节水技术,water-saving technology
1)water-saving technology节水技术
1.Construction of water engineering and water-saving technology system of Ningxia;宁夏节水型社会水工程及节水技术体系建设
2.Establishment of water-saving society in Haihe River Basin and utilization of foreign water-saving technology;海河流域节水型社会建设与国外节水技术借鉴
3.Adaptability of water-saving technology for agricultural irrigation in Hebei Province河北省农业灌溉工程节水技术适应性研究

1.Speed up the Construction of Water-saving Shanxi through Promoting the Agricultural Water-saving Technique推广农业节水技术 加快建设节水山西
2.Establishment of water-saving society in Haihe River Basin and utilization of foreign water-saving technology;海河流域节水型社会建设与国外节水技术借鉴
3.Studies on Water Saving Strategies by Using Leaf Water Potential as Irrigation Criterion;以叶水势为灌溉指标的水稻节水技术体系研究
4.Water-saving Technology in the Comprehensive Building of School节水技术在综合性学校建筑中的应用
5.Research on Water Saving and Energy Saving Technology of High-rise Building Water Supply System;高层建筑供水系统节水节能技术研究
6.The Technical Application For Water Conservation Management System Based on VB;基于VB技术的节水管理系统技术应用
7.A Critical Technology Research of Automatic Water Delivery and Distribution in Thrift Irrigation District;节水灌区输配水自动化关键技术研究
8.Properties Research on the Hydraulic Tools of the New Type of Water-saving Drilling Technology;新型节水钻探技术水力机械特性研究
9.Application of Water Pump Frequency Control and Energy Saving Technology in Water Works of SPC;水泵调速节能技术在石化水厂的应用
10.Review of the development of water saving irrigation technology by use of low pressure pipes;低压管道输水节水灌溉技术发展综述
11.Key Techniques for High and Stable Yield of Hybrid Rice Seed Production inWater-saving and Fertilizer-saving Cultivation杂交稻制种节水节肥高产稳产关键技术
12.Prospects of Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction Technology for Shanghai Water Supply Industry;上海水务行业节能减排技术发展展望
14.The Discussion of Water Saving Irrigation Techniques Applying in Southwest of Our Country;我国西南地区农业节水灌溉技术探讨
15.Technology Transformation of Energy Saving by Variable Frequency Speed Control of Blast and Induced Draft Fans in Hot Water Boiler;热水锅炉鼓引风机变频节能技术改造
16.Infiltration Irrigation--A Advanced Water-Saving Irrigation Technique in Greenhouse Culture;渗灌——设施园艺先进的节水灌溉技术
17.Discussion on the Water-Saving Technical System of Irrigation Agriculture in the Yellow River Irrigated District in Ningxia宁夏引黄灌区节水农业技术模式研究
18.The application of water harvesting and water-saving irrigation technique on hills and uplands丘陵山地集雨和节水灌溉技术的应用

water saving technology节水技术
1.Study on rice water saving technology of irrigation;水稻控灌节水技术适宜控制方法的探讨
2.Present situation of the urban water resources and the water saving technology;我国城市水资源与节水技术现状
3)water-saving technique节水技术
1.Report of applying of main water-saving technique of rice in Ningxia;宁夏水稻主要节水技术应用情况报告
2.The relationship between clean production,water-saving techniques in leather making and the sustainable development of leather industry were discussed.分析了我国水资源和制革废水污染及治理的现状,以及制革清洁生产和节水技术与皮革工业可持续发展的重要关系。
4)water saving technique节水技术
1.The water resource developing and utilization,the water saving technique and the improving measures were discussed with comparison of water consumption index of thermal power plants in domestic and abroad.介绍了中国华电集团公司火力发电厂水资源利用和水务管理情况,对照比较国内外火电厂的耗水指标,探讨了水资源的开发利用和电厂节水技术、改进措施等。
5)water-saving technologies节水技术
1.The main water-used equipments and water-saving technologies thereof in automobile coatings are introduced.介绍了汽车涂装的主要用水设备及其节水技术
2.Application of water-saving technologies ensures sandy plantation recovery quickly and stably.节水技术的应用是沙区植被快速、稳定恢复的保障。
6)new water saving technology节水新技术
1.Through analysis of present industrial water-saving ways the urgency to promote new water saving technology is elaborated to resolve the shortage of water.从工业节水途径的分析讨论,说明要缓解用水紧张的矛盾需要通过推广节水新技术,增加节水资金等措施来实现。

RP技术和基于RP技术的RT技术摘要:介绍了快速成形技术的原理和几种典型成形方法。同时,还介绍了基于快速成形技术的快速模具技术在模具制造业中的应用,以及快速成形技术的现状和发展趋势。 关键词:快速成形;快速模具;直接快速制模;间接快速制模。引言 快速成形(Rapid Prototyping , RP.)技术,也叫快速原型技术,20世纪80年代后期起源于美国。该技术是一种集计算机辅助设计、机械、数控、检测、激光技术和材料学等为一体的先进制造技术。传统的制造方法是基于材料去除的概念,而 RP 技术突破了这种工艺方法,它是一种“使材料生长”的制造过程,是一种全新的制造技术,所以被誉为是近20年来制造技术领域的一项重大突破。RP技术 1、原理 RP 技术是基于离散/堆积的原理。在计算机的控制下快速成型机的成形头选择性地固化一层层的液体材料(或选择性的切割一层层的纸、烧结一层层的粉末材料、喷涂一层层的热熔性材料等),形成各个截面轮廓并逐步顺序叠加成三维工件实体。其工艺步骤为: (1)切片 把三维CAD模型转化为快速原型系统能够接受的数据格式,运用切片软件将模型切成一系列指定厚度的薄片。 (2)扫描 通过数控装置控制激光或其他作业装置,在当前工作层上扫描出切片的截面形状。 (3)进给 把工作台沿着某一方向下降每次成形厚度那样一个距离。重复上一步骤和本步骤,直到工件完全成形。 (4)后处理 根据不同应用场合的需要,分别对零件进行后固化、上漆、烧结、渗铜等处理。 2、类型 目前RP的方法有几十种,但商品化较好的主要有:光固化立体成形(Stereo Lithogra- phy Apparatus, SLA)、分层实体制造(Laminated Objected Manufacturing ,LOM)、选择性激光烧结(Selected Laser Sintering , SLS)、熔融沉积造型(Fused Deposition Modeling , FDM)、三维印刷(Three Dimensional Printing , TDP)等。另外,很有潜力的激光气相沉积(Laser Vapor Deposition , LVP)法正在试验之中。 (1)SLA SLA法是出现最早,技术最成熟和应用最广泛的RP 技术,由美国的3D Systems 公司推出。SLA法是用激光束按照截面轮廓的形状,沿液态光敏树脂的表面进行扫描来固化光敏树脂,从而成形工件。工件的表面质量较好,尺寸精度较高(相对于其他RP 方法),可确保工件的尺寸精度在0.1mm以内,但树脂会因吸收空气中的水分而收缩、弯曲、卷翘,产生应力,适合成形中小型工件。