酒糟,distiller's grains
1)distiller's grains酒糟
1.The breeding of alcohol yeast strains of high-temperature tolerance and high-alcoholicity endurance from distiller's grains is of great practical value in increasing fermenting efficiency,reducing production cost and enhancing alcohol-producing capability of yeast.从酒糟中选育耐高温及高酒精度的乙醇酵母,对于提高发酵效率、降低生产成本、提升酵母产乙醇的潜力具有重大的工业实用价值。
2.Waste distiller's grains was used as raw materials to produce green organic fertilizer, the indexes of which including water content, organic substances content, nitrogen content, and phosphorus content were measured.利用酒糟作原料,生产绿色有机肥料,并对有机肥料中各项指标:水分、有机质、全氮、全磷等含量指标进行测定。
3.Single Cell Protein(SCP) was produced from distiller's grains,which came from high gravity ethanol fermentation of corn,by using Candida tropicalis in shake-flasks.利用玉米原料酒精浓醪发酵产生的酒糟,对其培养热带假丝酵母生产SCP进行了初步的研究。

1.draw off from the lees, as of wine.像酒之类从酒糟中排除。
2.Production of Sesame-flavor Liquor By Yellow Rice Wine Lees利用黄酒糟生产优质芝麻香酒的研究
3.Research on the Utilization of Cellulase in Liquor Distiller's Grains纤维素酶对白酒酒糟资源化利用研究
4.The study of the healthful vinegar by fermenting distiller's grain and dregs of Ganoderma Lucidum利用白酒酒糟、灵芝药渣发酵生产食醋的研究
5.Culture of edible fungi using vinasse obtained as by-product after alcohol extraction from cassava真空抽提酒精后的木薯酒糟栽培食用菌研究
6.Application of rice wine lees protein as beer foam fortifier黄酒糟蛋白作为啤酒泡沫强化剂的研究
7.the rhinologists say that brandy nose can be treated.鼻科专家表示酒糟鼻子是能治好的。
8.Analysis on amino acid composition and lipid of yellow wine lees黄酒糟的氨基酸组成及脂类成分分析
9.Application of Decanter in Waste Liquid of Distillers’Grains卧螺离心机在酒糟废液分离中的应用
10.Optimization of Decoloring Technique of Hydrolysis of Brewer's Spent Grains Protein啤酒糟蛋白水解液脱色工艺优化研究
11.Effect of Feeding Fresh Beer Lees on Milk Performance of Milk Cows饲喂鲜啤酒糟对奶牛产奶性能的影响
12.The use of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) in poultry nutrition可溶性干酒糟(DDGS)在家禽营养中的应用
13.Study on Producing Protein Feed from Brewers Grain through Solid Fermentation固态发酵啤酒糟生产饲料蛋白的研究
14.Glucoamylase production from distillery waste of ethanol production by kitchen garbage利用餐厨垃圾酒糟离心液制取糖化酶
15.Investigation on the Separation of Microbes in Luzhou-flavor Fermented Grains and Luzhou-flavor Distiller's Grains浓香型白酒糟醅微生物分离方法初探
16.Comparative study on solid-state fermentation brewing lees vinegar and traditional vinegar固态发酵酒糟醋与传统醋的比较研究
17.Determination of Arsenic in Beer and Beer Lees by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry氢化物原子荧光光谱法测定啤酒及啤酒酒糟中的砷
18.Red vinasse is the vinasse of Shaohsing Wine, it has unique aroma, natural red color and rich of nutrition.红糟是绍兴酒的酒糟,具有独特的香味,及天然的红色色泽,富有丰富的营养。

1.Study on vinegar production from Daqu lees and distillation tails;利用大曲酒尾、酒糟发酵生产食醋的研究
2.Experimental Research on Plant Growth in Coal Fly Ash-Lees Admixture Substrate;粉煤灰-酒糟混合基质的植物生长试验研究
3.Study on procedure of producing corn oil from lees;玉米酒糟生产玉米油工艺研究
3)distillers' grains酒糟
1.The paper studied the feasibility of the fly ash with the urban sewage sludge and the fly ash with distillers' grains to be the rec- lamation base material for the mining area.研究了粉煤灰加城市污泥及酒糟作为矿区复垦基质的可行性,利用盆栽试验探讨紫花苜蓿对于复垦基质的适应性。
2.Abstract: Fly ash was mixed separately with sewage sludge and distillers' grains in a ratio of 4∶1 to get new(reclaiming) substrates,the growth of Medicago sativa L.将粉煤灰分别与污泥、酒糟按4∶1的质量比混合组成新型复垦基质,利用盆栽试验研究了该基质上苜蓿、棉花、高羊茅、早熟禾的生长情况以及基质主要化学性质变化。
1.The best yield increase effect comes from the proportional use of stillage N, inorganic N and phosphorus.5万kg酒糟,小麦增产10。
2.This paper studies a method to produce the edible mushroom by use of stillage.我们对利用酿酒工业废物——酒糟进行食用菌栽培的探索,取得了良好的效果。
3.The recycling fermentation with the filtrate of stillage was a zero discharges technology of the ethanol production.酒糟滤液全回用技术的应用能够实现酒精发酵的零排放。
1.Synthetical utilization of vinasse in glutinous rice wine糯米老白酒酒糟的综合利用
6)distiller grains with liquor wine酒糟酒
1.This research tried to explore the production process of nutritional fruit juice containing alcohol ingredient through a set of tests with the materials such as distiller grains with liquor wine, wild Rosa roxbrghii juice, bee pollen and flavor concrete.用酒糟酒、野刺梨果汁、蜂花粉、香精为原料,通过正交试验,探索含酒营养果汁饮料的生产工艺,并对蜂花粉的破壁工艺进行了探讨。

酒糟【通用名称】酒糟【其他名称】酒糟 (《本草拾遗》) 【异名】甜糟(《本草拾遗》),糟(《日华子本草》),红糟(《养生必用方》),酒醅糟、粕(《纲目》)。 【来源】为米、麦、高梁等酿酒后剩余的残渣。 【化学成分】酒糟因制酒原料及方法之不同,所含成分亦异,其仅分离酒液的酒糟中尚含相当量的乙醇,若经蒸吊烧酒后,则乙醇的含量极少。 【性味】甘辛,温。 ①《纲目》:"甘辛,无毒。" ②《本草求原》:"辛,热。" 【功用主治】温中,消食,散瘀,止痛。治伤折瘀滞疼痛,冻疮,风寒湿痹。 ①《本草拾遗》:"主温中冷气,消食杀腥,去草菜毒,润皮肤,调脏腑。" ②《日华子本草》:"罯扑瘀血,浸洗冻疮,敷蛇、蜂叮毒。" ③《纲目》:"能活血行经止痛,故治伤折有功。" 【用法与用量】内服:炖温。外用:罨敷。 【选方】①治伤折,恶血不散疼痛:酒糟二斤,糯米半斤。上二味相和,酒煮稀稠得所,取出乘温涂患处,外封裹之,日再易。(《圣济总录》糟米涂方) ②治鹤膝风:酒醅糟四两,肥皂一个(去子),芒硝一两,五味子一两,砂糖一两,姜汁半瓯。研匀,日日涂之。加入烧酒尤妙。(《纲目》) ③治手足皴裂,春夏不愈者:生姜汁、红糟、白盐、猪膏(腊月者佳)。上研烂炒热,擦入皴内,一时虽痛,少顷便皮软皴合,再用即安。(《养生必用方》)