支付意愿,willingness to pay
1)willingness to pay支付意愿
1.Parameter estimation of average willingness to pay under uncertainty effect;不确定性影响下的平均支付意愿参数估计
2.Residents′ awareness to agricultural nonpoint source pollution and willingness to pay for its environmental protection in a high-yielding agricultural region in northern China.;华北高产农区公众对农业面源污染的环境保护意识及支付意愿调查
3.Study on residents willingness to pay for improving urban water environment;居民对改善城市水环境支付意愿的研究

1.Logistic regression analysis on payment ability and willing of employee;职工支付能力和支付意愿的logistic回归分析
2.and finally the amount WTP of Daps town in 2003 is 0.55~0.98 million Yuan.⑤2003年该镇居民总支付意愿为55.3~98.2万元。
3.A Study on Chinese Consumers Willingness to Accept to Consume Genetically Modified Rice;消费者对转基因稻米的支付意愿研究
4.Study on Willingness to Pay for Typhoid Vi Vaccine in Lingchuan County, Guangxi;广西灵川伤寒vi疫苗支付意愿研究
5.Study on Ability and Willingness to Pay as Well as Factors for Health Examination of Employees in Jinan;济南市城镇职工健康体检支付能力和支付意愿及其影响因素研究
6.On the Willingness to Pay for Water Quality Improvement of Yangtze River and Payment Mechanism in Nanjing Area;南京市公众对长江水质改善的支付意愿及支付方式的调查
7.Quantitative method for farmers' bearing capacity for irrigation water price基于支付能力和支付意愿的农民灌溉水价承受能力研究
8.Estimating Willingness to Pay of Guiyang Residents for Improvement of Tap Water Supply;贵阳市居民生活供水状况改善的支付意愿
9.A Study on Individual Factors Affecting Taxpayers willingness to Pay Taxes;影响纳税人税款支付意愿的个体因素研究
10.Willingness to Pay for Livestock Epidemic Service in Farmer;农户畜禽防疫服务支付意愿及其影响因素分析
11.600 Questionnaire Reports of Urban Residents of Beijing,Xi an,Ansai;北京、西安等城镇居民生态支付意愿问卷调查
12.Application of the Contingent Valuation Method in Research of Willingness to Pay for Shigellosis Vaccine;条件价值法在菌痢疫苗支付意愿研究中的应用
13.Willingness to Pay for Non-Genetically Modified Vegetable Oil in China;对中国消费者非转基因菜油支付意愿的研究
14.Decision Making on Housing Products Development Based on Clients' Willingness-to-pay基于客户支付意愿的住宅产品决策研究
15.Preference Reversal in the Value Estimates for Environmental Goods环境支付意愿测量中偏好逆转现象的研究
16.Residents′ willingness to pay for improving environmental quality in Beijing City北京市环境质量改善的居民支付意愿研究
17.On Farmers' Willingness to Pay for Information Service农户信息服务支付意愿及其影响因素分析
18.We would like to make our payment for this complete set of equipment by installment.我们愿意用分期付款方式来支付全套设备。

