1.Estimating standing stock of litter in the Larix olgensis plantation by geostatistics method;用地统计学方法估算长白落叶松人工林凋落物现存量
2.Influence of litter importation on basal respiration and labile carbon in restored farmland in Sanjiang Plain;凋落物输入对三江平原弃耕农田土壤基础呼吸和活性碳组分的影响
3.Effect of enclosure on litter decomposition and TN element release of grassland in Malong County of Yunnan province;云南马龙县山地封育草地凋落物分解与氮释放的研究

1.Effects of Understory Vegetation Litter Fall on Soil Animal Community in Chinese Fir Forest杉木林林下植被凋落物对土壤动物群落的影响
2.litter exclusion to control aboveground carbon input.利用去除地面凋落物处理(去凋)控制地上碳输入;
3.Litterfall Decomposition and Nutrient Release in Main Forest Communities in Wanmulin万木林主要群落凋落物分解和养分释放研究
4.Studies on the Fall-litter of DaShu Mountain Forest Park in Hefei City;合肥市蜀山森林公园森林凋落物研究
5.Study on the dynamic variation of litter falls in Maolan Karst forest茂兰喀斯特森林凋落物量的动态研究
6.Litterfall decomposition in four forest types in Changbai Mountains of China.长白山四种森林类型凋落物分解动态
7.Decomposition and nutrient dynamics of Schima superba leaf litter木荷叶凋落物的分解及养分动态分析
8.Dynamic characteristics of litterfalls in four forest types of Changbai Mountains,China长白山四种森林类型凋落物动态特征
9.Characteristics of soil fauna community in forest floor at different climate zone,China我国重要森林群落凋落物层土壤动物群落生态特征
10.Effects of Soil Fauna on Leaf Litter Decomposition Along an Elevation Gradient in the Wuyi Mountains武夷山不同海拔土壤动物对凋落物分解的影响
11.The Regulation of Soil Fauna on the Litter Decomposition at Four Different Plant Communities Along an Elevation Gradient in Wuyi Mountain武夷山不同海拔土壤动物对凋落物的分解效应
12.Effects of root system and litter of Chinese fir on soil microbial properties杉木根系和凋落物对土壤微生物学性质的影响
13.Elementary Identification of Potential Autotoxins from Picea Schrenkiana Litters天山云杉凋落物自毒物质分析与初步鉴定
14.Study on Effects of Litter on the Soil Environment of 9 Vegetation Communities in Baihua Mountainous Areas West Beijing;京西百花山区9种植物群落凋落物对土壤环境影响研究
15.Study on Characteristics of Soil Fauna Community and Their Function in Litter Decomposition in Leymus Chinensis Steppe, Songnen Plain;松嫩平原羊草草甸凋落物分解中土壤动物群落特征及其作用研究
16.Community Structure and Dynamics of Soil Animal in Green Belt Litter from Two Soil Origin in Urban City两种土壤背景值下城市绿地凋落物层土壤动物群落结构与动态
18.Comparison on litterfall character of Phoebe bournei and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation in the field of successive planting Cunninghamia lanceolata杉木连栽地上闽楠与杉木林分凋落物特征比较

1.Nutrient flux and its dynamic change of litterfall in a Chinese fir plantation forest;杉木人工林凋落物养分通量及其动态
2.The eluviations and acid buffering effect of litterfall in Shaoshan conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest;韶山针阔叶混交林凋落物层的淋溶及缓冲作用
3.Impacts of nitrogen deposition on microelement concentrations in the litterfall of Chinese fir plantation;氮沉降对杉木人工林凋落物微量元素含量的影响
3)litter fall凋落物
1.Annual variation of Longan litter fall and the annual flows on eroded slope orchard of Fujian;福建侵蚀坡地果园龙眼凋落物的年变化及库流量
2.Production and seasonal change pattern of litter fall of Rhiz ophora apiculata in Sanya River mangroves,Hainan Island;海南三亚河红树凋落物产量与季节变化研究
3.A distinct seasonal pattern was found with peak litter fall occurring in summer rainy season, particularly, in August.利用凋落物收集网研究城镇生活污水排放对红树林植物群落凋落物的影响 。
1.After different thinning measures were taken in the 40-year-old nature secondary forest mainly made of oaks,fixed samples were collected to study characteristics of litters.对近40年生以柞树为主的天然次生林采取不同抚育间伐措施后,定位研究林分凋落物的性质。
2.Using litter incubation experiment in laboratory,decomposition discrepancies of four typical litters from Zijin Mountain were analyzed.通过实验室凋落物培养试验,对南京紫金山地区4种典型植被凋落物的分解差异进行了比较研究。
5)litter form凋落物
1.The hydrological characteristics of the litter form in different succession periods of such forests as Pinus massoniana,pine and broadleaf mixed 1(conifer being the dominant species) and pine and broadleaf mixed 2(broadleaf being the dominant species),have been studied with the method of substituting time with space.利用空间代替时间的方法,研究了流溪河流域马尾松林、以针叶树为优势种的针阔混交林、以阔叶树为优势种的针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林4种不同演替阶段林下凋落物储量及水文特性。
2.The litter form amount was 13.2005~2006年在丹江口库区对马尾松与柏木混交林的林冠层、凋落物层和土壤层3个生态作用层次进行了水文生态效应研究,并以荒坡地作为对照比较,结果表明:松柏混交林相对于荒坡地具有明显的水土保持作用,观测期内松柏混交林林冠层截留量占降雨总量的21。
3.and the bush forest) in the Lianxia River watershed in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area, some characteristics parameter of forest hydrology were gained, such as the different kinds of forest litter form amount, the.对三峡库区的连峡河小流域不同林分林下凋落物数量及其最大持水量和吸水速率等水文特征参数进行了分析与研究,结果表明,凋落物数量针阔混交林> 柏木林> 马尾松林> 针叶混交林> 阔叶林> 灌木林。
6)litter fall凋落物量
1.Study on the dynamic variation of litter falls in Maolan Karst forest茂兰喀斯特森林凋落物量的动态研究
2.Result showed that the annual litter fall production was estimated to be 2 427.对杉木人工林凋落物量进行了为期1 a的监测,研究结果表明:杉木人工林年凋落物总量为2 427。
