1.Study on extraction of fish oil from wastes of fish surimi;从鱼糜下脚料中提取鱼油的研究
2.Study on the enzymatic hydrolysis technology of the waste from porcine intestinal mucosa processing;猪小肠黏膜加工下脚料酶解工艺的研究
3.Extraction and analysis of fatty acid composition of crab oil in swimming crab waste梭子蟹下脚料蟹油的提取及脂肪酸组成分析

1.A tailor's receptacle for discarded material.裁缝师傅放零碎下脚料的容器
2.She bought some timber off-cuts to build kitchen shelves.她买了一些木材下脚料做厨房用架子.
3.Waste parts, especially of a butchered animal.下脚料废的部分,尤指屠宰动物
4.Two-step lipase catalysis process for enrichment of DHA using waste fish oil as raw material脂肪酶二步法催化鱼油下脚料富集DHA
5.Biological applications of scraps in foodstuffs enterprise食品企业中下脚料的生物学应用探讨
6.Preparation of Raw Condiment with Enzyme Hydrolysate of the Processing Leftover from Marine Crab酶水解海蟹加工下脚料制备调味品原料
7.Study on technology of swimming crab waste processing seafood condiment梭子蟹下脚料加工海鲜调味料的工艺研究
8.Technology of Prawn Flavoring Essence Preparation by Enzyme Reaction to Using Offal Material of Prawn虾下脚料制备虾味香料的酶解工艺技术研究
9.Development of drink mixed by shiitake mushroom mill culls and papaya juice利用食用菌下脚料与木瓜汁混合研制饮料
10.The Study of Extracting HAP from the Eel Scraps by Enzymatic Hydrolysis酶法提取烤鳗下脚料水解动物蛋白的研究
11.Investigation of Protease on Extraction of Hydrolyzed Animal Protein(HAP)from the Eel Scraps酶法提取烤鳗下脚料中水解动物蛋白的研究
12.Study on extracting and measuring taurine from the eel scraps从烤鳗下脚料中提取测定牛磺酸的研究
13.Primary Studies on Antibacterial Peptides from Tilapia Wastes Enzymatic Hydrolysates;罗非鱼下脚料酶解产物中抗菌肽的初步研究
14.Study on Fish Sauce Fermentation with Tilapia Wastes;罗非鱼加工下脚料发酵生产鱼露的研究
15.Study on the Treatment of Wastewater and Offal in Broiler Chicken Slaughterhouse;肉鸡屠宰废水及下脚料综合处理的研究
16.Study on Preparation and Utilization of Protein Hydrolysate from Fish Waste of Hairtail;带鱼下脚料水解蛋白的制备及其利用研究
17.Study on the natural spices from the enzymatic hydrolysis product of crab offal利用海蟹下脚料的酶水解产物制备天然调味品
18.Application of exhaust gas on-line detection in fermentation of kelp off-cuts尾气在线检测在海带下脚料发酵中的应用尝试

1.Integrative treatment of wastewater and offal in broiler chicken slaughterhouse;肉鸡屠宰废水及下脚料综合处理的研究
1.Analysis for lipid in byproduct of eythynnus yaito kishinouye;白卜鲔下脚料中脂质成分分析
1.Study on compound enzymic peptides iron from hairtail off-cuts and its activity of antioxidation带鱼下脚料蛋白多肽亚铁螯合物的制备及抗氧化活性研究
5)bamboo leftover竹下脚料
1.Taking bamboo leftover as the raw material, adventitious granulated charcoal is extracted by cross test, which is good in strength with high iodine adsorption value.以竹下脚料为原料,通过正交试验法制取不定形颗粒炭,经检测其强度好,碘吸附值高,优于LY/T1125-1993《提取黄金用颗粒活性炭》标准A类(椰壳原料)指标,可作为椰壳活性炭的替代品用于黄金吸附,为黄金生产提供了新的活性炭品种。
6)waste TPATPA下脚料
