1.Effects of fertilization on eutrophic substance in water body within fast-growing eucalypts plantation;广西速生桉施肥对林区内水体富营养物质的影响
2.EFFECT OF FERTILIZATION ON WATER QUALITY ──Effect of Fertilization On Environment Quality (2);施肥与水体环境质量——论施肥对环境的影响(2)
3.EFFECT OF FERTILIZATION ON SOIL HEALTH QUALITY——Effect of Fertilization On Environment Quality (3);施肥与土壤健康质量——论施肥对环境的影响(3)
1.To fertilize with manure or compost.施肥用农家粪肥或混合肥料使地肥沃
2.The act or process of applying a fertilizer.施肥,肥沃化施肥的行动或过程
3.The soil was enriched with manure土壤施肥料后变肥沃了。
4.soil enriched with fertilizer因施肥而肥沃的土壤
5.fertilizers and fertilization in ancient China中国古代肥料和施肥
6.soil enriched with manure由于施肥而肥沃的土壤
7.Biological Defense fertilization, organic bio-fertilizer, bio-bacterial manure production sales.生物冲施肥、机生物肥、物菌肥生产销售。
8.To fertilize(soil)by applying material such as barnyard dung.施肥用肥料如谷场旁的粪肥来肥沃(土壤)
9.Cindy Haynes says little or no fertilizer is needed in fertile soils.辛迪海恩思说,可以少许施肥或不施肥。
10.To fertilize with a mixture of decaying organic matter.施堆肥用腐烂的有机体的合成物施肥
11.Study on the Effects of Balanced Fertilization and Application of Potassium Fertilizer on Sweet Potato甘薯平衡施肥与施用钾肥效果的研究
12.Wheat fertilization mainly in basal, all organic manure, P and K and half of N fertilizers are applied at plowing, the rest N fertilizer dressed in jointing stage along with irrigation.小麦施肥主要为基肥,全部有机肥、、和一半氮肥翻地时施入,其余氮肥在拔节期随灌水追施。
13.Effect and Regulating Techniques of CO_2 Enrichment on Peach Trees in Greenhouse;设施桃树CO_2施肥效应及控施技术研究
14.More fertilizer will raise the output, but too much fertilizer will lead to just the opposite.多施肥能增产, 但肥料过多会适得其反。
15.making fertile as by applying fertilizer or manure.通过施肥或受精而变得肥沃。
16.To manure land is to spread manure on it.给土地施肥是把粪肥洒在土地上。
17.Study on Soil Biological Fertility of Different Fertilization Systems;不同施肥制度土壤生物肥力特征研究
18.Research on Fertilization of Soil Testing and NPK Fertilizer Development and Production of Dedicated测土施肥研究及NPK专用肥开发生产
Fertilizer application施肥
1.Effects of fertilizer application on contents of 2-undecanone and soluble carbonhydrate in Houttuynia cordata with different fertilizers;不同施肥条件对鱼腥草甲基正壬酮和可溶性糖含量的影响
2.Effect of fertilizer application on biological characteristics and yield of winter wheat under two plant densities;两种种植密度下施肥对冬小麦生物学性状及产量的影响
3.Effects of Different Fertilizer Application on Enzyme Activities of Rhizospheric Soil and Root Vigors in Houttuynia cordata Thunb;不同施肥条件对鱼腥草根际土壤酶活性及根系活力的影响
1.Effect of irrigation and fertilizer on grassland productivity in Horqin Sandy Land;科尔沁沙地灌溉与施肥对退化草地生产力的影响
2.Research advances on fertilizer application and nitrate leaching of turf;草坪施肥与硝态氮淋溶问题研究进展
3.Effects of fertilizer on plant diversity and productivity of desertified alpine grassland at Maqu,Gansu;施肥对玛曲高寒沙化草地植物多样性和生产力的影响
1.The effect of simulated mowing of the fertilizing level on commuity production and compensatory responses on the Qinghai-Tibetan;青藏高原东部高寒草甸群落生物量和补偿能力对施肥与刈割的响应
2.The effect of fertilizing on the nutrition of Argangjin alfalfa;施肥对阿尔冈金苜蓿营养成分的影响
3.Comparable Analysis on Fertilizing Effect for High-yield of Chestnut on Mountain Slope;山地板栗施肥效益比较分析
1.Effect of Water Stress and Fertilizer Element on Cotton Yield Components;苗期水分胁迫和施肥对棉花生长发育的影响
2.The Primary Report about the Applied Result of Rice Fertilized by the Way of Diagram "W";水稻W模型施肥法应用效果初报
3.Effects of fertilize, mowing and species on root system in Cool-Season turf grasses;草种差异、施肥及修剪对冷季型草坪根系影响
1.The population trends variation of Qianmai 17 was determined under different density and application level by the quaternary quadratic orthogonal rotational combination design to study the effect of different density and application level on population trends of Qianmai 17 including analyzing the cultivation factors affecting population development at different growth stages significantly.为探明密度与施肥对小麦新品种黔麦17号群体动态的影响,采用4因子二次正交旋转组合设计,对小麦新品种黔麦17号在控制密度与施肥(N,P,K)条件下的群体动态变化进行了考察,分析了不同阶段对群体发展有显著影响的栽培因子,着重对极量群体量完成天数、极限群体量、有效穗、平均单株成穗数等群体指标的形成进行了分析。
2.The paper puts forward the reasons affecting tobacco yield and quality,application methods for producing quality tobacco and proper ratio of N,P and K fertilizer based on analyzing the needs of nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium and chlorine at tobacco different growth periods.分析了烟草对氮、磷、钾、氯4种矿质营养元素的需求,提出了影响烟草生产中产量和品质的原因以及制定大田生产优质烟草的施肥方法和氮、磷、钾的配合比例。