绿豆,mung bean
1)mung bean绿豆
1.Researches on technology for compound beverage of mung bean and pineapple;绿豆菠萝复合饮料工艺的研究
2.Product of long-life noodles with kelp and mung bean;海带绿豆保健鲜湿面的生产

1.any of various sprouted beans: especially mung beans or lentils or edible soybeans.各种豆芽菜;尤其是绿豆芽、小扁豆芽、黄豆芽等。
2.Characteristics of Mungbean (Vigna Radiata) Starches and Influence cf storage on Mungbean Quality绿豆淀粉的特性及储藏对绿豆品质的影响研究
3.Breeding and Cultivation Technique of New Variety Mung Bean Jinludou 6绿豆新品种晋绿豆6号的选育及高产栽培技术
4.For breakfast, we have fried rice, potato and green bean soup.今天我们早餐吃炒米饭、土豆和绿豆粥。
5.small flat green bean similar to lima beans.小的平绿豆,类似于利马豆。
6.evergreen Mediterranean tree with edible pods; the biblical carob.地中海一种可食的常绿豆荚树;圣经中的角豆树。
7.Mining and Utilization of Source for Bruchid Resistant Gene in Mungbean;绿豆抗豆象基因源发掘与创新利用研究
8.Effects of Cadmium on Seed Germination and Growth of Seeding of Mung Bean and Horsebean;镉对绿豆和蚕豆种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响
9.The Biochemical Test and Analysis of Soybean Sprout and Mungbean Sprout黄豆芽和绿豆芽生化指标的检测与分析
10.Transferability of SSR from Adzuki Bean to Mungbean小豆SSR引物在绿豆基因组中的通用性分析
11.Study on Thermal Conductivities of Rice, Mung Bean and Soybean Powders米粉、绿豆粉及黄豆粉的导热系数的实验研究
12.Safety of Fluoroglycofen-ethyl to Mungbean and Ricebean in Greenhouse乙羧氟草醚对红小豆和绿豆的室内安全性研究
13.Study on Enzymatic Preparation Properties of Mungbean and Developments of New Types of Whole Mungbean Beverage;绿豆酶法水解特性及全绿豆新型饮品的开发研究
14.Allelism Test of Bruchid Resistant Genes and Inheritance and Microsatellite Tagging of Resistance to Bruchid in a Cultivar Mungbean (Vigna Radiate (L.) Wilczek) V2709;抗豆象基因等位性鉴定及栽培绿豆V2709抗豆象遗传与分子标记
15.Effect of "Luzhibao" on the Formation of Adventitious Roots in Hypocotyl Cuttings of VIGINA RADIATA;“绿之宝”对绿豆下胚轴不定根形成的作用(简报)
16.When eating hotpot, mung bean sprouts can be instant boiled in the dish.吃火锅的时候, 绿豆芽可以涮着吃。
17.The enzyme has been partially purified from muny bean shoots.从绿豆幼苗中已部分地提纯了这种酶。
18.To cut(green beans, for example)into thin strips before cooking.烹饪前将(如绿豆芽)切成细条

1.Study on preparation and functional characteristics of mungbean protein isolate;绿豆分离蛋白的制备及其功能特性的研究
2.Studies on Extraction and Characteristics of Mungbean Starch;绿豆淀粉的提取和绿豆淀粉性质的研究
3.Establishment of Candidate Core Collection in Chinese Mungbean Germplasm Resources;中国绿豆种质资源初选核心种质构建
3)Phaseolus radiatus绿豆
1.Effects of Ni~(2+) on Nucleolus in Root Cells of Phaseolus radiatus and Hordeum vulgarde;氯化镍对绿豆和大麦核仁结构损伤的研究
2.Extracting and determination of the content of flavonoids in the skin of phaseolus radiatus;绿豆皮中黄酮类化合物的提取及定量测定
3.Effects of the Activated Carbon on the Seedling Growth in the Water Culture of Phaseolus radiatus;绿豆水培中活性炭对幼苗生长的影响
4)Phaseolus radiatus L绿豆
1.Comparison and Improvement of Different Methods of RNA Isolation from Phaseolus radiatus L.;不同方法提取绿豆总RNA的比较和改进(英文)
2.Effects of Ion Beam Irradiation on Seeds of Mung Bean (Phaseolus radiatus L.);离子注入对绿豆种子的影响
3.Temporal Pattern of Changes in Desiccation Tolerance During Imbibition of Phaseolus radiatus L. Seeds;绿豆种子吸胀过程中脱水耐性变化的时间模式
5)green bean绿豆
1.The formulation and preparation techniques of ice cream with green bean and green tea were studied.以绿豆、绿茶、鲜鸡蛋、无水奶油等为主要原料 ,利用L9(34)正交试验方法 ,得出绿豆、绿茶冰淇淋主要成分的最佳含量为乳脂肪质量分数 8% ,甜味剂质量分数 16 % ,总固形物质量分数 32 %。
2.This topic major prepare a new kind of ice - cream study on the ice - cream made of green bean and green tea.绿豆被誉为粮油作物中的绿色珍珠,营养价值较高。
3.The soaking technology of green bean and wan bean starch prepared by wet milling process was investigated.研究了水磨法提取绿豆、豌豆淀粉的浸泡工艺,对浸泡介质、浸泡水用量、浸泡温度、浸泡时间等进行了详细、系统的研究,并用水磨法制成的淀粉与酸浆法产品进行了比
6)green gram绿豆
1.Experiment with several kinds of green gram and cowpea rhizobial strains isolated from soilderived from native rock of Yibing Jiaguan group showed that they grew fast and could grow on different carbon sources, gelatin and litmus milk.从宜宾夹关组为母质发育的酸性紫色土分离的几株绿豆、豇豆根瘤菌株试验表明,其生长速度快,在不同碳源、明胶,石蕊牛奶中均能生长;在抗逆性方面,大多数能忍耐5%NaCl,耐糖性达30%,最适pH6。
