1.Analysis of Pretreatment Methods in Ethanol Production Process with Straw;秸秆生产乙醇的预处理方法分析
2.Study on reburning using straw for nitrogen oxides reduction;秸秆再燃还原氮氧化物的分析研究

1.On the popularity of the use of straw普及秸秆利用知识 促进秸秆回收利用
2.The Decomposition Rate and Field Effects after the Returning of Whole Maize Stalk into Farmland;玉米秸秆整株还田秸秆分解速率及还田效应
3.Control and Use of Straw Burning and Secondary Pollution秸秆焚烧和秸秆次生污染危害及控制利用
4.The status and development of the manufacture technology, the properties and the possible application of straw-based wallboard in China were presented in this paper.包括:平压法秸秆复合墙体、挤压法秸秆复合墙体、模压法秸秆复合墙体。
5.Effects of Forage-Additives and Pellet on Availability of Corn Straw Diet by Sheep;秸秆专用添加剂与制粒对绵羊利用玉米秸秆日粮的影响
6.The Effects of Stalk-additives and Pelletization on Availability of Cotton Stalk Diet by Sheep;秸秆专用添加剂和制粒对绵羊利用棉花秸秆日粮的影响
7.Effects of Stalk Granularity, Inoculate Carrier on Value of Straw Nutrition by Pleurotus Ostreatus;秸秆粒度、接种载体对侧耳菌提高玉米秸秆营养价值的影响
8.Study on Nutrient Release Characteristics of Crop Residue and Effect of Crop Residue Returning on Crop Yield and Soil Fertilty秸秆养分释放规律及秸秆还田对作物产量和土壤肥力的影响
9.The Research of Straw Depravity Impact on Effectiveness of Inorganic Phosphorus on the Straw-soil Interface;秸秆腐解对秸—土界面无机磷有效性的影响研究
11.In farming areas, crop stalks should be used mainly to feed cattle and sheep;在农区,主要利用农作物秸秆,养牛养羊;
12.Study on Adjustment of the Ratio of C to N by Adding N During Straw Turnover秸秆还田添加氮素调节碳氮比的研究
13.Experimental Study and Theoretical Analysis of Stalk Drying Process;秸秆干燥过程的实验研究与理论分析
14.A Research on Rice Straw Solid-State Sacchrification and Fermentation for Lactic Acid;水稻秸秆固态糖化发酵产乳酸的研究
15.Ethanol Production by Microbe Based on Cotton Stalk;基于棉花秸秆的微生物合成乙醇研究
16.Study on Fermentation of Fodder for Producing SCP from Corn Straw;玉米秸秆发酵生产单细胞蛋白的研究
17.Studies on Simultaneous Saccharification and Lactic Acid Fermentation of Rice Straw;水稻秸秆同时糖化与乳酸发酵的研究
18.Study on the Preparation and Properties of Rape Straw Decorative Materail;油菜秸秆装饰材料的制备及特性研究

1.New general application of crop stalk -Industrialized Producing CMC;农作物秸秆综合利用新技术——工业化生产羧甲基纤维素
2.Optimization of aerobic fermentation parameters for rural organic living waste and stalk;农村有机生活垃圾和秸秆快速好氧发酵技术参数研究
3.Design of a Corn Stalk Rubbing Cone;锥辊式玉米秸秆揉搓装置的设计
3)crop straw秸秆
1.This paper introduced the process of aerobic pretreatment process and the test results of anaerobic dry fermentation with crop straw as the main raw material.介绍了以秸秆为主要原料的好氧预处理过程及厌氧干发酵工艺的试验结果。
2.The crop straws,which are usually abandoned,will not only cause the air pollution,but also make large amounts of energy waste,so it has become a realistic issue how to make use of them continuously and efficiently.废弃秸秆不仅污染空气,还造成大量的能源浪费,如何持续高效利用秸秆是当前的一大现实问题,秸秆发电技术在北欧已得到广泛利用,但在我国是效仿成功利用秸秆解决能源危机的丹麦那样建立大型秸秆发电系统,还是结合我国农村的具体情况建立小秸秆电系统是值得商榷的。
3.A method of resource reuse of crop straw by dry biogas fermentation was summarized and discussed in this paper.随着我国农村循环经济的发展,农作物秸秆作为一种可再生能源,它的开发利用也越来越受到人们的重视;本文主要提出了一种农作物秸秆资源化利用方式,即秸秆干发酵产沼气技术,介绍了它与传统发酵技术的区别,以及它的技术难点和研究现状,并对这项技术的未来发展进行了展望,指出了与传统发酵技术相比的优点所在和技术难点的解决方法,以及这项技术的发展前景。
1.Experimental Study on Shocked Separation of Stalks and Leaves of Cornstalk;玉米秸秆的冲击式茎叶分离试验研究
2.In order to investigate the conversion of cornstalk biomass into the industrial product(synthesis of fuel methanol) and the effective utilization of biomass energy,the pyrolysis test of cornstalk biomass fuel gas was carried out by means of the thermochemical method.采用热化学方法,将玉米秸秆裂解为生物质燃气,并对该燃气进行优化试验,制备出合成气。
3.Flocculants,preparing from cornstalks could be used to dispose of sewage.废弃秸秆制备絮凝剂,可用于污水处理。
5)corn stalk秸秆
1.Variations of the humidity in the process of solid-state fermentation of corn stalk for ethanol;秸秆固态发酵酒精过程中湿度变化的研究
2.Ring-opening polymerization of ethylene carbonate to improve the liquefaction of corn stalk;聚碳酸乙烯酯代替乙二醇碳酸酯液化玉米秸秆的效果研究
3.Study on Kinetics of Bioconversion of Corn Stalk to Ethanol by Solid-State Fermentation;秸秆固态发酵酒精动力学研究
6)Straw stalk秸秆
1.Feasibility study on the construction of a power plant using fuels from straw stalk fermentation power plant秸秆发酵电厂建设可行性研究
2.10-2003 for determination of crude fiber in slaut foods,the content of crude fiber in Hullessbarley straw stalk from different areas in Qinghai province was determined.10-2003植物类食品中粗纤维的测定方法,对青海省不同地区青稞秸秆中粗纤维的含量进行测定,实验结果显示青稞秸秆中粗纤维含量较高,平均测定含量为38。
3.In this paper, anaerobic digestion states of wheat straw stalk with different solid holdups under thermophilic temperature(32~35 ℃) were studied.采用清瓶培养消化方法,在中温(32~35℃)环境下,研究了小麦秸秆在不同固含率下的厌氧消化状态。
