种植业,Planting industry
1)Planting industry种植业
1.Marginal revenues of resources and goal programming of planting industry structure;资源边际效益与种植业结构调整目标规划
2.Studies on analyzing the comparative advantage of planting industry in Shenyang city;沈阳市种植业比较优势分析

1.Protection of New Varieties and Development of Growing Industry;植物新品种保护与种植业产业的发展
2.Gradual optimization of the structure of cultivation.种植业结构逐步优化。
3."Agriculture" as mentioned in this Law means crop-plantation, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery.本法所称农业,是指种植业、林业、畜牧业和渔业。
4.Modulate Structure of Planting and Vigorously Development Superiority Industry;调整种植业结构 大力发展优势产业
5."Insurance for farming and husbandry" refers to the business of providing insurance to animals and plants grown and raised in planting, breeding and husbandry.农牧保险,是指为种植业、养殖业、牧业种植和饲养的动植物提供保险的业务。
6.That year, the region recorded good harvests of farm crops for 13 consecutive years.种植业创下了连续13年丰收的记录;
7.Optimization of Water Resources Utilization for Cropping System in Beijing北京地区种植业水资源优化利用研究
8.Comparative Advantage and Structure Adjustment in China's Crop Production;比较优势与中国种植业生产结构调整
9.LINGO8.0 Application Discussion in Structural Adjustment of Planting Industry;LINGO8.0在种植业结构调整中的应用探讨
10.Research on the Development of Plant Industry in Poyang Lake and its Surrounding Economic Zone;鄱阳湖及周边经济区种植业发展研究
11.Analysis of Restructure of Planting Industry on Farmland in Qionghai City, Hainan Province;海南琼海市耕地种植业布局调整分析
12.Facts of Crop Production in Minqin County and the Strategy for Sustainable Development;民勤县种植业现状与可持续发展对策
13.Current situation and development strategy of export-oriented crop production in Ningbo:;宁波市外向型种植业发展现状和对策
14.Counter-measures on adjusting crop-planting structure of Northeast China;东北地区种植业结构调整的对策建议
15.Protection of New Plant Varieties and Development of Scientific Seed Industry;植物新品种保护与种子科技产业发展
16.Research on 4 Agricultural Cultivation Systems in France法国在四种农业种植系统方面的研究
17.Trade Unions International of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation Workers农业、林业和种植园工人工会国际(农林业和种植园工人工会)
18.Agriculture is about growing plants and raising animals for food.农业是有关种植植物和养殖动物以提供食物的。

1.Present situations and prospects of Panax notoginseng planting in Jingxi county,Guangxi;广西靖西县田七种植业发展的现状与展望
2.The Optimal Model on Disposal of Resources for Planting in Gansu;甘肃省种植业资源配置优化模型
3.Current situation and countermeasures of Chinese medicinal materials planting in Hebei province河北省中药材种植业发展现状及对策
3)Crop production种植业
1.Current situation and development strategy of export-oriented crop production in Ningbo:;宁波市外向型种植业发展现状和对策
2.The research of the structure regulating decision-supporting system of crop production in Hebei Province;河北省种植业结构调整决策支持系统研究
3.So increasing forage crop production is a major approach of the cropping system adjustment in this area.粮料分流,建立种植业三元结构是解决黄土高原粮食问题的必然选择。
4)plant industry种植业
1.Economic Performance and Evaluation Index System of Plant Industry;种植业经济效益及其评价指标体系研究
2.of Shandong Province,through surveying the superiority index of major crops in this region,this paper finds out the comparative superiorities of regional plant industry of Shandong Province and the superior type for regional development;puts forward several countermeasures for promoting the development of plant industry in Shandong.该文在对山东省农业资源、环境、经济和社会等主要指标调查分析的基础上,通过区域主要农作物优势指数测算,得出了山东种植业区域比较优势和区域发展优势类型,并提出了加快山东种植业发展对策措施。
3.This paper introduces the importance development scale of Chinese herb medicine plant industry in the chain of Chinese herb medicine industry;puts forward the superiorities principles for developing Chinese herb medicine plant industry in western China;and also discuses the suggestions counter measures for developing Chinese herb medicine plant industry in western China.该文对中药材种植业在中药产业链中的重要性和发展规模进行了介绍,提出了西部地区发展中药材种植业的优势和应遵循的原则,探讨了西部地区发展中药材种植业的建议与对策。
1.Research on the Applicability Comparison on Ammonia Emission Inventory Model in Farming;农业种植业氨排放清单模型适用性比较研究
2.Approach on Regulate of Farming Construction in Yushu State;玉树种植业结构调整探讨
3.Discussion on basic soil categories and farming structure adjustment relation;试论土壤基层分类与种植业结构调整的关系
6)crop farming种植业
1.Successive measures for high yielding and high efficiency in crop farming were summarized and these practices will provide reference for further growth in crop farming in Fuxin area.针对阜新地区生态环境条件及其农业结构特点,提出蓄水保墒、节水灌溉、保护性耕作和粮草间作等集成优化技术内容,总结了综合保苗、蓄水保墒、保护性耕作、节水灌溉等高产高效技术措施,以期为阜新地区种植业发展提供参考。
2.The crop farming of the tai lake area is always an important part of economy history study , this area has been the developedest agriculture area in whole China since Dang Dynasty, also is an area of produce a lare number of grain.太湖地区种植业是经济史研究的重要组成部分,这里从唐代开始就一直是全国农业最发达的地区,也一直是产粮大区。

