垄作,Ridge tillage
1)Ridge tillage垄作
1.Field observation about the influence of ridge tillage on the growth of rape in rainfed cropland;垄作对旱作农田油菜生长发育的影响研究
2.Combining conservation tillage and ridge tillage is a useful method to solve the problems of low-temperature, spring drought and wind erosion.把垄作技术与保护性耕作技术相结合,有可能解决东北高寒易旱区的低温、春旱、风蚀等问题。
3.Ridge tillage is a kind of soil and water conservation tillage used frequently in the rainfed farmland of sandy areas.垄作是沙区旱作农田常用的集水防风耕作技术。

1.Study on Ridge Tillage Treatments in the Ridge-zone垄作区几种保护性耕作种植模式研究
2.The Study on the Suitable Planting Mode for Winter Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) under Bed-planting Condition;冬小麦垄作适宜栽培模式筛选的研究
3.The 2BQLM-3(4) Type Ridge-till and No-tillage Ferti-seeder Spreader2BQLM-3(4)型垄作免耕播种施肥机
4.Research on Eco-physiological Effects of Integrative Ridge Cultivation Practice on Winter Wheat and Summer Maize;冬小麦、夏玉米一体化垄作生态生理效应研究
5.Preliminary Study on High Yield Formation of Rice for Ridge-cultivation in Southern of China;南方水稻垄作栽培高产形成的初步研究
6.Agro-forestry Technique of Slope Croplandin the Three Gorges Reservoir;三峡库区坡耕地粮经果复合垄作技术效益评价
7.Study on Key Parts and Holistic Device of the No-Till Planter of the Ridge Cropping System in Northeast Area of China东北垄作免耕播种机关键部件研究与整机设计
8.spade into alternate ridges and troughs, of soil.翻土作交错的垄或槽。
9.In Australia, a shallow soil is scraped into ridges on which trees are planted.在澳大利亚把表层土壤作垄,果树栽在垄上。
10.collusive oligopoly: Oligopoly where participants act as a cartel.勾结性垄断:参与并作为一个卡特尔行事的垄断行为。
11.From the Antitrust Cooperation Mode between Us-Eu to See the Prospective of International Antitrust Law;从美欧之间的反垄断合作模式看反垄断法全球化趋势
12.On Transfer of Undertakings as Regulated by the Anti-trust Law--Analysis of the Second Paragraph of Article 20 in the Anti-trust Law;作为反垄断法规制对象的营业转让——兼析《反垄断法》第20条第2项
13.On the Role of Private Litigation in Anti-monopoly Law;私人诉讼在反垄断法中的作用——兼评中国反垄断法草案
14.Nonfeasance of Anti-monopoly Law:A Case Study of the Airfare Price Hike垄断执法今何在——从“民航涨价案”看反垄断执法不作为
15.On the Role of the Anti-trust Law in the Public Enterprise Reform;论反垄断法在公用企业改革中的作用
16.The Impetus to the Operation of an Anti-monopoly Implementing Regime;论反垄断法实施体制运作的推动力量
17.The Copyright Collective Management system under Anti-monopoly law著作权集体管理制度的反垄断法规制

ridge culture垄作
1.Efeects of different ridge culture and mulch pattern on soil physico-chemical properties,water consumption feature and maize yield;不同垄作覆盖栽培对土壤理化性状耗水特性和玉米产量的影响
2.To research further function of maize by planting of ridge culture and straw mulch, the paper summarizes the influence of physical and chemical characteristics, the temperature and moisture of soil and the farm microclimate.为进一步深入探讨垄作覆盖栽培对玉米的作用,综述了垄作覆盖栽培栽培对土壤理化性质、温度、水分、田间小气候的影响,以及对玉米生长发育及产量的作用,垄作覆盖能改善土壤形状和田间小气候,促进玉米生长,增加玉米产量。
3.Aiming at the water resources waste of conventional flood irrigation,ridge culture combining with film mulching for spring wheat was applied in this paper.针对传统灌溉方式下大水漫灌所造成的水资源浪费,采用春小麦垄作结合地膜覆盖的方法,改传统耕作的大水漫灌为小水沟内侧渗灌,设置垄沟比例为2。
1.Effect of bed-planting on grain yield and quality of wheat;垄作栽培对小麦产量和品质的影响
2.Mechanism of yield formation and decrease of winter wheat yield in bed-planting in rain-fed areas;雨养旱作区垄作小麦减产原因初步分析
3.The effects of bed-planting system on the soil environment in the rhizosphere, photosynthetic characteristics of flag leaf, grain yield and quality of three kinds of gluten wheat were studied in Henan province during the period 2003~2005.2003~2005年,在大田试验条件下,选用三种不同筋力型小麦品种为材料,研究了垄作栽培对小麦根际土壤环境、旗叶光合特性及产量和品质的影响。
4)Bed Planting垄作
1.Analysis of use efficiencies of irrigation water, nitrogen fertilizer and solar energy for bed planting system in wheat;小麦垄作栽培的肥水效应及光能利用分析
2.Through the experiment of winter wheat on furrow planting and bed planting,the results showed that soil water of different irrigation treatments had fallen on 0~120 cm soil layer,the significant fall on 0~90 cm layer and the slight fall on 100~120 cm layer.通过冬小麦沟播和垄作试验,结果表明,沟播小麦不同灌水处理在0 12 0cm土壤层次中水分均呈下降趋势,0 90cm层次土壤水分下降幅度较大,而10 0 12 0cm层次下降幅度较小。
5)raised-bed planting垄作
1.Preliminary study on raised-bed planting for common wheat after rice in Sichuan basin;四川盆地稻茬麦垄作栽培技术研究初探
2.The paper summarizes the suitable types of crop raised-bed planting for different areas and the improvement of the soil system.综述了适宜不同类型区土地的垄作栽培模式,及垄作对土壤系统的改良、个体生长发育的促进和作物产量品质的提高等作用,并提出了需进一步研究的问题。
6)combing ridge and no-tillage垄作免耕
1.Influences of combing ridge and no-tillage on pore characteristics of soil aggregates in a rice-based cropping system;稻田垄作免耕对土壤的中小团聚体孔隙分布的影响
