基本经验,basic experience
1)basic experience基本经验
1.The Serial Investigation on Drug Situations in "Golden Triangle" Area(Part V)——Some Basic Experience on Cracking down on Drugs Smuggling from "Golden Triangle" Areas;“金三角”地区毒品形势系列调查报告(五)——云南省打击“金三角”毒品走私的基本经验
2.The Historical Investigate and Basic Experience of Strengthening the Building of the Party s Governing Capacity from the Reform and Opening Up to Now;改革开放以来党加强执政能力建设的历史考察和基本经验
3.History Investigating and Basic Experience of Reform in Government Organization Since the Reform and Opening;改革开放以来政府机构改革的历史考察与基本经验

1.On Basic Experience of Universities Laboratory Teaching Reform;论高等学校实验教学改革的基本经验
2.On the Basic Process and Main Experience of the New Period Culture Developments;试论新时期文化建设的基本历程及基本经验
3.Work of the Past Five Years and Basic Experience of 13 Years过去五年的工作和十三年的基本经验
4.II. Primary Experience二、“八七”扶贫攻坚的基本经验
5.The Study of Basic Experience of Communist Party of China Theoretical Innovation;中国共产党理论创新的基本经验研究
6.Sinicization of Marxism: Basic Experience and Regularity;马克思主义中国化:基本经验和规律
7.Basic Experience in Effective Teaching since China Conducting Its Reform and Opening Policy;我国改革开放来有效教学的基本经验
8.Government Termination--The Fundamental Empirical Approach and the Priori Approach;政府终结——基本经验模式与演绎模式
9.On The Basic Experience Of The CPC s Theoretical Innovation;试论中国共产党理论创新的基本经验
10.On the Basic Experience in Grasping the Domestic Main Contradictions;论准确把握国内主要矛盾的基本经验
11.Three Measures Adopted by DENG Xiao-ping to Make the Rural Economy Flourish;邓小平解决“三农”问题的三条基本经验
12.The experience and lesson of the construction of the law system in the initial stage after founding new China;建国初期法制建设的基本经验及教训
13.Basic Experience of Korea s 1998-2001 Administrative Reforms;韩国1998—2001行政改革的基本经验
14.Some Thoughts on the Basic Experiences of China s Reform;对中国改革基本经验的几点粗浅认识
15.Our views on the basic experience of Marxism Chinatization;马克思主义中国化的基本经验之我谈
16.Construction of an honest administration of the new era and the b asic experiences;我国新时期的廉政建设及其基本经验
17.Basic Experiences of Education in Thinking and Moral for Fifty Years in the Army;军队思想道德教育50年的基本经验
18.The Basic Experience of the Commemoration of the CCP since the Foundation of the PRC建国60年来党的纪念活动的基本经验

basic experiences基本经验
1.Several important basic experiences as well as some suggestions are also put forward in the paper.本文简要回顾了改革开放以来我国教育体制改革的历程,分析了经济、政治体制改革和社会转轨对教育体制变革的巨大推动作用,总结了30年来教育管理体制、办学体制和经费体制改革取得的6个方面的历史性成就,提出了若干重要的基本经验和发展方向。
2.In retro spect, four basic experiences can be derived: the st.回顾新时期廉政建设的历程,得出四条基本经验:反腐败要围绕经济建设为中心进行;腐败问题必须综合治理;法制建设是反腐败的根本途径;从严治党是反腐败取得成功的重要条件。
3)essential experience基本经验
1.TO Be the “Three Representatives” All Along—— Survey of the Party’s, Essential Experience ever the Eighty Years’ the Glorious Course;始终当好“三个代表”——从八十年的光辉历程看党的基本经验
2.As a forerunner of Marxist philosophy localized in China,Ai Siqi,during the course of the localization of Marxism and its philosophy in China,has provided the essential experiences in the proper understanding and treatment of the relationships between theory and practice,between the general and the particular,and between adherence and development.作为马克思主义哲学中国化的先驱,艾思奇在马克思主义及其哲学中国化的过程中,提供了正确认识和处理理论和实际相结合、一般和个别相结合、坚持和发展相结合等关系的基本经验,为马克思主义及其哲学中国化的发展作出了杰出的贡献。
3.Its essential experience is as follows: formulating the developing strategy of vocational education and attaching importance to its legislation;constructing a dynamic and open system for vocational education to broaden its development;advancing the combination of vocational education with the enterprises to enhance its social position.其基本经验是:制定职业教育发展战略,重视职业教育的立法工作;构建职业教育的动态、开放体系,拓宽职业教育发展道路;推进职业教育与企业紧密结合,注重提高职业教育的社会地位。
1.Reviewing the experience can give us deep inspirations to accelerate the persisting development of the vocational education.认真回顾、总结江苏中专教育的发展历程及基本经验,对在新的历史条件下开拓创新,促进职业教育持续发展有深刻的启示作用。
2.Since 1949,rural economic development in Hunan has experienced three stages: development in hard situation(1949~1977),development from the speed type to the quality type in market-oriented situation(1978~2002),overall and rapid development in urban and rural coordination(2003 to now).建国60年来湖南农村经济发展的基本经验是必须把改革创新作为促进农村经济发展的根本动力,必须尊重农民的意愿、选择和首创精神,必须立足实际实现改革发展稳定相协调,必须以产业化为支撑、县域为切入点推进城乡统筹,必须重视粮食生产、切实依靠科技进步转变农村经济发展方式。
3.The Development Course,Experience And Foresightness of the Inner-Party Democracy over the Past 60 Years党内民主发展的基本经验是:以制度创新来推进党内民主,坚持有序的、可控的、增量的党内民主发展策略,充分尊重党员主体地位,积极推进指导理论创新,大力培育党内民主文化,把党内民主提高到党的生命的战略高度加以建设。
5)Test of Basic Experience基本经验测验
6)the experience of the fundamental actions基本活动经验

《八路军抗战两年来的经验教训》《八路军抗战两年来的经验教训》Two Years' Experience and Lessons of the Eighth Route Army in the War of Resistance  f thernce)军事半月战两以现民众总结性利众运了抗分支 尸乏换,还提和部政治的进治上对于平,((}、路军抗战两年来的经验教训(Two Years’E丫perienee and LessonsEighth Route ArJ哟〕in the War ofResis」朱德总结八路军抗日战争经验教训守著作。为刊载于1939年7月《前线》刊第11、第12期合刊上的《八路军打周年》一文的第2部分,约1 300字,名收人1983年8月出版的《朱德选续 该文从党政军民团结一致、开压运动和灵活的战略战术等三个方面,了,、路军在两年抗战中所取得的伟夕和经验,主要是党政军民团结一致,「动有成绩,采用灵活的战略战术。提日日根据地的机动战原则二小股进退,袭扰,集中主力,乘弱伏尾,昼伏夜云东击西,有意暴露,及时隐蔽,利害毫不犹豫,拿定火色,转入外线。该〕出,只有不断提高八路军的指挥艺才队素质,才能战胜敌人。这不仅要依寄的进步,而且要依靠军事的进步。军写步又要以政治的进步作为保障,用刃的进步保证战略战术上的提高。 ((/又路军抗战两年来的经验教训》提高八路军、新四军游击战的战术才加强部队军事建设,起了促进作用。 (刘学