咸水灌溉,saline water irrigation
1)saline water irrigation咸水灌溉
1.On the basis of crop-water-salt production function and water-salt transport model,the maximum yield per unite area is taken as the target function to establish the model for saline water irrigation scheduling.本文在作物水盐生产函数和农田水盐动态模型基础上,以单位面积纯收益最大为目标函数提出了制定咸水灌溉制度的模型。
2.0 model was introduced systematically, and dynamic variation of environmental factors, crop growth and yield with light saline water irrigation were predicted.0模型 ,预测了微咸水灌溉对土壤水盐动态、作物生长及产量等环境因子的动态变化 ,试验地点为内蒙古河套灌区红卫田间试验区 ,引用黄河水和高矿化度地下水混合进行灌溉。
3.Based on field experiments of the saline water irrigation which have been conducted in the Hongwei Water Saving Demonstration Plot in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, SWAP(Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant) model developed by Wageningen Agricultural College was used as an analyzing tool.以内蒙古河套灌区红卫节水示范园的咸水灌溉试验为基础,以荷兰Wageningen农业大学等单位开发的土壤—水分—大气—作物系统模拟软件SWAP为工具,应用示范园的土壤、水、盐分试验资料对模型的参数进行了率定和验证。

1.Research on Slight Saline Water Irrigation Modes in Hetao Irrigation Area河套灌区区域微咸水灌溉模式的研究
2.Irrigation technique of saline water and regulation and control method of soil water and salt微咸水灌溉技术与土壤水盐调控方法
3.Study on the Irrigation Technique of Slight Saline Water in NingXia Diversion Yellow River Irrigation Area;宁夏引黄灌区微咸水灌溉技术试验研究
4.Saline Water Irrigation Management Practices for Spring Corn in the Yellow River Irrigation District of Ningxia宁夏引黄灌区春玉米微咸水灌溉管理模式研究
5.Effects of brackish water irrigation on soil and crop under different groundwater depths地下水作用下微咸水灌溉对土壤及作物的影响
7.Prediction and Research of Soil Environment Effect Under Light-Saline Water Irrigation.微咸水灌溉对土壤环境效应的预测研究
8.Water and Salt Movement in Soil of Takelamakan Desert Irrigated with Saline Water;咸水灌溉条件下塔克拉玛干沙漠土壤的水盐运移规律
9.Experiment of the changes water and salt in soil irrigated with salt water by different intervals in takla makan desert;塔克拉玛干沙漠咸水灌溉不同周期土壤水盐变化研究
10.Salt balance and movement of Tarim Desert Highway Shelterbelt irrigated by saline water咸水灌溉下塔里木沙漠公路防护林盐分平衡及盐分运移
11.Experimental Research on the Effect of Saline Water Irrigation in China on Crop Growth and Yield我国咸水灌溉对作物生长及产量影响研究进展与展望
12.Experimental Research on Cotton Irrigation Schetual of Under-Film Drip Rotatting Irrigation with Saline Water and Fresh Water;棉花膜下滴灌咸淡水轮灌灌溉制度试验研究
13.Study on the Irrigation of Summer Maize with Underground Brackish Water from Different Buried Depths不同埋深地下微咸水用于夏玉米灌溉研究
14.Effects of deficit irrigation with brackish water on soil water-salt distribution and winter wheat yield微咸水非充分灌溉对土壤水盐分布与冬小麦产量的影响
15.Effects of long-term irrigation with brackish groundwater on soil microbial biomass in cotton field in arid oasis干旱绿洲长期微咸地下水灌溉对棉田土壤微生物量影响
16.Study of Model Experiment Using Modifier and Long-term Bedding Brackish Water Irrigation on Fluvo-aquic Soil潮土施用改良剂与长期灌溉微咸水模拟试验研究
17.China s Irrigation Management and Participatory Management;中国灌溉管理与用水户参与灌溉管理
18.a ditch to carry extra irrigation water排出剩余灌溉水的水沟

