品种筛选,variety screening
1)variety screening品种筛选

1.Study on Screening Methods and Threatening Pressure of Maize Varieties to Low Nitrogen Tolerance;低氮高效型玉米品种筛选及筛选方法研究
2.Screening Test of Pollinating Varieties for Hardy Early-maturing Variety of Pear18抗寒早熟梨18号授粉品种筛选试验
3.Study on Variety Selection and Distribution of Characteristic Flue-cured Tobacco in Linyi;临沂特色烤烟品种筛选及其布局研究
4.Tobacco-filled Variety Selection and Study on Fertilization Technology填充型烟叶品种筛选及施肥技术研究
5.Selection of Rice Varieties with Low Absorption and Accumulation of Cd and PbCd、Pb低吸收积累水稻品种筛选研究
6.Variety Selection of Purple Alfalfa in Miyun County,Beijing北京市密云县紫花苜蓿品种筛选研究
7.The development of burley tobacco varity with low TSNA content白肋烟低TSNA含量的品种筛选初探
8.Study on the Rice Variety Screening Suitable for Mechanized-transplanting Cultivation适宜机插秧栽培的水稻品种筛选研究
9.Growth Analysis for Introduced Poplar and Selection for Preferential Cultivers in Changbai Mountain Area;长白山山地引种杨树生长分析及适宜品种筛选
10.Cultivars Selection of Off-Seasonal Tomato in Lujiang Valley潞江坝反季种植番茄耐贮运优良品种筛选
11.Screening of Low Phosphorus Tolerant Cottons with Fusarium and Verticillium Wilts Resistance at Seedling Stage棉花抗枯黄萎病品种耐低磷种质筛选
12.The Classification, Selection and Hereditary Background Analysis of Hemerocallis Varieties;萱草品种分类、筛选及部分品种遗传背景分析
13.Breeding Rice Cultivars with Low Accumulation of Cadmium:Cultivars Versus Types低镉累积水稻品种的筛选方法研究——品种与类型
14.Studies on Screening of High Potassium Efficient Wheat Varieties in Huang-Huai Wheat Growing Region;黄淮麦区钾高效小麦品种的筛选研究
15.Studies on Screening of Salt-tolerance Assessment Indexes and Its Comprehensive Evaluation of Tobacco Varieties烟草品种耐盐性指标筛选及综合评价
16.Selection of Drought-resistant Rice Variety(Lines) in Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省抗旱水稻品种(系)的筛选
17.Low Temperature under the Adversity of Greenhouse Eggplant Varieties for the Screening低温逆境下温室茄子专用品种的筛选
18.Screening of suitable stocks of "Beibinghong"--a new variety of Vitis Amurensis Rupr.“北冰红”山葡萄新品种适宜砧木的筛选

Variety selection品种筛选
3)cultivar screening品种筛选
4)cultivar selection品种筛选
1.Experiment of cultivar selection was conducted in the arid-hot valley of Baoshan from 2000 to 2001.2000~2001年,在云南保山市潞江坝干热河谷区进行了番茄耐贮运优良品种筛选实验,结果表明:西农106、台湾365产量最高,耐贮运,抗逆性强,商品性最好,适于在当地进行示范推广。
1.Study on Selection and Propagation of Fine Malus Cultivars in Shenyang Area;沈阳地区优良海棠品种筛选及繁育的研究
6)Select varieties筛选品种

1、工作原理:本机座平面上有一个主动轴和四个从动轴托起筛箱,转动的曲轴带动筛箱作回转运动。形成多方位的贯力。使物料在筛网面上翻滚,移动。在每层网架与流料板之间装有网孔式托板及弹球,避免网孔堵塞。筛箱内的网架及流料板与平面相对为斜面,引导筛选物料移动方向,使粗、细物料自动流入下层网面或自动排出。2、机器特点:1、单机/小时处理量大,20目-40目,每小时可筛分15吨-20吨;2、筛网使用寿命长;3、筛分灵活方便,可同时筛分4种目数,也可以一种目数4次同时筛分; 4、密封性能好,噪音低、省工、省时;大连德宝力机械制造有限公司联系地址:大连甘井子区华北路293号邮  编:116037电  话:0411-65788036563627传  真:0411-6578803