willingness to pay(WTP)支付意愿
1.Evidenced in Nanging area, with the contingent valuation method which structured by payment card, this paper measures public’s willingness to pay(WTP) for water quality improvement of Yangtze River, the results show as following: (1) The mean WTP is 100.本文以南京市为例,利用支付卡式的条件价值评估(CVM)技术,通过发放调查问卷及访谈的形式对公众改善长江水质的支付意愿进行了深入研究。
2.METHODS:CVM in a specific case that was a research on shigellosis patients’willingness to pay(WTP)and willingness to accept(WTA)for shigellosis vaccine in rural area in HeBei Province was carried out.方法 :运用条件价值法对河北农村菌痢患者家庭对菌痢疫苗的支付意愿进行实例研究。
3.Based on the result of survey,which aimed at fi nding out the residents and farmers` willingness to pay(WTP) for protecting cultivated land in Wuha.文章以武汉市为例,对耕地资源的非市场价值进行了探索性研究,结果表明:随着耕地保护意识的增强,武汉居民已经意识到耕地资源非市场价值的存在;从受访居民参与耕地保护的支付意愿(willingness to pay,WTP)出发,武汉市受访居民家庭对耕地资源非市场价值的户均最高支付意愿125。
1.A compositive method considering consumer s willingness-to-pay in congestion management;输电阻塞管理中考虑用户支付意愿的综合方法
2.We also analyzed the quantitative relationship between social capital and farmer s willingness-to-pay to participate new Rural Cooperative Medical System with the government subsidy.研究利用哈佛大学中国农村互助医疗实验研究项目的资料,对当前农村社会资本的现状进行了测量, 进而对政府补贴情况下社会资本与农民参与合作医疗的支付意愿之间的关系进行了定量分析,并且通过分析不同筹 资比例情况下农民参与合作医疗的影响因素,对如何有效提高合作医疗参保率的策略进行了探讨。
3.Objectives\ Analyzing the key factors affecting the willingness-to-pay and ability-to-pay in Kalaqin County, Inner Mongolia Autonomic Region.目的 通过对内蒙古自治区喀喇沁旗三个乡 2 90户农民的调查 ,分析影响农民支付意愿和支付能力的主要因素。
1.This paper applies contigent valuation method (CVM) to analysize the willingness to pay (WTP) of rice farmers concerning environment and health.本文采用意愿调查法进行了水稻生产者对环境和健康的支付意愿调查分析。
2.The contents of the research on GM food from consumers perspective include consumers attitudes to GM food,the influencing factors,and the consumers WTP for GM food.从消费者角度分析转基因食品,研究内容包括:消费者对转基因食品的态度及影响因素;消费者对转基因食品的支付意愿
3.The authors use CVM to valuate the environmental value of forest resources by analyzing cases, and make an analysis on the availability of the WTP that is taken by CVM approach.作者通过案例利用CVM方法对森林资源的环境价值进行研究,并对运用CVM研究方法调查所得的WTP值进行了有效性分析,据此发现WTP值可以明显的显示出各特征因素与支付意愿间相互关系的规律性,方向趋势上具有逻辑上的合理性,调查的结果是有意义和有效的。
6)willingness to pay意愿支付

意愿指标 意愿指标(BR)   意愿指标(BR)和人气指标(AR)都是以分析历史股价为手段的技术指标,其中意愿指标则重视收盘价格,反映的是市场买卖意愿的程度,两项指标分别从不同角度股价波动进行分析,达到追踪股价未来动向的共同目的。 人气指标较重视开盘价格,从而反映市场买卖的人气;  意愿指标是以昨日收市价为基础,分别与当日最高,最低价相比,通过一定时期收市收在股价中的地位,反映市场买卖意愿的程度[编辑] 意愿指标的计算公式为:   BR=N日内(H-CY)之和/N日内(CY-L)之和   其中:CY=昨日收市价,N为公式中的设定参数,一般设定值同AR一致。 [编辑] 意愿指标的基本应用法则:   (1)BR值的波动较AR值敏感,当BR值在70-150之间波动时,属盘整行情,应保持观望。   (2)BR值高于400以上时,股价随时可能回档下跌,应选择时机卖出;BR值低于50以下时,股价随时可能反弹上升,应选择时机买入。   一般情况下,AR可以单独使用,BR则需与AR并用,才能发挥效用,因此,在同时计算AR,BR时,AR与BR曲线应绘于同一图内,AR与BR合并后,应用及研判的法则如下:   ①AR和BR同时急速上升,意味股价峰位已近,持股时应注意及时获利了结。   ②BR比AR低,且指标处于低于100以下时,可考虑逢低买进。   ③BR从高峰回跌,跌幅达1.2时,若AR无警戒讯号出现,应逢低买进。   ④BR急速上升,AR盘整小回时,应逢高卖出,及时了结。   在AR,BR指标基础上,还可引入CR指标,作为研判和预测走势的参考指标。