1.Assessing Grassland Degradation through Habitat Equivalency Analysis;生态等值分析法在草地资源损坏评估中的应用
2.Accelerating grassland restoration in rocky desertification area,promoting eco-environmental reconstruction in karst region;加快石漠化地区草地植被恢复 促进喀斯特地区生态环境建设
3.Seasonal dynamics of ecosystem services of grassland in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau;青藏高原草地生态系统服务功能的季节动态变化

1.Ground that is green with grass;turf.草皮,草地覆盖绿草的地块,草坪
2.Geranium pratense f. albiflora,a new form of Geraniaceae from Ningxia of China草地老鹳草一新变型——白花草地老鹳草
3.The horses are feeding quietly in the fields.马在草地上安静地吃草。
4.A cursory glance at the headlines.草草地看了一眼标题
5.cattle grazing in pastures.牛儿在草地上吃草。
6.a meadow covered with/planted with grass长着[种着]草的草地
7.The meadow is not yet mown.草地上的草还没割。
8.The sheep usually graze in the grass land.羊通常在草地吃草。
9.Flocks of sheep are grazing in the meadow.一群群羊正在草地吃草。
10.connecting-rod ,oscillating, for lawnmowers or grass cutters摇摆式连杆,草坪割草机或草地剪草机用
11.Study on Prevention and Cure Weeds of Using Chemical-Herbicide for Poa Pratnsis L.;化学除草剂对草地早熟禾草坪防治杂草的研究
12.An area, such as a prairie or meadow, of grass or grasslike vegetation.草地一块区域,如草原或草地,长有草或类似草的植被
13.They entered the grass covered land.?他们进入了草地
14."The grass looks fine, if that's what you mean."“草地看上去很漂亮,如果你指的是草地。”
15.An area of grassland unbounded by hedges or fences.荒草地无栅栏或篱笆环围的草地
16.He noted down her address in his notebook.他把她的地址草草地记在了笔记本上。
17.A cutting in a peat bog.泥炭沼泽地中的草地
18.The country is made up of meadow and marsh.那地区全是草地和沼泽。

1.The content of soil Micro-biomass Carbon and Nitrogen of Different Grazing Intensities on Pasture;不同放牧强度下人工草地土壤微生物量碳、氮的含量
2.Integration of crop and pasture systems;农田草地系统耦合生产分析
3.Energy value Ananlysis of natural pasture in Qinghai province;青海天然草地牧草能值分析
1.Research progress on microbiological ecology of rangeland in China;我国草地土壤微生物生态研究进展及浅评
2.Global climate change and its impacts on rangeland ecosystem;全球气候变化与草地生态系统
3.The Natural Calamities in Rangeland of China and Its Preventive Strategy.;中国草地自然灾害及其防治对策
1.The Research about the Variation of Meadow Types and the Conversion of Meadow Structure around Qinghai Lake drainage area;青海湖流域草地类型变化及其结构演替研究
2.The optimal control model of the stocking farm management of alpine meadow in Southern Gansu and research on a strategy for sustained utilization;甘南高寒草地牧场管理的最优控制模型及可持续利用对策研究
3.Desertificates and Changes Remote Sensing Analysis on the Meadow of Hongyuan;红原草地荒漠化变化遥感分析
1.The paper analyzes the process of asphalt pavement and lawn sending heat to air and modifying radiation coefficient by nephanalysis,calculates quantity of heat measuring temperature of asphalt pavement and lawn.通过实测数据计算得到沥青路面和草地1 d内对大气热量输出值,对比不同时段沥青路面和草地对大气的热量输出情况。
2.After 1980s,ecology worsening questions such as the local lawn serious degeneration,desertification intense development are extremely prominent.塔拉滩区地处共和盆地,20世纪80年代以后,该地区草地严重退化,沙漠化强烈发展等生态恶化问题十分突出。
3.So it is very significant for us to study water,heat fluxes over lawn quantitatively.草地是绿地的重要组成部分,耗费巨资的北京"绿色奥运"绿地建设对生态环境的改善作用需定量评估。
6)Leymus chinensis grassland羊草草地
1.Dynamics of Zn between soil and plant in Northeast Leymus chinensis grassland;东北羊草草地土壤—植物间锌的动态研究(英文)
2.Effect of grazing intensity on the regrowth capability in Leymus chinensis grassland;放牧强度对羊草草地植被再生性能的影响
3.Dynamics of nutrient element iron in soil-plant ecosystem of the Songnen Plain Leymus chinensis grassland.;松嫩平原羊草草地土壤植物间铁的动态研究

草地草地grassland  53%。草地蕴藏着丰富的种质资源和水热资源。同时也是生态脆弱地带。不合理的农垦、放牧、采樵,都可引起水土流失、荒漠化,导致草地资源破坏,环境恶化。目前全世界草地资源绝大部分面临不同程度的生态危机(参见彩图插页第56页)。应运用草原科学理论与技术,以较少的投人获得较多的产品,避免生态危机,使草地资源得以永续利用。(任继周)C00d}草地(grassland)生长草本或木本植物,有相应的动物、微生物生存的生态系统及其景观,可用于人类生产和生活的陆地部分称为草地,其泛指意义是草原的同义语。它包含天癫 内蒙古干旱区草原牧场(《中国国土画册》)然的和栽培的具有草地生产特性的土地,以及与此有关的气候、土地、水源、位点特性以及所承载生物的总称。世界草地类型主要有热带稀树草地,也叫萨旺那、卡帕拉、热带荒漠灌丛;温带的欧亚大草原也叫斯太普;南美大草原叫潘帕斯;北美大草原叫普列利;非洲草原叫维尔德、温带荒漠、极地及高山的冻原。热带次生草地与温带次生草地都是将原生植被破坏以后,经过自然演替或人工培育而形成的新草地资源。草地一般可分天然草地(参见彩图插页第53页)和人工草地(参见彩图插页第56页)两大类。草地占全球陆地面积的51%,其中包含占全球面积24%的天然草地、14%的疏林草地、n%的农田中的短期草地。中国天然草原面积为39 283万公顷,占国土面积的41%。其中北方草地20767万公顷,约占全国草地面积的