非圆齿轮,noncircular gear
1)noncircular gear非圆齿轮
1.NC-hobbing system for noncircular gear based on CAN and embedded Linux system;基于CAN和嵌入式Linux的非圆齿轮数控滚切加工系统
2.Exploring NC hobbing of noncircular gears;非圆齿轮数控滚切加工方法的探索
3.The Pitch Module Design of Noncircular Gear CAD/CAM System Based on ObjectARX2004;基于ObjectARX2004的非圆齿轮CAD/CAM系统的节曲线模块设计

1.Establishment of Mathematical Model for Involute Tooth Profile of Noncircular Gears非圆齿轮渐开线齿廓数学模型的建立
2.The Research of Noncircular Gear CAD/CAM and Simulate Design;非圆齿轮CAD、CAM及仿真设计的研究
3.Design and Research on Hydraulic Non-Circular Gear Roof Bolt Driller;非圆齿轮式液压锚杆钻机的设计研究
4.Design of the Pitch-lines of Non-circular Gears Based on MATLAB;基于MATLAB的非圆齿轮节曲线设计
5.The Implementation of the Non-circle Gear Computer Aided System Based on AutoCAD VBA;用AutoCAD VBA开发非圆齿轮的设计系统
6.Study on Parametric Solid Modeling of Non-Circular Gear in SolidWorksSolidWorks中的非圆齿轮实体建模方法研究
7.B-spline curves based on non-circular gear pitch curve design基于B-spline曲线的非圆齿轮节曲线设计
8.The Graphic Simulation of Non-circular Gear Teeth Contour in Transplanting Mechanism;高速水稻插秧机中非圆齿轮齿廓的图形仿真
9.Analysis of Kinematic Principle of Transplanting Mechanism with Eccentric Gears and Non-circular Gears偏心齿轮-非圆齿轮行星系分插机构运动机理分析
10.The Research and Development of Noncircular Gear CAD/CAM System Based on ObjectARX2004;基于ObjectARX2004的非圆齿轮CAD/CAM系统的研究与开发
11.Research and Development of CAD/CAM System for Non-circular Gears Based on VB;基于VB的非圆齿轮CAD/CAM系统研究与开发
12.Research on Design Method, CAD and Applications of Pitch Curves of Non-circular Gears;非圆齿轮节曲线的设计方法、CAD及应用研究
13.A Vericut Based Machining Simulation System for Noncircular Gear Grinding Machine Tool基于VERICUT的非圆齿轮磨床加工仿真系统研究
14.Analytical Method for Computing and Adjusting Contact Ratio of Non-circular Gear Pairs基于啮合角函数的非圆齿轮重合度求解
15.The Kinematical Properties Analysis and Simulation of Differential Planet Non-circular Gear Mechanism非圆齿轮行星差速机构运动特性仿真分析
16.straight-cut gear直齿圆柱齿轮,正齿齿轮
17.ckyclindrical gears and gear pairs圆程齿轮和圆柱齿轮副
18.increment angle(圆锥齿轮)齿端角

Non-circular gear非圆齿轮
1.Study on mapping design method of non-circular gear;非圆齿轮的测绘设计方法研究
2.Conjugate non-circular gear of eccentric gear and its involute tooth profile;偏心齿轮的共轭非圆齿轮及其渐开线齿廓
3.Setting forth a method of utilizing chemicals to process non-circular gear.阐述了用化学蚀剂法加工非圆齿轮的方法。
3)non circular gear非圆齿轮
1.The shaping process of non circular gears consists of manufacturing of internal non-circular gears and dxternal non circular gears according to the curvature character of pitch curves of non circular gears.根据非圆齿轮节曲线曲率的凹凸特性 ,将一个非圆齿轮的插齿加工过程看作是对非圆内齿轮加工和外齿轮加工的两个过程 。
2.A non circular gear conjugated with an eccentric gear and its design are discussed here in the paper.讨论了与一个偏心的圆齿轮共轭的非圆齿轮及其传动设计的有关问题。
3.Based on it, the teeth profile model of the non circular gear with asymmetric teeth is obtained.建立了具有非对称齿形的共轭齿条的数学模型 ,利用非圆齿轮节曲线和共轭齿条节曲线相互纯滚动模型、以及齿轮与齿条的齿廓啮合方程 ,获得了非对称齿形的渐开线非圆齿轮齿廓曲线的数学模型。
4)noncircular gears非圆齿轮
1.Investigation of mathematical model for machining of externally meshed noncircular gears and characteristics of their undercut;外啮合非圆齿轮加工模型及根切特性研究
2.Design method of Pitch Curves for A Pair of Identical Noncircular Gears;一对相同非圆齿轮传动节曲线的设计方法
3.By means of a pair of noncircular gears the variable angular velocity ratio between the shaft and equivalent link can be realized.将微型飞轮安装在与往复式压缩机曲轴保持变速比的固定轴上,通过非圆齿轮传动实现轴与曲轴之间的变速比传动,不仅能完全消除曲轴的速度波动,而且能平衡输入扭矩的波动,减少飞轮自身质量和转动惯量。
5)non-circular gears非圆齿轮
1.Research on Design Method, CAD and Applications of Pitch Curves of Non-circular Gears;非圆齿轮节曲线的设计方法、CAD及应用研究
2.Using the planetary systems of non-circular gears or the compound of circular gears differential mechanism and non-circular gear mechanism, a certain kind of non-monotonic presentation function can be got.利用非圆齿轮行星系或圆齿轮差动机构和非圆齿轮机构的配合,可以再现一定种类的非单调函数。
3.Although non-circular gears have special transmission character in kinematics and geometry, but it were not used widely in industry.非圆齿轮在运动学、几何学等方面具有独特的传动特点,但其尚未得到较为广泛的应用,主要原因是设计和制造的困难。
6)CNC noncircular gearCNC非圆齿轮

传动:非圆齿轮传动传动中至少有一个齿轮的节曲面不是旋转曲面的齿轮传动。一对非圆齿轮嚙合传动时﹐其瞬时传动比按一定规律发生週期变化。图1 非圆齿轮 中两非圆齿轮1和2的节曲线分别为J 1和J 2﹐当两轮嚙合传动时﹐J 1和J 2作无滑动的纯滚动。其瞬时传动比为﹕i12= w1/ w2=r2/r1﹐式中w1和w2分别为两轮的瞬时角速度﹐r1和r2分别为两轮的瞬时向量半径。为了实现非圆齿轮传动﹐也就是保证两轮瞬心轨跡为纯滚动接触﹐必须满足下列两个条件﹕ (1)任何两个瞬时向量半径之和均应等於两轮的中心距a﹐即r1+r2=a﹔(2)节曲线J 2的长度必须是J 1的整数倍。非圆齿轮传动的类型很多﹐机械中常用的是椭圆齿轮传动(图2 椭圆齿轮 )﹐它的节曲线是一对大小相等的椭圆。在椭圆齿轮传动中﹐主动轮等速迴转时﹐从动轮角速度週期性地从最小变到最大﹐又从最大变到最小。此外也可用其他曲线作节曲线﹐如对数螺旋线和卵形曲线等。非圆齿轮传动在机床﹑印刷机﹑纺织机械和仪器中均有应用。