水治理为例
13.On the Change of Public Goods Boundary and Private Provision of Public Goods;公共物品边界的变化与公共物品的私人供给
14.On the Change of the Public Goods Characteristics and it s Provision;公共物品公共性的变化及其有效提供
15.Evasion of Public Risks in Market Provision of Quasi-Public Goods in China;论中国准公共产品市场供给的公共风险规避
16.Research on a Quasi-public Goods of Urban Public Space Rebuilding论作为准公共产品的城市公共空间的再造
17.Property rights protection public goods or private goods?;产权保护:公共物品? 私有物品?
18.Analysis of China Non-profit Organization Promoting System;我国NPO准公共产品推广体系分析

semi-public goods准公共物品
1.On basis of analyzing the quality of media products,this article discusses the corresponding management strategies of media industry,and draws some conclusions as follows:In terms of material form,broadcasting and wireless TV are public goods;Cable TV,digital TV and network are semi-public goods;Newspapers and magazines are private goods.在分析媒介产品属性的基础上,探讨了媒介产业相应的经营策略,得到了以下主要结论:在物质形态上,广播及无线电视是公共物品,有线电视、数字电视及网络媒体是准公共物品,报纸及杂志是私人物品,媒介产品承载的内容是公共物品,媒介产品集聚的“注意力资源”是私人物品;加快新闻信息的发布,增强新闻信息内容的独特性是所有媒体经营的策略、目标和方向。
2.In this article, in view of the analysis of economical reasons of this situation, the authors think the basic reasons about the difficulty of agricultural insurance are rooted in externalities and semi-public goods characters of agricultural insurance.本文着眼从对我国农业保险发展困境的经济成因的分析出发,提出了导致目前农业保险发展困境的根本成因———农业保险自身的外部性、准公共物品的特性,正是由于农业保险的外部性导致目前农业保险“有效需求不足,有效供给有限”,发展面临日益萎缩的尴尬局面。
3.Grain has its own property as commodity and semi-public goods,which has determined the government\'s bounden duty on grain security.粮食的商品和准公共物品属性,决定了粮食安全是政府义不容辞的责任。
3)quasi-public goods准公共品
1.This conclusion of the paper is derived from the following aspects: the social-security s peculiarities of Positive Externalities and quasi-public goods; the government s fiscal expenditure on providing public goods and managing market failure; the social environment and the transformations in the institutions.本文从社会保障的正外部性特征、准公共品性质、财政提供公共品以弥补市场“失灵”的职能、社会环境以及制度变迁层面分析得出农村社会保障支出是财政、特别是中央财政的责任;实现社会公平目标、落实国民待遇,要求将农村社会保障纳入全国的社会保障体系,建立起覆盖全国的城乡一体化的社会保障制度。
2.As a quasi-public goods,the city toll road and bridge’s pricing has aroused strong attentions.城市道路作为典型的准公共品,已经引起社会各方面的关注。
4)public goods公共物品
1.On the Charges of Library from the Angle of Public goods;从公共物品角度看图书馆收费问题
2.News Is "Public Goods":An Analysis from Economics;新闻即“公共物品”——一种经济视域的分析路径
3.Strategies for the Provision of Public Goods in Rural China——A Comparative Analysis;农村公共物品提供策略:一个比较分析
5)Public good公共物品
1.Based on analyzed the basic concepts and conclusions of client-agent;theory, according to Aspremont model,it is discussed how to encourage agent through efficiency knowledge share in R&D activities, in which knowledge is as a public good.在分析委托代理理论的来源、基本概念及有关结果的基础上,结合Aspremont模型,探讨了研究与开发活动中,知识作为一种公共物品,如何进行有效共享达到激励代理人的目的。
2.This paper tries to explain the nature of public goods.结合中国的转轨实践,本文尝试从义理性的角度解释公共物品的性质,推理出服务型政府公共物品供给责任的内生性,并解释其正在或潜在的对于实践科学发展观的影响。
3.According to the views of most theory researchers, social capital should consist of trust, regulation and network together with its characteristics of "jointness of supply" and "the impossibility of exclusion" as a public good.按照大部分社会资本理论研究者的看法,社会资本应包含信任、规范和网络,且具有公共物品的性质。
6)public commodity公共物品
1.Because of the "public commodity" feature,the shareholders lack supervision of the managers,which makes shareholders follow the successful ones.由于监督对象的“公共物品”特征,导致股东对经营者的监督不足,存在股东“搭便车”的倾向,并且这种不足随着股权的适当集中而减弱;而当公司股权适当集中,大股东主动承担对经营者的监督时,又容易造成大股东对小股东权益的侵占。

公共物品与私人物品  PublicGoodsandPrivateGoods公共物品与私人物品是一对概念。经济学家们区分的标准是私人物品具有排他性和竞争性;而公共物品则具有非排他性和非竞争性。简言之,排他性是指一件商品我用了别人就不能再用,我吃了一口苹果别人就不可能再吃我吃的这口;竞争性是指我用了一件商品别人就会少用一件,我吃了一个苹果其他人可以吃的苹果就少了一个。显然,诸如城市道路、路灯、公共广场与绿地,都是具有非竞争性和非排他性的:路灯照亮了我回家的路,并不妨碍照亮我邻居回家的路;我得到了路灯照亮道路的好处,也并没有减少我的邻居得到相同益处的机会。而典型的公共物品的供给,是市场失灵的最重要原因之一。在我们日常的生活中,最普遍、最常见的公共物品之一是过道灯,它对在同一个楼层中的每一户家庭相同地提供了相同的功能。假如有一天过道灯坏了,你去换了一个灯泡,它在照耀了你的同时也同样照耀了你的邻居,但是他们没有为此付费却得到了好处,那么对你来说,最平等的方法是让你的那些邻居们也为此付费。但你的邻居也许会告诉你他们愿意让过道灯继续黑下去也不愿意为此付费,尽管他们并不是希望过道灯继续黑下去,而是将自己真实的想法隐藏起来,希望搭你的便车由你来替他们付费。当然,你作为一个有教养的人不会去和那些斤斤计较的人们去斤斤计较,并会慷慨地为此出钱换了那个坏了的灯泡。但是,假如那个灯泡的市场售价是50元,会怎么样呢?100元,或者是10000元呢?市场就这样趋近于失灵:假如没有任何外力作用,我们的过道灯多数都会黑掉。