棉花产量,cotton yield
1)cotton yield棉花产量
1.Effects of waterlogging stress with air temperature and humidity on cotton yield;涝渍胁迫与大气温、湿度对棉花产量的影响分析
2.Effect of liquid film mulching on cotton yield and soil environment;液体地膜覆盖对棉花产量与土壤环境的影响
3.Climatic effects on cotton yield in He′nan Province and their change trend;气候对河南省棉花产量的影响及其变化研究

1.cotton above 5.3 million tons, up 20 percent;棉花产量530万吨以上,增产20%左右;
2.Effect of Sea Ice Water Irrigation and Fertilization on Soil Water Dynamics and Water Use Efficiency海冰水灌溉对棉田水分及棉花产量的影响
3.This area ranks first in the whole country for cotton output.这里的棉花产量为全国之冠。
4.This year's cotton production exceeds last year's by a big margin.今年的棉花产量大大超过了去年。
5.Field Remote Sensing Model Research in Cotton Yield Based on LAI;基于LAI的棉花产量近地遥感模型研究
6.Study on the Fluctuating Rule of Cotton Output in China Between 1949-2004;建国以来中国棉花产量波动规律研究
7.Influence of coupling of water and nitrogen on outputs of cotton seeds and dry matter in subsurface drip irrigation地下滴灌水氮耦合对棉花产量的影响
8.The Inheritance of Cotton Yield and Fiber Quality Characters棉花产量和纤维品质性状的遗传研究
9.Appying multi-effect triazole(MET) in cotton seedling stages has evident effeets on the growth and development of the cotton plant,the cotton yield and fiber qualities.在棉花苗期施用多效唑对棉花生长发育、棉花产量和纤维品质有明显的影响。
10.Effect of Green Manure Application on Soil Fertility Continuous Cropping of Cotton Field and Cotton Yield绿肥压青对连作棉田土壤肥力及棉花产量的影响
11.Xinjiang Cotton Brown Desert Soil Application of N Levels to Cotton Yield and Quality and Photosynthetic Trait新疆棕漠土棉田施N水平对棉花产量和品质及光合特性的影响
12.Effect of BN-2 Regulator on Cotton Yield and Quality;BN-2调节剂对棉花产量及加工品质的影响
13.Study on Estimating Model of Cotton Yield Based on Satellite Remote Sensing基于卫星遥感的棉花产量预测模型研究
14.Study on impacts of irrigation and fertilization on cotton yield and water use efficiency灌溉施肥对棉花产量及用水效率影响的研究
15.With the end of the War of 1812, the really important shift in cotton production to the west began.而轧棉机的应用使棉花线纱产量大得出奇。
16.The area sown with cotton should be 4.54 million hectare and the total cotton output should reach 4 million tons.棉花453万公顷,产量400万吨。
17.Study on the Transnormal Compensation Effects of Monopodial Branches Retained Cotton (G.hirsutum L.) on the Yield;棉花留叶枝对产量的超补偿效应研究
18.Relationship between the Outputs and Trade Quantities of Cotton and Its Price Fluctuation in the International Markets;棉花生产量、贸易量变动与国际棉价波动的实证分析——以棉花主产国和贸易国为例

Output of cotton棉花生产量
3)meteorological output of cotton棉花气象产量
4)Cotton climatic output棉花气候产量
5)Cotton Yield Mapping棉花产量监视器
6)pre-frost lint yield霜前花皮棉产量
1.Finally,the early-maturing cotton seeds were selected based on the effect of agronomic traits on pre-frost lint yield and the interactions between different agronomic traits.结果表明:衣分是决定霜前花皮棉产量最主要的因素,它与霜前花皮棉产量的相关系数和通径系数分别为0。
