良性循环,virtuous circle
1)virtuous circle良性循环
1.Position floating——the best tactics in the realization of a virtuous circle among librarians;岗位流动——实现图书馆馆员良性循环的最佳策略
2.At last, according to what one has gained from teaching practice, the author discussed how to improve the level of foreign teaching and bring about virtuous circle of teaching.最后就个人在教学实践中的一些心得体会,讨论了如何提高外语教学的水平,促进教学的良性循环
3.It is founded on people that this science development concept and has embodied with together rich unification, the unification that has embodied assurance economic law and natural law has embodied the unification of 4 virtuous circles, has embodied the unification of quantity and the quality of econom.这一科学发展 观体现了以人为本和共同富裕的统一,体现了把握经济规律和自然规律的统一,体现了四个良性循环的统一,体现了经济发展的 质和量的统一。

1.These two factors form a positive cycle.这二者形成了良性循环
2.Treatment and Recycling of Effluents in Sewage Treatment Plant污水处理回用到循环水场的良性循环
3.Water is the core of a healthy ecosystem.水是维持生态系统良性循环的根本。
4.Analyze on the Benign Circulation between the Ecological Consumption and the Ecological Technology;浅析生态消费与生态技术的良性循环
5.The Economics Analysis and Solution to the Problems in the Issuing of and Application for National Student Loans;国家助学贷款:制约因素与良性循环
6.Research on Xuzhou s Economic Virtuous Cycle;对经济良性循环的研究——以徐州为例
7.Action Research Helps Promote the Healthy Interaction of Teaching and Learning;以行动研究法促进教与学的良性循环
8.The Fine Circulation Pattern Between the Mass Media and Rural Development;大众传媒与农村发展的良性循环模式
9.To Build Good Circle System, to Enhance Teams and Groups Lonstruction;建立良性循环机制 提升班组建设水平
10.Studies on how to promote sound cycle of rural eco logy by utilizing resource properly;合理利用资源 促进农村生态良性循环
11.That might make a virtuous circle turn vicious.这样做可以使一个良性循环转变成恶性竞争。
12.Appraisal Targets Designing of Beneficial Cycle for Urban Economy Based on the Energy Theory;基于能值理论的城市经济良性循环评价体系设计——宜宾市经济良性循环评价的实证研究
13.They get more and more pleasure in the beneficial cycle and the quality of good study psyche is thus formed.并在良性循环中积淀、化为一种良性学习心理素质。
14.North Korea has a long way to go to fully recover its economy.朝鲜距全面复苏经济、实现良性循环尚任重道远。
15.The Study on the Complex Ecosystems Well-cycling and It's Regulation and Control Mechanism;复合生态系统良性循环及其调控机制研究
16.Start a Virtuous Cycle of State Student Loan with the Honesty Education;构建诚信教育机制 促进国家助学贷款良性循环
17.Technology Service and a Beneficial Cycle of the Combination of Production, Teaching and Scientific Research;技术服务与高职院校产学研结合良性循环
18.Sensitive Factors of Sport Ecology and Virtuous Circle of Sport System;体育生态的敏感因素与体育系统的良性循环

benign circulation良性循环
1.China s sustainable agriculture should be not only based on the agriculture modernization but also realize benign circulation of the eco-economic system.讨论了 2 1世纪中国农业可持续发展的目标、内涵及相应的技术体系 ,提出中国的可持续农业应是在实现农业现代化的同时实现生态经济系统的良性循环 ,也就是说必须建立在生态合理的基础
2.This paper analyzes on the interactive relation between the ecological consumption and the ecological technology, and advances the suggestion on establishing the benign circulation mechanism between the ecological consumption and the ecological technology.分析了生态消费和生态技术的互动关系,提出了建立生态消费与生态技术的良性循环机制的建议。
3)virtuous cycle良性循环
1.The authors hold that ecology is one of the bases for legislation in circular economy and hereby explains the theoretic framework of the basic law of circular economy, the target orientations of virtuous cycle of the two ecosystems based on accretion, bionics and resuscitation, and innovation of relevant legal systems in terms of ecology.本文探索循环经济与生态系统的关系,明确生态学为循环经济立法的理论依据之一,据此阐述循环经济基本法的理论构架,以共生、仿生、复生作为两种生态系统良性循环的目标定位以及相关的生态法律制度创新。
4)Positive cycle良性循环
5)benign circle良性循环
1.The fundamental guarantee of the benign circle ofcredit relationship:to establish and perfect the risk management system of enterprise s financial leasing;银企信用关系良性循环的根本保证
2.Due to the change of medical model, disease spectrum and age structure of population, community health service and medical insurance should cooperate, and gradually form an economic benign circle in order to provide primary care timely and control health expenditure effectively.随着医学模式、疾病谱和人口年龄结构的改变,为了保证城镇职工的基本医疗和有效控制卫生费用,必须使社区卫生服务与医疗保险协调发展,优势互补,形成两者的良性循环
3.This paper continues the research of method for discovering knowledge with "increase" or "decrease" properties and "circle" properties(benign circle or vicious circle) in data stream that its unit is relation.继续研究在以关系为单位的数据流中发现"增加"、"减少"等增减型知识以及"良性循环"、"恶性循环"等循环型知识的方法。
6)good water circulation良性水循环
1.A new-type good water circulation mode used in a residential area in Binhai New Area is introduced.以滨海新区某住宅区为例,介绍了一种新型的良性水循环模式。

良性循环带来收益递增 定律良性循环带来收益递增。互联网的发展带来了许多新兴行业的%26#8220;收益递增%26#8221;,例如做网上书店的Amazon和做网上拍卖的eBay。而且,互联网本身的发展也是一个%26#8220;收益递增%26#8221;的过程,也是在一个良性循环下形成的。由于有不断增长的互联网用户群,才造成足够的经济理由去开创更多的网上内容和服务;由于有不断增加的内容和网上服务,才造成足够的经济理由去投资建设基础设施,使得带宽更大,速度更快:因为有了更多的带宽,所以有了更多的上网设备。