1.Study on Nitrogen and Potassium Supply Capability and Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation of Tieguanyin Tea Plantations in Fujian Province;福建铁观音茶园氮钾供应能力及测土配方施肥研究
2.Analysis and comparison of aroma compositions in Biluozhenzhu tea and Tieguanyin tea leaves碧螺珍珠茶与铁观音的香气成分分析与比较
3.Iron in the soil of Tieguanyin tea plantations in Fujian and its transfer into tea leaves福建铁观音茶园土壤及茶叶中的铁含量

1.Iron in the soil of Tieguanyin tea plantations in Fujian and its transfer into tea leaves福建铁观音茶园土壤及茶叶中的铁含量
2.Study on soil magnesium in the Tieguanyin tea plantations of Fujian Province福建省铁观音茶园土壤镁素状况研究
3.Tie Guanyin of high quality taste mellow and the sweet after taste lasts long.好的铁观音滋味醇厚,喝过之后回甘持久。
4.Geographic Symbol: The Advancement of Anxi-tieguanyin and Its Industrial Upgrade;地理标志:安溪铁观音的品牌推进与产业升级
5.Survey on the Distributors of Anxi Tie Guanyin in Quanzhou Area;安溪铁观音泉州地区分销商的市场调查研究
6.Thinking about Creating the Regional Brand of Anxi Tie Guanying ;产业集群区域品牌建设构想——以“安溪铁观音”为例
7.The effects of quality of Oolong tea with far infrared withering and visor withering远红外萎凋与遮阳萎凋对铁观音品质的影响
8.Analysis and comparison of aroma compositions in Biluozhenzhu tea and Tieguanyin tea leaves碧螺珍珠茶与铁观音的香气成分分析与比较
9.Comparison of Aroma Constituents between Oriental Beauty Tea and Tieguanyin Tea东方美人茶和铁观音香气成分的比较研究
10.Nickel in Tieguanyin tea plantation soils and its transfer to tea leaves in Fujian Province福建铁观音茶园土壤中的镍及其向茶叶的转移
11.A Study on the Enzymatic Extraction and the Removal of Protein from Tieh-Kwan-Yin Polysaccharides铁观音茶多糖的酶法提取及脱蛋白工艺研究
12.Tieguanyin tea produced here is widely known for its good quality and sweet fragrance.出产的“铁观音”以其品质优良,味道香醇,被誉为中国茶中的精品。
13.There produce an abundance of renowned tea varieties, e.g. Longjin, Wulong, Pu'er, Tieguangyin.造就了龙井、乌龙、普洱、铁观音这些驰名中外的名品。
14.Some kinds of Chinese tea such as Longjing, Tieguanyin and Oolong are among the products internationally acknowledged as the Best in the world.龙井茶、铁观音、乌龙茶等均是国际公认的世界最好产品。
15.[Ingredients] pumpkin root, mulberry leaf, jade bamboo, Guava leaf, balsam pear, reed root, honeysuckle, tieguanyin tea etc.南瓜根、桑叶、玉竹、番石榴叶、苦瓜、芦根、金银花、铁观音等。
16.Research on Tea Plural Form Chain Business and Anxi Tieguanyin Group s Expanding Regional Markets;复合式连锁经营与安溪铁观音集团区域市场拓展研究
17.A Study on Physiological Mechanism and Differential Proteomics of Tea (Camellia Sinensis (L.) O.Kuntze) under Different Watering Regimes;不同水分处理下铁观音茶树的生理机制及其差异蛋白质组学研究
18.Study on Nitrogen and Potassium Supply Capability and Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation of Tieguanyin Tea Plantations in Fujian Province;福建铁观音茶园氮钾供应能力及测土配方施肥研究

1.The polysaccharides were extracted from tieh-kwan-yin with microwave method,and the antioxidant activities of the polysaccharides were discussed as well.采用微波辅助方法提取铁观音茶多糖,并对其抗氧化活性进行了研究。
2.The polysaccharides have been extracted from tieh-kwan-yin with the pretreatment of cellulase,and the process for the removal of protein has been discussed.采用纤维素酶水解方法提取铁观音茶多糖,并对其脱蛋白工艺进行了研究。
3)Tieguanyin tea leaf铁观音茶叶
4)Tieguanyin tea plant(Camellia sinensis L.O.Kuntze)铁观音茶树
1.Geographic Symbol: The Advancement of Anxi-tieguanyin and Its Industrial Upgrade;地理标志:安溪铁观音的品牌推进与产业升级
6)Tie-Guanyin tea铁观音保健茶