种植业  指狭义的农业,亦称农作物栽培业。通常指栽培农作物以取得植物性产品的农业生产部门。在中国,种植业同林业、畜牧业、副业和渔业合在一起,为广义的农业。在国外,种植业一般同畜牧业合在一起,统称为农业。    种植业产生于新石器时代,即原始社会的后期。在长达约200万年的旧石器时代和中石器时代,由于生产力极其低下,人们只能靠采集和狩猎为生。但在长期的采集过程中,人们逐渐地了解了一些植物的生活习性,学会了栽培技术,于是形成了原始的种植业。以后,随着生产力的发展,种植业不断地进步。这主要表现在农作物种类增多,单位面积产量提高,播种面积扩大,总产量增加,产品品质改善等等方面。    种植业在整个农业中占有特殊重要的地位,是整个农业的基础。因为只有绿色植物能从大气中吸收二氧化碳,从土壤中吸收无机盐和水分,通过光合作用将太阳能转化为有机能,使无机物转化为有机物。畜禽则主要以植物性产品为食料,将植物能转化为动物能,而不能将无机物合成为有机物。所以,除依靠天然牧草放牧外,畜牧业均以种植业为基础。另外,人们要生存,每天必须摄入一定数量的糖、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素等营养物质。自从人类社会从采集和狩猎经济过渡到农业以后,这些营养物质无论来自植物性食品,还是来自动物性食品,其最初的来源都是种植业。种植业一直是人类社会得以存在和发展的基础。    种植业是由多种作物种植组成的综合体。按其产品特点可分为粮食作物、经济作物、蔬菜作物、饲料作物和绿肥作物等类作物的种植,其中的每一类作物又包括若干个俱体的作物。在中国,通常把种植业包括的作物列为粮、棉、油、麻、丝、茶、糖、菜、烟、果、药、杂等12项。这些作物之间,存在着互相制约、互相依存的关系,但是它们各自在种植业中和在整个农业中所占的地位并不完全相同。其中,粮食生产是种植业和整个农业的基础,因为粮食生产是为人类提供最必需的生存资料,为畜牧业提供饲料,只有粮食生产发展了,其他作物的生产和林、牧、副、渔等业才有发展的可能。其他作物的种植也很重要,因为:①人们对种植业产品的需要是多方面的,随着生产的发展和收入的增加,人们对粮食以外的种植业产品的需求还要增加。②其他作物的生产在一定的条件下可以促进粮食生产的发展。③有利于充分利用各种各样的资源。    加快发展种植业的一个重要条件是正确处理种植业内部各类生产之间的关系,合理分配投入各类生产的人力、物力和财力,特别是合理分配各类作物的种植面积。