1.Emergy analysis of eco-economic systems of Hunan Province;湖南省生态经济系统的能值分析
2.Dynamic analysis of emergy for agro-ecosystem in the region of cropland to grassland conversion ——A case study of Beizhuang Village,Zhenyuan County in Gansu Province;退耕还草区农业生态系统能值动态分析——以甘肃省镇原县北庄村为例
3.Status of biodiversity in Yaojingzi grassland reserves and the emergy evaluation;腰井子羊草草原自然保护区生物多样性现状及其能值估算

1.Then the shares will be worth-- how much?到时候那些股值——能值多少钱?
2.Research on Ecological Economic Value of Regional Water Resources Based on Emergy Theory区域水资源生态经济价值的能值研究
3.Time series of national average emergy footprint and emergy carrying capacity in China and Korea between 1980 and 2006中国、韩国1980~2006年能值足迹与能值承载力
4.Evaluation of Emergy and Value in Fujian Forest Resources System Based on Emergy Theory;基于能值理论的福建省森林资源系统能值及价值评估
5.Materialized labor can only transfer value rather than create it.物化劳动只能转移价值不能创造价值;
6.value expressive function价值表现机能价值表现机能
7.Peak research:from peak oil to peak fossil fuels峰值研究:已从石油峰值扩展到化石能源峰值
8.Multiple values were specified for an attribute that can have only one value.为只能有一个值的属性指定了多个值。
9.digestive value真正(能消化的)营养价值,真正热值
10.The MaximumValue {0} cannot be less than the MinimumValue {1} of {2}.最大值 {0} 不能小于 {2} 的最小值 {1}。
11.The "(Default)" value is a default registry value and cannot be removed.“(默认)”值是默认的注册表值,不能删除。
12.Unrecognized unicode collation values, using default values.不能识别的编码序列值,请使用默认值。
13.The value of the Pension is preserved and increased only by investment.养老保险金只有投资才能增值保值。
14.How to Set up the Innovating Ability of an Enterprise Value According to the Value Chain;基于价值链的企业价值创新能力构建
15.A study on enterprise function,cost and value;论企业柔性价值的功能,成本与价值
16.He's incompetent and not worth keeping on.他庸碌无能, 不值得留用.
17.scattering ion energy ratio散射离子的能量比值
18.potential peak periods可能的峰值产生期间

1.Energy Analysis of Environment and Economy between Guangzhou and HongKong;广州与香港的环境经济能值分析
2.Relation of biochemical composition and energy in Litopenaeus vannamei during starvation;饥饿状态下凡纳滨对虾生化组成与能值的关系
3.Appraisal Targets Designing of Beneficial Cycle for Urban Economy Based on the Energy Theory;基于能值理论的城市经济良性循环评价体系设计——宜宾市经济良性循环评价的实证研究
3)energy value能值
1.Energy value evaluation of dike-pond agro-ecological engineering modes.;基塘农业生态工程模式的能值评估
2.Research on evaluation method and evaluation target of energy value of green manufacturing system;绿色制造系统能值评价方法与评价指标的研究初探
3.Energy value Ananlysis of natural pasture in Qinghai province;青海天然草地牧草能值分析
4)emergy value能值价值
5)emergy analysis能值分析
1.Emergy Analysis of The Sustainable Development System of Mining Source in China;基于能值分析的中国矿产资源可持续发展体系研究
2.Ecological footprint of Shandong Province based on emergy analysis;基于能值分析的山东省生态足迹
3.Emergy analysis on an added loop in Spartina alterniflora ecological engineering.;米草生态工程加环效益能值分析
6)emergy indices能值指标
1.Based on calculating and analyzing the main emergy indices, the paper perorated that the development of Jiangsu during the past 20 years is not sustainable, and then suggestions are discussed for the sustainability of Jiangsu environmental economic system.文章通过对江苏主要能值指标的分析 ,得出江苏环境经济系统近 2 0年来的发展是不可持续的 ,并从能值分析角度提出实施江苏可持续发展的对

力学量的可能值和期待值  在量子力学中,力学量F用作用于波函数上的算符弲表示。在数学上,对于一个算符,满足       的函数 ui(r)称为弲的本征函数,式中Fi是与r无关的数,称为本征值。如果ui(r)描写微观粒子的状态,则它必须满足单值、连续和有限的标准条件。在这种限制之下,上式中的本征值可以取一系列分立值,或取一定范围内的连续数值。    在测量力学量F时,观察到的只能是它的本征值。若一个力学量的本征值具有分立谱,我们说这个力学量是量子化的。    量子力学中假定力学量的全部本征函数组成一个完全系;这意思是说:描写体系的任一状态的波函数ψ都可以用力学量的本征函数ui展开:       在ψ和ui都是归一化的情况下,上式中的展开系数сi具有如下的物理意义:在ψ态中测量力学量时,得到结果为Fi的几率是|сi|2。    因此,若微观粒子的定态波函数是某力学量算符的本征函数ui(r),则在这一状态中,力学量F取确定值Fi。    在ψ态中对力学量进行多次测量,把所得结果加以平均,就得出力学量在ψ态中的期待值,以〈F〉表示:       上式称为力学量的期待值公式。如果ψ不是归一化的,那么期待值公式应写为