1.Technical Means in the Supervision and Management of the Coal-mine Safe Production——The application of the image monitor-control system in the coal-mine safe production supervision and management;煤矿安全生产监督管理工作中的技术手段——图像监控系统在煤矿安全监管中的应用
2.Radial scan algorithm for fabric drape digital image contour detection;织物悬垂性数字图像轮廓识别的径向扫描算法
3.Mobile image-positioning instrument Based on embedded linux;基于嵌入式Linux的移动图像监测定位仪

1.image converter and intensifiers图像换管和图像增强管
2.image orthicon camera图像正析像管摄像机
3.Bitmap-button images include the border around the image as well as the image itself.位图按钮图像包括图像本身以及图像的边框。
4.image amplifier图像放大器,影像增强器
5.An image so projected.影像这样投射出的图像
6.image segmentation图像分割法;局部图像分析法;局部图像分析法
7.Exploring Image Compression: LZW Algorithm and Quotient-Remainder Image;图像压缩方法探索:LZW算法与商图像—余图像
8.Image Fusion of the Camera and the Imaging Ladar三维成像激光雷达图像与摄像机图像的融合
9.(of an image) not in or brought into focus.(指图像)没有聚焦。
10.(of an image) clear and sharp.(指图像)清楚、鲜明。
11.Resize, crop, rotate, optimize the image调整图像尺寸或裁剪、旋转、完善图像
12.Image color segmentation is a technique of image processing.图像颜色分割是图像处理的一项技术。
13.Invalid image format. The image file may be corrupt.无效的图像格式。图像文件可能已损坏。
14.Research on Image Edge Detection and Image Matching and Their Applications图像边缘检测和图像匹配研究及应用
15.Image Rendering and Object Identification Based on Images;基于图像图像构建绘制和对象辨识
16.Research on Algorithms of SAR Image and Optical Image Fusion;SAR图像与光学图像数据融合算法研究
17.Image Registration and Fusion Technology in the Detection of Double Spectrum Image Detection;双光谱图像检测的图像配准融合技术
18.Research about Image Enhancement Algorithm in Video Image Restoration;视频图像修复中的图像增强算法研究

1.Study on moving picture of the particle in a box;势箱中电子运动图像的绘制
2.Vehicle picture checking technology based on probability mathematical statistics;基于概率统计模型的图像核查技术
3.Essay about the Thinking of the Picture--Comment Piece on the Thinking of Picture and Image;图像思维散论——兼评张学栋《图·像思维》
1.The Review of Reasons and Correction Methods for Artifacts in ICT Images;工业CT图像的伪影成因和校正方法综述
2.Algorithms for Micro-motion Measurement Based on Images;基于图像的微运动测量算法
3.Experimental study on arc movement images effected by magnetic diffusing;磁扩散电弧运动图像实验研究
1.On a Class of Weierstrass Functions with Graph Box Dimension 2;一类图像的Box维数为2的Weierstrass函数
2.And with the development of technology and the demand of learners,there has been a new trend in knowledge representation,which is from language to graph,so this paper discusses graph s application in the Web-based Course based on cognitive view.且由于技术的发展和学习主体的需要,知识的表示由以语言文字为中心向图像为中心转移,从认知角度出发,探讨了网络课程中的图像应用。
3.In present textbook,for curvilinear parameter equation,there is no defined methods to solve characteristic of graph,copy methods and the area of self-closed planar graph.在现行教材中,有关参数方程所示曲线的图像特点、描绘方法以及自身封闭所围成的平面图形的面积等都未给出明确的求法,为此,文中给出了关于曲线参数方程的两个教学注记,以弥补教材中的不足。
1.Colour reproduction for tele-imaging systems;医学远程图像系统的颜色再生成
2.Using Imaging and Workflow Technology in Pension Application;图像及工作流技术在养老金信息系统中的应用
3.In this paper the imaging information of FBC is studied with chaotic theory.在流化床冷态实验中借助现代技术手段──多媒体计算机进行了图像测量。
1.With the rapid improvements of video and image processing technologies in recent years, the demand for high-quality video and image sequences grows fast.随着视频和图像处理技术的飞速发展,人们对高分辨率视频和图像序列的需求越来越强烈。
