栽培管理,cultivation and management
1)cultivation and management栽培管理
1.A Dynamic Knowledge Model and Decision Support System for Perilla frutescens L. Cultivation and management;紫苏栽培管理知识模型及决策支持系统研究
2.The design and implementation of an expert system for alfalfa cultivation and management in Beijing;北京地区苜蓿栽培管理专家系统构建
3.Study on Expert System of Cultivation and Management for Peanut;花生栽培管理计算机专家系统的研究

1.Indices of cultivation and management for high quality apples in Aomori County of Janpan日本青森县高品质苹果栽培管理指数
2.Study on Expert System of Cultivation and Management for Peanut;花生栽培管理计算机专家系统的研究
3.The Sative Control Technigues and Biology Behavior of Bejmin Fig;垂叶榕的生物学习性及栽培管理技术
4.Cultivation and Management of Rhus succedanea L.;日本野漆树在红壤侵蚀区的栽培管理
5.Research and Development of Expert System for Pleurotus eryngii Cultivation and Management杏鲍菇栽培管理专家系统研究与开发
6.On Open Field Cultivation and Management of Chinese Rose in the Urban Greening月季在吉林市绿化中的露地栽培管理
7.The key technical measures research of new-planted young tea garden cultivation and management新种幼龄茶园栽培管理关键技术研究
8.From the aspects of its choice of varieties, its environmental regulation and control and its culture and management, this paper probes into the main techniques of Cymbidium hybridum's culture and management.从大花蕙兰的品种选择、境调控、栽培调控、培管理等方面,探讨大花蕙兰的主要栽培管理技术。
9.Contour planting is one of the best systems adapted to cultivation management on rolling or sloping land.等高栽植是适于坡地或起伏地的最好栽培管理方式之一。
10.This paper provides a basis for anatomy of culture of Angelica sinensis( Oliv.) Diels.本文为当归的栽培管理提供了解剖学依据。
11.Design and implementation of rapeseed (brassica napus) cultivation management multimedia expert system油菜栽培管理多媒体专家系统的设计与实现
12.Dynamic knowledge model and decision support system for rapeseed cultivation management油菜栽培管理知识模型及决策支持系统研究
13.Research on Soybean Optimum Cultivation Management Decision Support System Based on Struts;基于Struts的大豆优化栽培管理决策支持系统研究
14.Effects of Cultivating Management Measures on the Growth and Energy Production Efficiency of Triarrhena Sacchariflora (Maxim.) Nakai;栽培管理措施对荻生长发育和产能效率的影响
15.The Design and Implementation of An Expert System for Alfalfa Cultivation and Management in Beijing;北京地区苜蓿栽培管理专家系统的构建
16.Design and Implementation of a Knowledge Model System for Maize Management;玉米栽培管理知识模型系统的设计与实现
17.Research on Intelligence Decision and Consultant System of Tobacco Cultivation and Management in Southern AnHui;皖南烟草栽培管理智能决策与咨询系统的研究
18.Study on Plant Culture Management System Base on Data Warehouse Technology;基于数据仓库技术的作物栽培管理系统的研究

Cultivation management栽培管理
1.Dynamic knowledge model and decision support system for rapeseed cultivation management;油菜栽培管理知识模型及决策支持系统研究
2.Design and implementation of rapeseed (brassica napus) cultivation management multimedia expert system;油菜栽培管理多媒体专家系统的设计与实现
3.Techniques of cultivation management of Vitis labruscana in mountain areas of Fu′an福安山区巨峰葡萄优质栽培管理技术初探
1.The Introduction and Cultivation Management of Several Main Hydrophytes;几种主要水生植物的引种及栽培管理
2.Forageyield Dynamics, Cultivation, Management and Utilization of the Alfalfa (Madicago sativa) and Sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa) in Different Seeding Ways in Forage-grain Crop Rotation.;草田轮作中苜蓿、红豆草不同播种方式的产草量动态及栽培管理与利用
3.This article introduces its biologioal characteristic, chemical ingredients, pharmacy and cultivation.阐述银杏的生物学特性、化学成分、药理、临床应用和栽培管理,为更好的利用和栽培银杏提供理论依据和方法。
4)cultural management栽培管理
1.This article has briefly introduced jujube tree types suitable for Shanxi and the seedling,cultural management and practical techniques of the short dense high-yield jujube trees.文章从实际出发,就山西省适宜栽培的枣树品种及矮密丰枣树经济林的育苗、栽培管理、实用技术进行了简要介绍。
2.It was summarized the geographic distribution ,the entironment, the botanic conformation,the medicalcharacteristic, the healing properties,the propagation, the cultural management,the market and the prospect of Knoxiacorymbose .综述了珍贵药用植物红芽大戟的地理分布和生态环境、植物学形态、药用特性与药理作用、繁殖与栽培管理,及市场需求与展望。
3.This paper introduced Amygdalus communis cultural managemental technology,and developmental utilization.本文重点介绍了扁桃的栽培管理技术及其开发利用。
5)Culture management栽培管理
1.Expert system for mini-watermelon culture management in greenhouse based on the growth model;基于生长模型的温室小型西瓜栽培管理专家系统(ESWCM)的研究和建立
2.0 system platform,the expert system of mini-watermelon culture management in greenhouse based on the growth model was developed,which is composed of a knowledge base,a model base,a datebase,an inference engine and user interface.0系统平台相结合,建立了基于生长模型的温室西瓜栽培管理决策系统,包括知识库、模型库、数据库、推理机和人机界面。
3.The technology of Araceae s rapid propagation of industrialization to culture management was studied systematically.本文系统地研究了从组织培养快繁工厂化生产到栽培管理的一整套技术。
6)cultivation and maintenance栽培与管理
1.Study on method of cultivation and maintenance to vetiver grass;目前各地所采取的繁殖栽培与管理方法各不相同。

五色椒怎样栽培管理?  五色椒又名朝天椒、五彩辣椒,是辣椒的变种,为茄科多年生半木质性植物,但常作一年生栽培。株高30-60厘米,分枝多,茎直立,单叶互生。花白色。花期5—7月。果实簇生于枝端。同一株果实可有红、黄、紫、白等各种颜色,有光泽,盆栽观赏很逗人喜爱。也可以食用,风味同青椒一样。  五色椒原产美洲热带,现我国各地均有栽培。它性喜阳光充足、温暖湿润的环境,不耐寒冷和干旱。对土壤要求不严,但以肥沃、湿润、排水良好的砂质壤土为好。地栽盆栽均可,是花坛配植和布置阳台窗台、客室、书房等较好的植物。  五色椒用播种繁殖,一般在春季3-4月进行,待苗长至5厘米高时移植一次;苗高10厘米时定植或上盆。若盆栽,要施足基肥。栽后注意浇水和施肥。苗长至20厘米高时摘心,以增加分枝。浇水一般晴天每天一次即可,切忌根部渍水,否则会烂根。追肥不宜过多,以免枝叶徒长。为使花多果盛。开花前宜追施1-2次骨粉等含磷的液肥。在开花期,浇水不宜过多过勤,以免落花。浆果发育和成熟期。应保持盆土潮润,不然果色干黄无光泽。果实成熟后摘下风干贮藏,待来年取出种子再进行播种栽植。