1.Comparison of Several Reclamation Modes for Land Discarded by Iron Mines around Anshan;鞍山市周边铁矿废弃地几种复垦模式的比较
2.Ecological Effect of Reclamation and Afforestation in Coal Refuse Pile;浅谈煤矸石山复垦绿化的生态效应
3.Classification of Mines to Be Reclaimed in Sichuan and Research on Countermeasures for Their Reclamation;四川省待复垦矿山分类及复垦对策研究

1.International Affiliation of Land Reclamationists(IALR)国际上地复垦家联合会
2.for lack of ability of reclamation or for failure to meet the required reclamation, land reclamation fees shall be paid, for use in land reclamation.没有条件复垦或者复垦不符合要求的,应当缴纳土地复垦费,专项用于土地复垦
3.Whereas no correction is made within the time limit, a payment of land reclamation fees specially used for land reclamation by the violator shall be ordered and a fine may be imposed concurrently.逾期不改正的,责令缴纳复垦费,专项用于土地复垦,可以处以罚款。
4.Code for design of land reclamation project of bauxite mines铝矿山土地复垦工程设计规程
5.5. Keep a balance between cultivated land occupied and cultivated land developed and reclaimed.(五)占用耕地与开发复垦耕地相平衡。
6.An Pots Experimental Study on Historical Pb-Zn Smelting Slag Land Reclamation in Northwestern Guizhou Province;黔西北土法炼锌废渣场复垦试验研究
7.The Study of Land Reclamation Method and Technical Appraisal;露天矿土地复垦方法研究与技术评价
8.The Study of Land Reclamation Potential for Subsided Land of Coal Exploitation;黄土丘陵区采煤塌陷地复垦潜力研究
9.Research on Land Recovery Potence in Chengqu District of Jincheng City in Shanxi Province;山西省晋城市城区土地复垦潜力研究
10.Study on Land-reclamation and Sustainable Utilization of Subsided Land in Jiaozuo Mining Area;焦作矿区塌陷土地复垦与可持续利用
11.The existing problems and countermeasures in the land reclamation in mining area in our country;我国矿山土地复垦存在的问题及对策
12.Engineering Geological Evaluation of Laohuding Quarry Reclamation in Jixian County蓟县老虎顶采石矿复垦工程地质评价
13.Research and Implementation of Temporal Vegetation Reclamation Database植被复垦数据库的时态性研究与实现
15.Assessment on the Vegetation Coverage after Land Reclamation Based on RS基于遥感的土地复垦植被覆盖度评价
16.Research on Practical Reclamation Technology in Dabaoshan Mine Wastedumps大宝山排土场复垦绿化实用技术探究
17.The Application of ArcGIS in the Plan of Land ReclamationArcGIS在矿区土地复垦中的应用
18.Polices,Laws and Regulations on Land Reclamation and the Implications:Comparing China with Other Countries国内外土地复垦政策法规比较与借鉴

