1.The impact of reclamation activities on soil sulfur contents in the Sanjiang Plain;开垦利用对三江平原湿地土壤硫含量的影响
2.Effects of reclamation on soil organic carbon in Haibei alpine meadow;开垦对海北高寒草甸土壤有机碳的影响

1.to break and turn over earth esp. with a plow.用犁子开垦和翻开土地。
2.It is cultivated for its flowers.这块地开垦出来种花。
3.They opened up large tracts of wasteland.他们开垦了大片荒地。
4.More wasteland will be opened up here.这里将开垦更多的荒地。
5.Reclaim the whole place.把这块地都开垦了吧。
6.a wild and uninhabited area.无人定居的未开垦地区。
7.We opened up several hundred mu of land.我们开垦了几百亩土地。
8.The Australian bush.澳大利亚的未开垦荒野
9.The reclamation of flooded or marshy land.海滩荒地的围垦对水淹地或沼泽地的开垦
10.Destroying forest or burning vegetation for land reclamation, or building dykes to reclaim land from a lake or reclaiming slopes banned by the State shall be prohibited.禁止毁林开荒、烧山开荒、围湖造田以及开垦国家禁止开垦的陡坡地。
11.To break up the surface of(soil).开辟,开垦破坏(土地的)表面
12.make (land)suitable for cultivation,eg by draining or irrigating it开垦(土地)(如排水、灌溉以利耕种)
13.Such poor land can no longer stand over-cultivation!瘦瘠的土地再也经不起过度开垦了!
14.virgin forest,soil,ie where cultivation has never been attempted处女林、处女地(未经采伐、开垦的).
15.Primitive races colonized these islands 2,000 years ago.原始人2,000年前开垦了这些岛屿。
16.remote(usu uncultivated)area where few people live人烟稀少的边远地区(通常指未开垦的)
17.I hear they have opened up 500 mu rice fields.我听说他们开垦了五百亩稻田。
18.The farmer reclaimed the swamp by draining it.农民通过排涝来开垦那块沼泽地。

1.Effects of Cultivation on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Agroecosystems;开垦对农业生态系统土壤有机碳动态变化的影响
2.Effects of Cultivation on Soil Properties at a Desert Site;开垦对荒漠土壤性状的影响
3.We aimed to detect the process that human activities exert on ecosystem by investigating and analyzing the changes of plant community,especially underground soil and root carbon sequestration under long term cultivation and grazing in typical steppe area of Nei Monggol,North China.以围封26 a草地(E26)为对照,研究了内蒙古典型草原区长期开垦与放牧对土壤-植物根系系统碳截存的影响。
3)farmland reclamation耕地开垦
1.Tradeoff of conflict between wetland protection and farmland reclamation in the Sanjiang Plain,Heilongjiang Province;三江平原湿地保护与耕地开垦冲突权衡
4)land reclamation土地开垦
1.The land reclamation and its influence on environment in West Liaohe Basin from 1902 to 1990;近百年来西辽河流域土地开垦及其对环境的影响
2.Land reclamation at the end of Qing dynasty and beginning of Republic of China in the Mongolian area was always focused on by the foreign scholars, a great deal of fruits were gained during these long time.清末民初的蒙旗土地开垦问题一直是国内外学者所关注的重要课题,取得了不少研究成果。
5)reclamation of rangeland草原开垦
1.In many anthropogenic factors, reclamation of rangeland and high-speed population growth are the important causes for it.近20年来,草原荒漠化十分严重,主要是人为因素造成的,其中草原开垦及其背后的人口过快增长是一个重要原因。
6)grassland reclamation开垦草原
1.This paper reviewed the related domestic and abroad research achievements and details about how human activities such as grassland reclamation, over-grazing, excessive digging resulted in grassland desertification.综合了国内外的研究成果,详细说明了草原荒漠化的人为主要原因———开垦草原、过度放牧、滥采滥挖是如何导致草原荒漠化的。
