1.Analysis of prestressed pier and steel anchor block by contact nonlinear finite element analysis;预应力闸墩与钢锚块接触非线性有限元分析
2.Treatment for cracks on piers of the spillway at Hongmen hydropower station;洪门水电站溢洪道闸墩裂缝处理
3.Study on the anchorage forms of prestressed pier;预应力闸墩锚固形式研究

1.Effect of United Casting Height of Gate Pier and Bottom Plate on Gate Pier Crack Control闸墩与底板连浇高度对闸墩防裂效果的影响
2.Piers and Bottom Board Temperature Control Design of Gate Piers and Bottom Board of Spillway Water Gates for Yanshan Reservoir燕山水库溢洪道水闸闸墩和闸底板温控设计
3.Application on Disposing of Settlement Joint of Pier with Chemical Grouting in Shaping Water Gate化学灌浆在沙坪水闸闸墩沉降缝处理中的应用
4.Construction Temperature Observation and Back Analysis of Pier-wall C25 Concrete for Caojie Sluice草街冲砂闸闸墩C25混凝土施工温度观测反分析
5.Study on model test for a large scale prestressed pier of a flood releasing and scouring sluice大型泄洪排沙闸预应力闸墩结构模型试验研究
6.Design of Pre-stressed Pier for Sluice Gate in Third Cascade of Baishuijiang Power Station白水江三级水电站泄洪闸预应力闸墩设计
7.Treatment of the cracks on the left pier of dam section No.49 of Yunfeng dam云峰大坝49号坝段左闸墩裂缝处理
8.Construction Scheme of Blast Engineering of a Flood Spillway Gate Urge某溢洪道闸墩爆破拆除工程施工方案
9.On the pier construction and the simulation analysis of the temperature field during maintenance闸墩施工及养护期间温度场仿真分析
10.Quantitative Analysis of the Main Factors of Vertical Concrete Cracks in Some Sluice Pier in the Northern Jiangsu Plain苏北平原某水闸闸墩混凝土开裂主导因素的定量分析
11.Study on Behaviour of Anchorage Zone of Tendon in Internal Prestressed Sluice Pier预应力闸墩体内锚束锚固区受力性能研究
12.Study on Mechanism of Formation and Control Method for Prevention from Concrete Crack Similar to Chinese Date Core in Sluice Piers闸墩“枣核形”裂缝成因机理和防裂方法研究
13.Study on Prestressed Pierworks of Zilandan Based on Finite Element Method;基于有限元方法的紫兰坝预应力闸墩分析研究
14.The Study of Prestressed Anchor Funicular Applied in Pier Works of Xiao Xia Hydroelectric Power Station;预应力锚索在小峡水电站闸墩中的应用研究
15.Forecast of Dam Pier s Ability to Get Across Ice Sheet and Study of Icebreaker Project;泄洪闸墩过冰能力预测与破冰方案研究
16.Simulation Change of Temperature and Stress Field Analysis in a Massive Concrete Sluice Pier;基于ANSYS的混凝土闸墩温度场及应力场仿真分析
17.Effect of Cooling Pipe Measure on Temperature Control and Anti-cracking of Concrete Pier混凝土闸墩施工期冷却水管温控防裂效果分析
18.Force State Investigation about Prestressed Pier model of Pushi River Pumped Storage Power Station蒲石河水库预应力闸墩模型受力状态研究

sluice pier闸墩
1.Effect of internal cooling pipes and external heat preservation on prevention from concrete cracking during construction of sluice pier;闸墩内部水管冷却和表面保温措施的抗裂作用研究
2.Model test for ice-force acting on sluice piers and ice-passing capacity;闸墩冰荷载及过冰能力的模型试验研究
3.An analysis of reinforcing projects for sluice piers of an overflow dam;某溢流坝闸墩除险加固方案分析
3)gate pier闸墩
1.Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the pre-stressed gate pier of the sluice in one water power station;某水电站泄洪闸预应力闸墩的三维有限元分析
2.Application of stick steel plate in gate pier reinforcement for Hemianshi HPP;粘钢在合面狮电站闸墩加固处理中的应用
3.Effects of pipe cooling on temperature of concrete gate pier structure;水管冷却对混凝土闸墩结构温度的影响
4)gate frusta闸墩
1.Analysis of effect of post-poured strip applying in cracks prevention of gate frusta;设置后浇带对闸墩结构的抗裂作用分析
2.With regard to the experience of pipe cooling method in concrete gate frusta in baisha reservoir spillway,the factors of effecting cooling efficacy are analyzed.施工期通冷却水可降低大体积混凝土早期水化热,是成熟的冷却方法,闸墩结构中应用较少。
3.With regards to the engineering practice of concrete gate frusta in Yangjialing Spillway, the mechanical properties of concrete gate frusta have been experimentally researched.结合杨家岭溢洪道闸墩实际工程,对以温度控制指标为主的闸墩混凝土相关力学性能进行了试验研究。
5)sluice pier水闸闸墩
1.Numerical simulation of temperature field and stress field of sluice piers;水闸闸墩温度场及应力场仿真分析
6)crack in pier闸墩裂缝

闸墩闸墩pier  zhadun闸墩(pier)多孔闸室中用于分隔闸孔和支承闸门、胸墙、桥梁等的墩式结构物,又称中墩。在一般情况下,闸墩既支承闸门,又支承胸墙和桥梁;为了减小弧形闸门的跨度,也可在闸孔中间另设门墩,但对过流及排放漂浮物十分不利,工程实践中很少采用。对平面闸门,墩侧设门槽;对弧形闸门,墩侧设牛腿,以支承闸门(见图1)。 ┌─────┐ │产汾气自鱼│ ┌─┬─┬──┼─┬─┬─┤ ┌───┐ │匕│匕│.日 │日│」│匕│ │州口 │┌─┼─┴─┴──┼─┴─┴─┤ │ ││ │ │ │ ├───┤├─┴──────┼─────┤ │一1」 ││ │ │ ┌────┐│ │└────────┴─────┘ │一地几·│├───┤ │闸槽 ││’{ │ ┌─┐ │ 二匕 │├───┤ │} │ │ 二二 ││rse一.│ │ │ │ 丁 │├───┤ │ │ │ ││1~lwe │ │ │ │ │├───┤ │ │ │ ││广, │ │ │ │ │└───┘ │ │ └────┘ └─┘ ┌───────────────┐ │‘卜‘J曰‘曰目曰山召‘‘盛J‘│ ├───────────────┤ │ │ └───────────────┘ 图l闸墩布置示意图 在工作闸门槽前一般应设检修门槽。为了改善进出流条件,墩头平面轮廓应平顺,多采用半圆形或其它曲线形。