1.Research of waste disposal and rehabilitation plan of extension in Malanzhuang Iron Mine;马兰庄铁矿扩建排土复垦规划研究
2.Having adopted the most advanced "three-unders" coal mining and land rehabilitation techniques,the author carried out rehabilitation of waste filling to some mining sinkholes of Lǚjiatuo Branch,created a good ecological environment as the new location of the relocation villages,and solved th.采用当今国内外最先进的"三下"采煤与土地复垦技术,对吕家坨矿业分公司部分采区稳沉采煤塌陷地进行矸石充填复垦,创建一个良好的生态环境,用于搬迁村庄的新村址。
3.The rehabilitation of subsidence lands of coal extraction has been one of the important questions cared by ecology, environment, economics and society for many years.通过选取沉陷地的自然条件和社会经济条件组成潜力评价的指标体系,对翟镇采煤沉陷地的复垦潜力进行了有效的评价,并依据评价结果把该沉陷地划分为三种不同的潜力类型区,针对不同的潜力类型区的不同限制条件提出了相应的复垦方向和措施。
3)land reclamation复垦
1.The state of biomass before and after land reclamation in Donganshan mine zone is analyzed.通过对鞍钢矿山公司东鞍山矿地复垦前后生物量的对比分析,发现复垦后生物量是原来的14倍,矿地生物量水平由严重荒漠化达到非荒漠化土地的水平,说明矿山复垦对于改善矿山生态环境具有重要作用。
2.ince 1998,the average scale of complemented arable land from wild exploitation has decreased 44 percent and those from land reclamation andconsolidation has increased 40 percent,which has brought in about 106 thousand haor 31 percent decreasing of the sum.6万ha,下降31%,其中未利用土地开发减少44%,土地复垦整理大幅增加。
3.First introducing some land reclamation methods in common use in coal mining caused subsided land,this article introduces the characters of lake mud stowing technology.分析了采煤塌陷地几种常用复垦技术,介绍了湖泥充填技术的特点,阐述了湖泥充填复垦技术的可行性、环保性和经济性。
1.A Feasibility Study of Restoration of Peat Mined-out Area in Gengjiawan;耿家湾泥炭采空区土地复垦技术可行性研究
2.Serious erosion of soil and water in refuse dump is key and main task of land restoration in open cast mine of steppe region, which induce salination and degradation of soil in surroundings.沙棘是草原露天矿排土场理想的复垦植物 ,可以在短时期内形成郁闭的人工沙棘灌丛 ,土壤培肥和水土保持效果显著 ,并明显减缓坡下草场盐渍化程度。
3.The character, environmental influence, processing mode, as well as the history and currentconditions of abandoned mine was analyzed and explained in this paper, meanwhile some restoration strategy was put forward according to the present problems.简述了矿业废弃物的特性、环境影响、处理方式以及废弃地复垦的历史和现状 ,同时针对目前存在的问题 ,提出一些复垦对策。
1.Effects of reclamation on bamboo shooting and growth of Oligostachyum scabriflorum垦复对糙花少穗竹出笋和生长的影响
2.Four years study and observation on soil reclamation in Phy-llostachys pubescens forest stand located at the north distributional center limit (Mt.在毛竹分布中心区北缘——大别山区,进行4年试验结果表明,垦复深度效果以20cm为好,25cm次之,10cm较差;垦复时间以7月最佳,8月次之,9月较差。
1.Effects of reclaiming disturbance on diameter distribution of Oligostachyum scabriflorum;垦复干扰对糙花少穗竹秆径分布的影响
2.Effects of reclaiming disturbance on species diversity in Oligostachyum scabriflorum forest;垦复干扰对糙花少穗竹林物种多样性的影响

废石场复垦废石场复垦rehabilitation for waste rock dumps feishiehang fuken废石场复垦(rehabilitation for waste roekdumPs)将废石场恢复到可供利用状态的土地复垦技术。地下矿掘进过程中掘出的废石量远比露天矿的剥离土岩量为少,所占的堆置场地较小,但年长月久占地将逐渐扩大,对环境的污染也将日益严重,为此复垦也应及早进行。 利用废石是废石场复垦的一种最有效途径。在运输条件方便的地区,可加工成建筑万料或筑路碎石。在采用充填法的矿山,废石是一种很好的回填料,从而减少地表堆置的废石量。在地下矿区出现地表塌陷时,可将废石堆置在塌陷区,并经长期的腐殖质化,使废石逐步熟化,及时种植草木,以恢复原来的地貌。如果地形条件许可,在自然环境规划下,用废石筑坝,形成人工水库,既可用于灌溉、小型发电,还可开辟为风景区。如矿山位于农田地带,为了减少占用的耕地,废石场宜向高处发展和拓宽,最终将形成废石山。复垦作业可在边坡已固定一侧进行,并逐渐扩大。根据废石的性质和要种植植物的种类,决定在复垦坡面上是否要覆土。种植的主要目的是稳固坡面和减少扬尘的产生。如矿山位于山林地带,废石场一般选在井口附近的山谷处。废石可单台阶堆置。复垦作业可随最终台阶工作面的推进而前移。在废石量小,不至于影响山区环境的地区,可撒草子任其自然成长。经一定时间后,进行树木种植以恢复山区本来面貌。在场地面积较大时,应进行平整和覆土作业,然后根据土质情况和自然条件种植适宜的树木。 (洪迅法)