1.Ecotoxicological Effects of Mn,Cd and Mn-Cd Combined Contamination on Crops;锰和镉对农作物生长的毒性效应
2.Toxicity and residual effect of sulfometuron methyl on crops;嘧磺隆对农作物的毒性及残效危害研究
3.Analyses of boron distribution and pollution in soil and some crops in Kuandian;宽甸土壤及部分农作物中硼的分布及污染分析

1.The farmers are getting the crops in.农人在收割农作物
2.The crops were drooping for want of water.农作物缺水枯萎了。
3.The heavy rain spoiled the crops.豪雨损坏了农作物
4.The British Crop Protection Council(BCPC)英国农作物保护委员会
5.Sudden loss of fortune came as a blight to his hopes of going abro霜冻使农作物枯死。
6.someone who gathers crops or fruits etc..收集农作物或果类的人。
7.serious bark disease of many tropical crop trees (coffee; citrus; rubber); branches have a covering of pink hyphae.热带农作物的树皮病症。
8.The drought caused crop failure.干旱造成农作物歉收。
9.The crops were ravaged by the typhoon.农作物遭台风毁坏。
10.The crops were badly damaged by dust storm.农作物为尘暴所毁坏。
11.The crops failed because of drought.由於乾旱, 农作物歉收.
12.The dry spell blighted the crops.干旱期使农作物枯萎了。
13.Farmers rotate crops in the fields.农民在耕地上轮栽农作物
14.In farming areas, crop stalks should be used mainly to feed cattle and sheep;在农区,主要利用农作物秸秆,养牛养羊;
15.When all the fruit is garnered in, the farmers can rest.农作物收获入仓后,农民就可以休息了。
16.Study on Soil Water Potential Productivity of Major Crops in the Dryland Farming Areas of North China;北方旱农区主要农作物农田水份生产潜力研究
17.Solving Farmer s Financial Problem:Crops and Agricultural Products Mortgage;破解农民融资难题——农作物与农产品抵押
18.Environmental Effect of Large-scale Mechanization of Agriculture Operations on Crop Growth大规模农机作业对农作物生长环境影响分析

1.Heavy metal concentrations and pollution assessment of edible crops grown on restored manganese mine lands in Guangxi, South China;广西锰矿恢复区食用农作物重金属污染评价
2.Effect of Fluoride Pollution in Soil on Crops in Pingxiang Region;萍乡地区土壤氟污染对农作物的影响
3.Cadmium Contamination in the Soil-crop System Induced by Local Zinc Smelting Activities in Hezhang County,Guizhou Province;土法炼锌导致Cd对土壤-农作物系统污染的研究
1.Relation of plants injury in Yang River's irrigation with water pollution;洋河下游农灌区农作物受灾与水质污染的关系
2.Development in the Research and Application of Modeern Technology of Plant Breeding;农作物现代育种新技术的研究与应用进展
3.Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides in Plants by Accelerated Solvent Extraction and Gas Chromatography Coupled to Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry快速溶剂萃取-气相色谱/串联质谱法测定农作物中的有机氯农药
4)agricultural crops农作物
1.Research and realization of image frequency monitored control system of wireless security——Taking agricultural crops image frequency monitored control as an example视频监控免电源线传输技术——以农作物视频监控为例
2.The progresses of studying on genetic transformation of agricultural crops and fruit trees in recent years were reviewed in this article.本文主要对农作物和苹果、葡萄、柑橘、番木瓜、猕猴桃、香蕉、草莓等果树转基因研究进展进行了综合评述。
3.The present paper dealt with the review of achievement to Fusarium wilt disease in agricultural crops in China.对中国农作物枯萎病的研究进行综述。
1.The primary correlative study of the heavy metal content between the cropper and soil;土壤与农作物重金属含量相关性的初步研究
2.By comparing, analyzing and estimating reflecting characteristics of ETM+/ TM image of different time and photo on maim cropper information, the paper summarizes the time reaction tincture of Beijing area s agricultural application satellite s remote sensing data and puts forward the feasible choice of time and photo to identify Beijing s maim cropper.通过对比、分析和评价北京地区不同时相的ETM/TM图像对主要农作物信息的反映特点 ,揭示北京市农业应用卫星遥感数据的时间效应特征 ,提出针对北京市主要农作物识别适宜的时相选择。
6)Crop stem农作物秆
