1.Nutrient equilibrium and distribution along soil profile of three legumes on highland Loess Plateau;黄土塬区三种豆科牧草的土壤养分剖面分布特征与平衡
2.Effect of Planting Density on the Productivity and WUE of Three Legumes in Highland of Loess Plateau;密度对三种豆科牧草生产力和水分利用率的影响

1.Trifolium hybridum L.cv.Dawn:an eminent leguminous grass in cool temperate zone高寒山区优良豆科牧草——道恩杂三叶
2.Study on Salt Tolerance of 10 Germplasm Materials of Leguminous Forage;10份豆科牧草种质材料耐盐性研究
3.Changes of total flavoniod contents in four legumes species4种豆科牧草总黄酮含量变化的研究
4.Research Progress and Development Prospect on Galega Orientalis Lam.优良豆科牧草东方山羊豆研究现状与趋势分析
5.Wild Legume Grass-Medicago Archiducis-nicolai Sirj Planting and Domesticating in Alpine Region高寒地区天然豆科牧草——青藏扁蓿豆的引种驯化
6.The results indicated that the concentration of N and Ca in legume forages were greater than that of grass forages.结果表明,豆科牧草氮和钙的浓度显著高于禾本科牧草。
7.A Study of Allelopathic Effect of Water Extracts from Legumes on Three Weeds;豆科牧草水浸提液对几种杂草的化感效应
8.Effects of Feeding Leguminous Grass Powder on Rabbit Meat Quality山地豆科牧草草粉对兔肉品质影响效果研究
9.Pasture Legume Species Differ in Their Capacity to Acidify=a Low-Buffer Soil不同豆科牧草对低缓冲土壤的酸化能力
10.Protoplast Culture and Somatic Hybridization in Three Legume Forages;三种豆科牧草的原生质体培养及体细胞杂交
11.Studies on the Wild Legume Herbage Rhizobia and Nitrogen Fixation Ability;野生豆科牧草根瘤菌及其固氮活性的研究
12.A Tisue Cilture And Somatic Embryo Inducton of Leguminous Forage Plants;几种豆科牧草植物组织培养体细胞胚诱导研究
13.Influence of Salt and Alkaline Stress on Germiantion and Physiology of Legumes Seeds盐碱胁迫对豆科牧草种子萌发及其生理的影响
14.Dynamic variation of the detergent fiber of 5 tropical leguminous forages during the growing period and their response to fertilization热带豆科牧草15个品质组成因子的相关性研究
15.Response to cutting treatment of interspecific relationships of leguminous forages in semiarid regions刈割扰动下半干旱区豆科牧草种间关系的反应
16.Evaluation of Allelopathic Potential in Eight Accessions of Chamaecrista spp决明属(Chamaecrista spp)豆科牧草8个品种化感潜力的研究
17.Replacement of Wheat Bran with Leguminous Pasture Chamaecrasta nictitans in Cultural Substrates for Cultivation of Mushroom Coprinus comatus豆科牧草羽叶决明替代麸皮栽培鸡腿菇研究
18.Effects of Leguminous Grazing and Shrub on Ecological Restoration in Yuanmou Arid-hot Valleys元谋干热区种植豆科牧草和灌木生态效应

Leguminous grass豆科牧草
1.The experiment of introducting leguminous grass species on the south subtropical low hills in Fujian;福建南亚热带低山丘陵豆科牧草引种试验
2.Effects of Feeding Leguminous Grass Powder on Rabbit Meat Quality山地豆科牧草草粉对兔肉品质影响效果研究
3.As regards aboveground portion,the N,P,K,Fe,Co and Na contents of Trifolium repens are high;the Mg and Zn contents of Trifolium pratense are high in 3 leguminous grasses.就地上部而言,在3种豆科牧草中,白三叶以N、P、K、Fe、Co、Na含量较高,红三叶以Mg、Zn含量较高。
1.Physiological—biological Changes of Legumes under Drought Stress;水分胁迫下豆科牧草的生理生化变化
2.Seed Germination Characteristics and Drought Resistance of Legumes;豆科牧草种子萌发特性与其抗旱性差异的研究
3.A Study of Allelopathic Effect of Water Extracts from Legumes on Three Weeds;豆科牧草水浸提液对几种杂草的化感效应
4)leguminous forage豆科牧草
1.Flora and generic constituent characteristics of main wild leguminous forage in rangeland of north part of Chifeng;赤峰北部主要野生豆科牧草的植物区系及属种组成特征
2.Study on Salt Tolerance of 10 Germplasm Materials of Leguminous Forage;10份豆科牧草种质材料耐盐性研究
3.Eight species of leguminous forage were tested intercropped in young Litchi orchard about 3 years in this trial,the result showed that fresh forage yield of Stylosanthes guianensis cv.通过在荔枝Litchi chinensis园中间作8个不同豆科牧草品种的3年试验,结果表明:82号柱花草Stylosanthes guianensiscv。
5)legume forage豆科牧草
6)Perennial legume forages多年生豆科牧草

豆科牧草  由豆科饲用植物组成的牧草类群。又称豆科草类。蛋白质含量高,适口性好;与根瘤菌共生,能固定大气中的氮为自身提供氮素营养,并提高土壤肥力,常兼用作绿肥和蜜源植物。广布于全世界。主要有苜蓿、三叶草、草木犀、红豆草、紫云英等属,其中紫花苜蓿和白三叶草是最优良的牧草。大多为草本,少数为半灌木、灌木或藤本。根系深而发达。茎直立、斜伸或匍匐。叶互生,复叶,网状脉。总状或圆锥状花序,花冠多蝶形,鲜艳。果实为荚果。多为长日照植物,要求充足光照,光照不足时光合作用明显下降,根瘤的形成缓慢或终止。对温度的要求因品种而异,一般2~4℃开始萌发,能进行固氮的最低温度为8~9℃,最高界限为30℃。开花期遇气温下降或多雨时,授粉作用减低,种子产量下降。萌发时需水较多,约为种子重量的1~1.5倍。土壤水分在最大持水量60~70%的范围生长良好。对氮肥需要量较少,需钾、磷、钙肥较多。干物质中平均含粗蛋白质18.4%,粗纤维27.8%,粗脂肪3.1%,无氮浸出物41.9%,粗灰分8.8%。蛋白质和纤维素的含量比约为1:1.5 ,高于其他牧草,含氨基酸的种类除蛋氨酸稍显不足外,很接近理想蛋白质,故有"蛋白质饲料"之称。钙的含量丰富,约占干物质的1.5~2.3%。用它调制的干草和草粉可代替精料。    豆科牧草为天然草原补播改良或建立人工草地所不可缺少,它与禾本科牧草合理组合建成的混播草地可提供高产和营养全面的牧草,防止单一豆科牧草引起的家畜臌胀病。用于青饲、青贮、制作干草或直接放牧均可。耐牧性较差,每年以刈割2~3次,或放牧利用3~4次为宜。刈割利用以初花期为好。个别豆科牧草含有生物碱或其他有毒物质,家畜不宜采食过量,以防中毒。