战略对策,strategic countermeasure
1)strategic countermeasure战略对策
1.The total status analysis and strategic countermeasure of resource in Jiangsu province;江苏资源总体态势分析及战略对策
2.This paper studied the acutely changing Chinese ACR market,analyzed the new trend of ACR competition struggled by state owned corporations, private enterprises and foreign funded companies, and put forward strategic countermeasures for local ACR enterprises to enhance competitiveness.对新世纪剧烈变化的中国腈纶市场作了研究 ,对国资、民资、外资三大资本力量进入腈纶产业竞争的新趋势、新动态进行解析 ,提出了中国民族腈纶企业提高竞争力的战略对策 ,应居安思危 ,进一步整合力量 ,构筑完整的产业链 ,发挥地理布局上的自身优势。
3.Guided by system scientific theory and method, this paper put forward different strategic countermeasure on different phases of complicated water-saving society, economy and ecology system as a process system.在研究中采用系统科学的理论和方法,将建立节水型“社会—经济—生态”复合大系统视为一个过程系统,据此提出了建立节水型“社会—经济—生态”复合大系统不同阶段的战略对策

1.Research on Strategy Model&Measures on New Type Industrialization in Changchun;长春市新型工业化战略模式与战略对策研究
2.The Straregic Resources and Counter Measures of Hi-New-Tech SME S Financing;高新技术中小企业融资的战略资源及战略对策
3.On the development strategies and countermeasures in higher vocational colleges--the basic concept of the choice of strategeies and countermeasures;高职高专院校发展战略对策研究——关于战略对策选择的基本思路
4.The Countermoves on How to Improve the Competitive Capacity of Auto Industry;提高我国汽车产业竞争力的战略对策
5.Research on Water Resource Protection and Strategic Countermeasure in JiangHan Plain;江汉平原水资源保护及战略对策研究
6.U.S. Policy Toward Taiwan: Strategic Clarity and Strategic Ambiguity;美国对台政策:战略模糊与战略清晰
7.The challenges and counter - measures faced by the strategic management of the institutions of higher learning in China;我国高校战略管理面临的挑战与对策
8.The Policies of the United States on Korea and Japan in the early postwar period;战后初期美国对韩、日政策的战略演变
9.The Analyses of Strategic Deterrence Effect s Impact on Strategic Alliance Decision-making;战略阻绝效应对战略联盟决策的影响分析
10.The Investment Strategy of the Toyota Company for the China and the Strategy Research of the FAW;丰田公司对华战略及一汽的对策研究
11.Challenge to University Moral Education of Network and Countermeasures;网络对高校德育的挑战及其应对策略
12.The Challenge to Chinese Enterprise s Famous Brand Strategy After Joining WTO;加入WTO对我国企业名牌战略的挑战及对策
13.The Dependent Trend of Some China s Strategic Mineral Resources and Related Strategies;我国若干战略性矿产对外依存趋势及对应策略
14."Strategy" and "Grand Strategy": The Evolution of Strategic Decision Making Thoughts;“战略”与“大战略”——战略决策思想的演变
15.On Frame Restriction of WTO to Strategic Trade Policy;论WTO对战略性贸易政策的框架约束及对策
16.India: Its External Economic Development Strategy and Policy Tendency印度的对外经济发展战略及政策趋向
17.Research on the Strategy and Relevant Countermeasures of Key Account Operation for Hunan CTT湖南铁通大客户战略与实施对策研究
18.The Development Strategy Analysis and Research on the Tactics of SCJT Liquor-Making Group;SCJT酒业公司发展战略分析及对策研究

strategic countermeasures战略对策
1.Some strategic countermeasures for the problems ha.介绍了内蒙古矿产资源开发利用现状,研究了矿产资源开发利用中存在的与可持续发展不相适应的地质勘查资金投入不足、矿业市场秩序混乱、资源利用效率低下、矿业结构不合理、生态环境破坏严重等主要问题,并提出了相应针对性的战略对策,建议应从完善矿产资源管理法律体系、强化政府管理职能、加强矿产地质勘查、调整产业结构、保护生态环境及依靠科技进步等方面加大工作力度。
2.From the point of sustainable development,some strategic countermeasures for the problems have been put forward as follows: further perfecting the law system about mineral resources management,strengthening the governmental supervision and management,adjusting mining industry structure,increasing investment in mineral resources survey and expl.本文从可持续发展的角度对这些问题进行研究,并提出了相应的战略对策,建议应从完善矿产资源管理法律体系,强化政府管理职能,调整产业结构,加强矿产地质勘查,增强环境保护意识和加速科技进步等方面加大工作力度。
3.At last, the paper comes up with strategic countermeasures of tourism crisis management, aiming at each period of crisis development.借助长江三峡旅游发展中的大量事实,按照时间序列依次对旅游危机的生成机制、旅游危机的影响机制以及旅游危机管理的作用机制进行了系统分析,并在此基础上提出了不同阶段旅游危机管理的战略对策
1.The strategy of universities in participating the development of Western Regions shall be focused on education,on scientific cooperation for sustainable development and on the development of human resources.高校参与西部开发的战略对策 ,应确定以教育、人才培养、科技合作和可持续发展三大战略。
4)strategic measures战略对策
1.Strategic measures of trade upgrade at the frontier of China and Russia;中俄边境贸易升级的战略对策研究
2.In response to this, the author argues for several strategic measures that can serve as a means for improving the international trade of Chinese petroleum.在此基础上提出中国石油对外贸易战略对策 :一是提高国内供给能力 ,适当控制国内需求 ;二是根据中国石油供需情况适度进口 ;三是建立以中东原油为主的多元进口原油格局。
3.In this paper, we analyzed the effect of population on agricultural resource and environment in Gansu province, and proposed the sustainable development strategic measures of agricultural resource and environment in the province.本文在分析甘肃省资源环境问题的基础上 ,提出了甘肃可持续发展的战略对
5)strategy countermeasure战略对策
1.Especially it researches the strategy countermeasures of foreign investments.分析了 2 1世纪跨国公司的发展趋势 ,重点对我国如何利用外资的战略对策进行了研究。
2.For developing regional economy,the amount of water resources,presentsituation of using, existing problem and supply-demand state in the part of Huhhot wasanalysed and studied, so the strategy countermeasure of regional exploiting of water re-sources can be put forward.对呼和浩特区域内水资源数量、利用现状及存在的问题、供需情况等进行分析研究,进而提出区域水资源开发的战略对策

Blotto对策Blotto对策Blotto games B一川幽〕对策!BI峨劝〕g别nes;6.ooT,o“I,p“l 一类正规形式的二人零和对策(two一peoonzerc)一sum缪me)其中局中人的纯策略(见策略(对策论中的)(strategy〔in缪me theory)))是有限资源(可分割的或不可分割的)在多个对象土的分配,而增益或支付等于个体对象的增益或支付之和,这一对策是以一个虚构的Blotto土校来命名的,据说他是第一个参预这种类型的对策的人物