生料,raw materials
1)raw materials生料
1.The processing technology of rice vinegar with saccharificated raw materials;生料糖化制米醋的加工方法
2.Calcination degree of cement raw materials;水泥生料易烧性实验研究
3.This study discussed the new technology which used raw materials to produce vinegar by enzymatice method.主要研究酶法生料制醋新工艺,以玉米为主要原料,采用生料液态酶法边糖化边酒精发酵,固态醋酸发酵生产食醋,每批投料糖化酶添加量3。

1.Fuel alcohol production technology with the fermentation of uncooked corn flour玉米生料发酵生产燃料乙醇工艺研究
3.ecological dyestuffs生态染料,环保型染料
4.biofuels and synfuels生物燃料和合成燃料
5.raw sienna,ie brownish-yellow生赭石(棕黄颜料).
6.PVP (Paint and Varnish Production)《涂料与油漆生产》
7.blanket processing再生区(燃料)处理
8.You're a natural businesswoman.你天生就是做生意的料。
9.waste matter produced by the manufacturing process生产过程中产生的废料.
10.Bingxisuan Rujiaoqi, waterproofing paint, resin coating, really Shiqi paint production sales.丙稀酸乳胶漆、水涂料、脂涂料、石漆涂料生产销售。
11.Study on Nanometre Plastic and Its Applications in Masterbatch's Production;纳米塑料的研究及其在塑料母料生产中的应用
12.In Pitch Compound Production the Hot Material Storehouse Variation of Bone Material Pellet Composition;沥青混合料生产中热料仓骨料颗粒组成的变异
13.The birth of ecoplastics-a new material industry based on sustainable raw material;一个以可再生资源为原料的新材料产业——“生态塑料”即将诞生
14.Indirect materials information( e. g. glue, cleaning reagent) is well identified and labeled.(1)+生产辅料(:胶水,清洁剂)料作有效标识.
15.reclaimed plastics moulding materials (polypropylene)再生塑料模制材料(聚丙烯)
16.reclaimed plastics moulding materials (polyamide)再生塑料模制材料(聚酰胺)
17.reclaimed plastics moulding materials (polyvinyl chloride)再生塑料模制材料(聚氯乙烯(pvc))
18.radioactive waste,( waste material from nuclear power-stations, etc)放射性废料(核电站等产生的核废料).

raw meal生料
1.Effect of fineness and content of free silica in raw meal on burnability of raw meal;生料中fSiO_2的细度和含量对易烧性的影响
2.On uniformity and homogeneity of industrial raw meal工业生料的均匀性和均质性
3.The thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate is an important chemical reaction during cement raw meal decomposition, on which decomposition rate of raw meal and output of clinker depend.碳酸钙热分解是分解炉内水泥生料分解的一个重要反应,对水泥生料的分解率和熟料产量有较大的影响。
3)Raw Material生料
1.The requirement of raw materials for production of sulfuric acid and cement from gypsum石膏法制硫酸与水泥对生料的要求
2.On the basis of summarizing a traditional making liquor technique and the technique in liquid-state fermentation with raw material and cooked material, innovation tests were made and a brewing technique combined with solid-state fermentation and liquid-state fermentation was developed.该文在总结传统酿酒和生料、熟料液态酿酒工艺技术的基础上,进行革新试验,研制出固液结合法酿酒技术。
4)uncooked materials生料
1.The temperature was controlled at 28-36℃ during early fermentation,after 36-48 h,of the uncooked materials and cooked materials were mixed for fermentation.以山药、糯米为主要原料,采用Q303根霉曲和“笑仙”高效生香、生料酒曲为发酵剂分别糖化发酵,然后合醅发酵。
2.) Ohwi alcohol with uncooked materials, and the alcohol has the health care function.该文对生料葛根酒酿造过程中的发酵参数进行了测定,通过对基料中有关物质含量的分析,研究它们在发酵过程中的变化规律,结果表明,利用生料葛根生产酒的方法是可行的,且所酿制的酒有较好的保健功能。
1.The feasibility of utilizing Zinc slag substitute for iron cinder as meal proportion is analyzed and is confirmed though productive practice.锌渣是冶炼锌的废渣,其主要成分与铁粉相似,所以可用作铁质校正原料,而且锌渣中含有亚铁,在熟料烧成中可起矿化作用,降低熟料的烧成温度和热耗;作者对锌渣代替铁粉作为生料配料的可行性进行了分析,并通过生产实践,证明锌渣代替铁粉是完全可行的,而且生产的水泥性能好,经济效益显著。
6)raw meal proportioning生料配料
1.It is theoretically possible in using SO3 of high sulfur coal instead of gypsum for raw meal proportioning.利用高硫煤中的SO_3替代石膏中的SO_3进行生料配料,在理论上是可行的。

生料分子式:CAS号:性质:(一)mixed batch; batch 又称生料。由颗粒原料所组成而用于熔制玻璃的均匀混合物。根据计算的配比,称出各个组分,混合均匀而成。(二)rubber compound 按配方将生胶及配合剂用炼胶机混炼后所用胶料,亦称混炼胶,是橡胶制品生产工艺中的半成品。