1.Investigation on the Scratching Behaviors of CuZnAl Shape Memory Alloy;CuZnAl形状记忆合金划痕行为研究
2.Scratch Test of UHMWPE Composites Filled with Natural Coral Powder;珊瑚粉填充改性UHMWPE的划痕试验
3.Modeling and Simulation of Scratches during the Process of Ultra-Precision Plane Grinding;超精密平面研磨划痕形成的建模与仿真

1.Bierbaum scratch hardness test比尔鲍姆划痕硬度试验
2.Study on Micro-indentation and Micro-scratch Experiment of Thermal Oxidation Coating on TC4 AlloyTC4钛合金热氧化层微米压痕/划痕试验研究
3.Micro-fine, hairline scratches can often be removed by hand using a non-abrasive paint cleaner or swirl remover polish.细小的划痕,发线类划痕通常可用漆面清洁剂或去除划痕剂即可清除。
4.This tends to magnify defects making them easier for your eyes to see.这会使划痕放大,用肉眼很容易看清。
5.Paints and varnishes--Scratch testGB/T9279-1988色漆和清漆划痕试验
6.They scored the floor-boards by pushing furniture about.他们推动家具, 在地板上留下了划痕.
7.I'm going to touch up those scratches with a bit of paint.我要用点儿颜料修补那些划痕.
8.GLASS PRODUCTS Finishing of edge and Removing scratch etc.玻璃制品加工抛光边角及清除划痕等。
9.The Formation and Variation of Striated Marks on the Magazine s Curve Part;谈弹匣弧形部擦划痕迹的形成及变化
10.Study on Anti-scratching and Scratching Auto-recovering Functional Wood Coating具有划痕自修复功能的抗划伤木器涂料的研究
11.In the present work discovering, cutter mark of machining become surfacefatigue crack fountain.在试验过程中发现 ,疲劳裂纹源多为机加工留在表面的刀痕、划痕
12.Research on Design and Experiments of Precision In-situ Indentation and Scrach Testing System from Micro-to Nano-scale精密原位微纳米级压痕/划痕测试系统的设计与实验研究
13.Grasp the column between the thumb and forefinger as close to the score point as possible.用拇指和食指抓住柱,离划痕处越近越好。
14.Clear coat finishes are incredibly sensitive to scratches and swirl marks.清洁的漆面对划痕和螺旋纹是很敏感的。
15.Greg: Yes, look at these wine stains on the carpet and the scratch marks on the table.格雷哥:没错。看地毯沾了酒污,饭桌也留下了划痕
16.Don't be fooled by claims that color-matched waxes can remove scratches.别愚蠢的跟人家说,有颜色的蜡可以去除划痕
17.You selected an object on which Remove Scratch does not work. Please click another object.“消除划痕”对选中的对象无效。请另选一个。
18.Then the scratches and spots on the field lens would be visible at the eye lens.此时场镜上的划痕和小点会在接目镜中看见。

1.Prevention approach and measures for scratching defect of hot rolled small round bar;减少热轧小型圆钢划痕缺陷的途径和措施
2.A new technology about infrared laser scratching technique is p roposed in the article, which relates to two key problems: the laser scratching mechanism and the diagnosis technology for the bonding state of the film-substr a te interface.本文提出了表征膜—基界面结合强度的红外激光划痕检测新技术。
3)abrasion mark檫痕,划痕

皮肤划痕征皮肤划痕征 用钝器尖端划过患者皮肤,稍用力可出现三联反应。①划后3~15秒,在划过的地方出现红色线条;②15~45秒,条形损害周围出现鲜红色斑;③1~3分钟后,在划过的地方出现条形风团。见于荨麻疹、色素性荨麻疹等。