悬移质泥沙,suspended sediment
1)suspended sediment悬移质泥沙
1.Research on the suspended sediment simulating method in typical reach;典型河段悬移质泥沙模拟方法研究
2.Two-phase turbulent flow model for suspended sediment motion;基于两相紊流模型的悬移质泥沙运动数值模拟
3.Relationships between suspended sediment size,water discharge and sediment concentration at Datong Gauging Station of Yangtze River;长江入海悬移质泥沙粒度与流量、含沙量的关系

1.Code for measurement of suspended sediment in open channels河流悬移质泥沙测验规范
2.Reform of suspended sediment measuring mode in Guangxi广西悬移质泥沙测验模式改革思路探讨
3.The Hydraulics Research and Structure Design for the AYX2-1 Pressure Adjusted Suspended Sediment Sampler (300kg);AYX2-1型调压式悬移质泥沙采样器(300Kg)器体水力学研究与结构设计
4.A Two-phase Turbulent Flow Model for Suspended Sediment Transport under Waves;基于固液两相紊流理论的近岸悬移质泥沙运动数值研究
5.The Simulation of Dredged Sediment Transport and Diffusion on Marine Dumping Ground;海洋倾倒区抛卸疏浚泥悬沙输移扩散模拟研究
6.Numerical simulation of the dispersion and transportation of suspended sediment from dredged soil matter疏浚土倾倒后悬浮泥沙扩散输移的数值模拟
7.Controlling experiments for dynamic mechanisms of suspended transport of SPM introduced from the Yellow River to the Bohai Sea黄河入海泥沙悬移输送机制的控制试验
8.MODIS images monitoring short-period variation of estuary surface water suspended sediment concentrationMODIS监测河口水体悬浮泥沙质量浓度的短期变异
9.Effect of suspend sediment on bottom sediment quality in port area of Dalian Bay海港工程悬浮泥沙对大连湾底质的影响
10.Validity verification of methods for determining bedload grain size distribution推移质泥沙级配确定方法的试验检验
11.Primary Research on the Control of Directional Move of the Sediment on the Silt Coast;粉沙质海岸泥沙定向运移控制初步研究
12.Verification on formulas of bed-load sediment transport rate at the upstream of Yangtze River长江上游推移质泥沙输沙率公式的检验
13.Study on the Suspended Sediment Transportation and Seabed Erosion and Deposition Surrounding Huanghua Harbor;黄骅港周边海域悬浮泥沙运移和海底蚀淤变化规律研究
15.Analysis of Sediment Discharge Evolution of Suspended Load in Dongtinghu Region in Dry Season洞庭湖区枯水季节河流悬移质输沙量演变分析
16.Further Studies on Methods of Hydrograph Forecasting of Sediment Concentration for Sediment-Laden River;多沙河流河段悬移质含沙量过程预报方法的再探讨
17.Bed Load Movement Theoretical Model and the Movement Process Calculation推移质泥沙运动理论模型及运动过程计算
18.Gilbert speculates that the reason for this increase of transport rate is the reduction of friction losses by the presence of fine suspended material in the flow.吉尔勃特认为输沙率增加的理由,是水流中存在的细悬移泥沙将减少阻力损失。

suspended load悬移质泥沙
1.Study on calculation method about exchanging between suspended load and bed load in the lower reaches of the Yellow River;黄河下游河道悬移质泥沙与床沙交换计算研究
3)suspended sediment transport悬移质泥沙运动
1.Numerical study on suspended sediment transport in oscillatory flows;往复流作用下悬移质泥沙运动规律的数值研究
4)suspend sediment particles悬移质泥沙粒径
5)suspended load悬移质 (河流中的泥沙)
6)transportation of suspended-load悬移质输沙

悬移质泥沙悬移质泥沙suspended load xL」o{、y一zh一‘1一sh〔-悬移质泥沙(Suspended load)在水流中悬浮运动的泥沙。悬移质多为细沙和勃土颗粒.是河流输沙量的主要部分,它常给水利水电工程带来一系列问题,如水库淤积、河道演变、引水渠首及渠系的淤积等。 研究悬移质沿垂线分布问题目前有两种理论, 即扩散理论与重力理论。按照泥沙相对粗细及 来源不同悬移质又分为床沙质与冲泻质。 扩散理论与重力理论扩散理论认为.泥 沙能被悬浮并远距离输送,主要受水流的紊动 扩散作用。由床面的剪切作用产生的紊动漩涡 在向主流区上升时,能将含沙量较高的下层水 流输送到含沙量较低的上层水流中。同时,泥 沙由于重力作用而下沉.在两者共同作用下, 泥沙以一定的分布形式在水流中悬浮.并能 远距离输送。重力理论的主要概念是为使悬 移质泥沙在水流中不下沉.水流要付出一部 分能量以保持泥沙悬浮,即水流要付出悬浮 功。根据能量平衡原理,推导出悬沙沿水深分 布规律。 悬移质含沙量的垂线分布悬移质沿垂 线分布是不均匀的,通常接近床面处的含沙 量最大,水面附近含沙量最小,其分布可用扩 散理论导出的下列方程表示S,{h一v、a下犷一}—入丁-J。、yh一 式中h为水深;S,,S。分别为距床面距离为y和 。处的含沙量;2一豢;田为泥沙沉速;‘为卡 门常数;“.为剪力流速。在通常流速条件「,细 颗粒泥沙Z值小,下层水流的含沙量远大于_l几 层水流。 床沙质与冲泻质悬移质粒径是不均匀 的,其中较粗的部分在床沙组成中大量存在,式水轮机称为床沙质,较细的部分是床沙中少见的·称 为冲泻质(或分别称作造床质与非造床质)。两者间既 相区别又相联系,其界限与水流强度有关。划分床沙质 与冲泻质在建立悬移质挟沙能力公式方面有重要意 义。因水流中的冲泻质含量决定于河流卜游的补给条 件,和水流条件无密切关系。水流中的床沙质含量则和 水流条件、床沙组成存在较好的力学关系。[J前常采用 的划分床沙质与冲泻质的方法是取床沙级配曲线1几相 应于5%一10%的粒径,作为界限粒径。