农业用水,agricultural water
1)agricultural water农业用水
1.Compensation mechanism of agricultural water transfer;农业用水转化补偿机制研究
2.Realization of sustainable management of agricultural water supply in Beijing with ET technique of remote sensing monitoring;应用遥感监测ET技术实现北京市农业用水的可持续管理
3.Existing circumstance analysis and countermeasure of agricultural water to the northern Nen River diversion project line;北部引嫩工程沿线农业用水现状分析及对策

1.Study on Water Use in Agriculture and Water Resources Distribution in Hangzhou;杭州市农业用水与水资源配置的研究
2.Problems of Agricultural Water Use in Shaanxi and Strategies for Water Saving Irrigation;陕西省农业用水现状与节水灌溉措施
3.Evaluation of Agricultural Water Shortage and the Strategies of Water-Saving Agriculture Development in Sichuan Province;四川省农业用水紧缺度评价与节水农业发展对策
4.organise system be close relative to irrigative water;与农业用水密切相关的组织体系;
5.Agricultural Economic Rational Water Consumption and Strategy Analysis for Water Saving Potential in China;农业经济用水量与我国农业战略节水潜力
6.Agricultural Use of Hainan Water Resourses and Countermeasures to the Development of Water-saving Agriculture;海南水资源的农业利用及节水农业的发展对策
7.Study on High Effective Rainwater Use Models of Catchment Agriculture in Semiarid Area半干旱区集水农业高效用水模式研究
8.The Water-saving Agriculture and the Sustainable Utilization of Water Resource in Liaoning Province;辽宁省农业节水与水资源可持续利用
9.Preliminary Study on Promotion of Terminal Water Pricing in Agricultural Irrigation of Xinjiang新疆农业灌溉用水推行终端水价初探
10.grater for agricultureal- and industrial-type fruit crushing machines磨碎器,农业和工业型水果粉碎机用
11.Scientific Committee on the Application of Science to Agriculture,Forestry and Agriculture科学应用于农业、林业和水产业科学委员会 (农林水产科委会)
12.Effect of Farmer Water-consumer Association on Agricultural Development of China;农民用水户协会对我国农业发展的作用
13.S Almost 70 per cent of all available freshwater is used for agriculture.水与农业:若干情况 现有淡水资源有近70%用于农业
14.Analysis on Utilization Efficiency of Agricultural Water Resource in China s Central and Western Regions;中西部地区农业水资源利用效率分析
15.Discussion on Sustainable Utilization of Agricultural Water Resource in China;我国农业水资源可持续利用问题探讨
16.Optimized exploitation of water resources at agricultural region of arid oasis;干旱绿洲农业区水资源优化利用研究
17.Advances in studies of sustainable utilization of agricultural water resources;我国农业水资源可持续利用研究进展
18.Water-Saving irrigation and sustainable land use;灌区农业节水与土地可持续利用研究

agricultural water use农业用水
1.Problems of agricultural water use in China and the strategies for saving water;中国农业用水存在的问题及节水对策
2.Through pre-treating agricultural water consumption, water price, annual rainfall, crop kind in typical irrigation area of Jiangsu province, we analyze the effect of agricultural water use decline to water price rising.通过对江苏省典型灌区农业用水量、水价、年降雨量、作物种类预处理,分析了水价上涨对农业用水量下降的影响,说明农业用水价格弹性是客观存在的,研究这种弹性对节水规划和水价改革都具有重要的指导作用。
3.The situation and problems in agricultural water use were analyzed.水资源紧缺及社会工业化和城市化的发展导致中国农业水资源严重不足,与此同时,农业用水中的水浪费现象还普遍存在,因此,节水农业是解决陕西缺水问题的唯一途径。
3)agricultural water consumption农业用水
1.Based on the conception of rational volume of ecological water consumption,the total water consumption of Beijing City was divided into industrial water consumption,agricultural water consumption,domestic water consumption,tertiary industrial water consumption,and eco-environmental water consumption,and the benefits of water consumption of different parts were calculated.在“经济合理的生态用水量”概念及计算模型的基础上,以北京市为例,把该市的用水分为工业用水、农业用水、生活用水、第三产业用水、生态环境用水5个部分,分别计算各部分的用水效益,通过模型计算得出了符合北京市水资源实际情况的水资源分配数量。
2.Based on abundant statistical data,the history of agricultural water consumption,especially irrigation water consumption in China is described and analyzed in this paper.我国农业用水的大量增加发生在1949~1980年之间,与我国人口和粮食产量的快速增加紧紧相随。
3.Study on the trend of agricultural water consumption and its influence factors is very important for the future work of saving water in Beijing.对1986-2007年北京市农业用水情况和影响其变化的相关指标进行主成分分析。
4)agricultural water consumption农业用水量
1.The forecast model for agricultural water consumption in Shangqiu experimental district was established in this paper.在河南省商丘试区,建立了农业用水量预报模型。
5)marginal revenues of water工农业用水
6)tariff pricing for agricultural water农业用水定价

农业用水农业用水agricultural water use 墨西哥90%,日本68%,前苏联50%,美国44%,波兰16%,德国10%,英国4%。据1993年资料,中国农业用水占总用水量的74.3%,中国农业用水在总用水中所占比重很大,而其 喷灌 (河北省玉田县供祸)中绝大部分又用于农田灌溉。因此,节约农业用水,特别是农田灌溉用水,对于中国这样一个水资源相当贫乏的国家来说,有着重要意义。节约农业与农田灌溉用水的途径有:①调整农业结构和作物布局,使水土资源优化利用,达到节水、增产、增收目的;②广辟水源,并尽可能做到一水多用,充分利用;③采用渠道防渗、管(带)输水等措施,减少输水损失(参见彩图插页第33页);④平整土地,改进传统的地面灌水技术;推行小畦灌溉、细流沟灌,避免串灌串排的淹灌;⑤积极推广喷灌、滴灌、微喷灌、渗灌等先进、节水灌溉技术和相应的制度;⑥采用蓄水保墒耕作、田面覆盖保水等节水农业措施。 (窦以松)nongye yongshui农业用水(agncultu司water use)农、林、牧、副、渔业等部门和乡镇、农场企事业单位以及农村居民生产与生活用水的总称。1975年,全世界工农业和城市生活用水量约3万亿立隆 水中养鱼方米,其中农业用水为2.1万亿立方米,占70%。目前,世界农业用水每年以2.3%的速度递增。各国农业用水占总用水量的比重,随地区气候条件和工业化程度不同而异:印度叩%,