brackish water irrigation咸水灌溉
1.Effects of brackish water irrigation on growth and distribution of salty ions in different organs of melon under sand culture;咸水灌溉对砂培甜瓜各器官生长和盐离子分布的影响
2.In order to evaluate the effects of brackish water irrigation on musk melon cultivated on sand condition.为了研究沙化地温室甜瓜咸水灌溉是否可行,试验选用‘优选早蜜’甜瓜进行温室砂培,分四个不同生育时期用四个不同质量浓度咸水对其进行灌溉,即采用二因素四水平随机区组设计,分别从甜瓜的生长发育;叶片的膜脂过氧化及保护酶活性;果实的产量和品质;离子的吸收、分布和运输等多方面探讨了甜瓜在不同生育期对不同浓度模拟咸水的适应性。
3)Irrigation with saline water咸水灌溉
1.Effects of irrigation with saline water on soil salinity and crop yield;微咸水灌溉对土壤盐分和作物产量影响研究
4)brackish water irrigation微咸水灌溉
1.Study on effect of brackish water irrigation on groundwater environment in arid area;干旱区微咸水灌溉对地下水环境影响的研究
2.Prediction of water-soil environment effect under brackish water irrigation in arid area;干旱区微咸水灌溉的水-土环境效应预测研究
5)light saline water irrigation微咸水灌溉
1.the filed experiment of slight saline water irrigation was carried out, and the influence of slight saline water concentration and rotation irrigation of fresh water and slight saline water on the crop growth and yield was analyzed based on the review of research results of slight saline water irrigation.在结合国内外微咸水灌溉试验成果的基础之上,利用大田微咸水灌溉试验,分析了微咸水矿化度和咸淡轮灌次序对作物生长和产量的影响,研究结果表明小麦的产量随灌水矿化度的增加而减少,不同轮灌次序的咸淡轮灌试验结果表明,采用咸淡轮灌产量的大小次序为淡淡咸>咸淡咸>淡咸咸。
2.But the soil still was belongs to the light salinity, and the light saline water irrigation couldn′t affect the soil water environment significantly.利用识别后的SWAP模型,探讨了微咸水灌溉条件下土壤水盐及其均衡要素的转化关系和土壤的积盐趋势预测。
6)saline water irrigation微咸水灌溉
1.Slight saline water irrigation systems for winter wheat;冬小麦微咸水灌溉制度的研究
2.The SWAP model was calibrated and validated with the collected experimental data,and the model was applied to evaluate the saline water irrigation scheduling for the experimental year and different hydrological years.根据宁夏引黄灌区春玉米微咸水灌溉试验的数据结果,应用SWAP模型在田间尺度上对微咸水灌溉条件下春玉米田间土壤水盐运移规律和灌溉制度进行模拟,对拟定的各种灌溉方案进行评价。

咸水灌溉  利用矿化度大于2g/L的咸水灌溉农田使作物得以生长发育的技术措施。在淡水资源短缺的干旱、半干旱地区,为了抗旱增产,许多国家,如突尼斯、意大利、美国、苏联等国,都有咸水灌溉的实践;中东,特别是北非一些国家在具有良好排水和淋洗条件的砂壤土上,用3~8g/L的咸水进行灌溉;有的国家还用稀释的海水灌溉。中国陕西、甘肃、河南、河北、宁夏等省、自治区,也有利用咸水灌溉的经验。    咸水灌溉的主要作用,是增加土壤含水量,稀释土壤溶液浓度,使作物能够生长发育。干旱季节土壤含水量减少,尤其在盐渍化的土地上,随着土壤含水量减少,土壤溶液浓度易于增高,作物吸收困难,根系因失水而死亡。灌咸水后,不仅增加了土壤水分,而且由于咸水的浓度相对较低,降低了土壤溶液浓度,形成了适于作物吸收水分和养分的条件,因而有明显的增产效益。    合理利用咸水灌溉的技术措施主要有:①要有排水条件,以免因灌咸水而引起土壤积盐。可利用雨季降雨或有淡水灌溉时,通过淋洗将盐分排出,使土壤周年不积盐;或在干旱年积盐,平水年及湿润年脱盐。②严格掌握水质标准。一般pH值为7~8,阴离子以硫酸根为主,阳离子中的钠不超过60%,矿化度一般不超过5g/L。③尽量减少灌水次数,宜在作物拔节以后,浇一二次关键水,且灌水定额不宜过大。④有淡水的地方,要咸淡轮灌或咸淡混灌,利用淡水洗盐。⑤加强农业措施,如平整土地,防止灌后局部高地返盐;增施有机肥,培肥地力,抑制返盐;灌后及时中耕锄土,减少土壤蒸发返盐;选种耐盐作物等。⑥若引起长时间连续积盐,应适当休闲,种植牧草,利用伏雨淋洗,或秋冬引淡水冲洗,脱盐后再改种一般作物。    利用浅层地下咸水灌溉,还能降低地下水位,腾出地下调蓄库容,更有利于蓄纳雨水与非灌溉期的地表水,防治渍涝与盐碱灾害,促进地下水淡化。