干燥速度,drying speed
1)drying speed干燥速度
1.A study on improving drying speed of starch adhesive;改进淀粉粘合剂干燥速度探讨
2.The change of drying speed is the macroscopical expression of matter transfer during sludge drying process,which can reflect microcosmis kinetics of heat and matter transfer.污泥的干燥速度变化是干燥过程中水分运动的宏观表现,对内部微观的传热传质动力学机制有重要揭示。

2.Test and regression model on critical moisture content of carrot and drying rate during the stage of constant rate by vacuum microwave drying真空微波干燥胡萝卜的恒速干燥速度及临界含水量的实验和回归模型
3.Characteristics: The paint film made from this kind of resin is quick-drying, hard and hright, aslo resistant to water.特点:用本树脂制得的漆膜干燥速度,漆膜坚硬,抗水,耐久,光亮.
4.Effect of Technical Parameters on Drying Rate and Energy Consumption of Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) Drying工艺参数对电流体动力学干燥速度与能耗的影响
5.Process speed to dry ink is improved with the combination of an IR lamp(near infrared)and a hot air blower (far infrared).由于采取ir(近红外线)和热风(远红外线)相结合的有力措施,提高油墨的干燥速度
6.The rapid determination of purity of dried vinyl chloride only by one injection一次进样快速测定干燥后氯乙烯纯度
7.To preserve(food, for example) by rapid freezing and drying in a high vacuum.使冷冻干燥通过在高度真空状态下迅速冷冻并干燥来保存(如食物)
8.Effect of Air Flow Rate and Air Temperature on Wood Drying Rate;空气流速和温度对木材干燥速率的影响
9.The Effect of Hot Air on Paddy Drying and Germinating Rate;热风温度对种子稻谷干燥速率与发芽率的影响
10.falling rate period of drying干燥速率渐减[阶段]
11.high speed rotating dish spray drier高速转盘喷雾干燥机
12.far ultrared-ray fast drying box远红外线快速干燥箱
13.Influence of Vacuum Medium Condition on Drying Rate and Drying Defect真空介质条件对木材干燥速率及缺陷程度的影响
14.drying air temperature control干燥用空气温度调节器
15.high-velocity superheated-steam kiln高速过热蒸气快速干燥窑
16.Apply just a dab for prompt relief of dry, chapped hands. Concentrated to instantly leave dry hands noticeably softer and smoother.取少量用于双手,高浓度有效配方快速地修复干燥干裂的皮肤,明显改善皮肤外观和感觉。
17.There are a lot of factors that affect the quality, such as protective agent, freezing temperature, freezing rate, freeze - drying conditions.影响冻干角膜效果的因素涉及方方面面,诸如保护剂系统,预冻温度,降温速率,冷冻干燥条件等。
18.Analysis of optimized wheel rotation speed of composite desiccant based on silica gel硅胶基复合干燥剂转轮最优转速分析

drying rate干燥速度
1.The impact of hot-air drying parameters on drying rate and quality of scallops;热风干燥参数对扇贝柱干燥速度及品质的影响
2.The results indicate that the high voltage electric field can improve the drying rate of yundou beans significantly,at the sam.研究结果表明,高压电场能够提高芸豆角的干燥速度
3.Different drying method could lead to distinct hay quality,this is because different drying method could result in distinct drying rate and hay nutrient value.干燥方法是决定干草质量的重要因素之一,不同的干燥方法调制的干草质量差异很大,这主要是由于不同的干燥方法牧草的干燥速度及营养物质损失不同所引起的。
3)drying velocity干燥速度
1.By use of the quadratic rotary unitized design method in regression analysis, the relationship between drying velocity, unit energy consumption and operation parameters has been studied, and the relevant mathematic expressions during drying process, taking kaoliang crop as an example, have also been established for the first time.利用回归分析中的二次通用旋转组合设计方法进行了干燥速度、单位能耗与其各操作参数之间关系的研究。
4)constant drying rate恒速干燥速度
1.The result showed,the microwave power from 300W to 500W,constant drying rate increased 87.为探索出不同真空微波干燥条件对胡萝卜恒速干燥速度和临界含水量的影响,选取微波功率Q、负载量M、切片厚度δ等因素,范围分别在300~500W、80~140g、4~8mm,以临界含水量和恒速干燥速度为目标在0·08MPa真空条件下进行实验。
5)highly intense rapid drying高强度快速干燥
6)Drying-rate curves干燥速度曲线

活性污泥干燥工艺及成套干燥设备一、.工艺特点该干燥工艺是针对高水份污泥(大于65%,小于85%)的干燥特点而设计的,干燥时,物料容易粘结成团,因而采用搅拌气流干燥机进行作业,搅拌气流干燥机采用强力打击剪切,破碎,抛撒的方式,将粘结而成的团块破碎成微粒,增大物料与空气进行湿热交换的面积,使干燥有效地进行,提高干燥效率.本工艺要求处理量大,物料终水份要求不高,因而采用二级搅拌气流干燥机串联作业以满足干燥要求.配以直火式热风炉的热源,该热风炉热效率达90%以上,热风温度达900`C,有条件时还可将锅炉尾气引入进一步降低能耗. 该成套设备可用于造纸厂,制革厂,食品厂等活性污泥的干燥;酿造厂,豆制品厂.淀粉加工厂等渣物料的干燥;养鸡厂,养猪厂等粪便物料的干燥.二、工作原理  物料由加料机加入搅拌干燥机后,受到同速转向相向的打板的打击,剪切,抛散,成雾状弥漫于整个干燥器内,与热风炉进来的热空气进行强烈的湿热交换,强化干燥.由于打板的打击.剪切,使物料难以粘结成团形成外焦内湿的小球,并使物料的表面和表面积不断地变化,从而顺利地进行干燥.当物料干燥到一定程度后,物料被气流夹带进入二级搅拌气流干燥机中进行进一步干燥,最后由旋风分离器分离.三,主要技术经济指标  处理量:6.25t/h  物料初水份:<85%  终水份:<40%  水份蒸发量:4.48T/H  装机功率:85KW  煤耗:700KG/小时  占地面积:10*20(M)  操作人数:7人四,主要设备  1.加料机2台  2.直热式热风炉2台  3.搅拌气流干燥机2台  4.旋风分离器2台5.引风机1台