1.As the last episode of Luxun s novel Crying, in what way does Fork Play combined with The Preface, which was written a month later by him? Rereading Fork Play, which borrowed from Japanese novel and an innovation of the May Fourth plays, manner uniformity between the transformation in the lonely dreaming and the introspection from experience could be found.《社戏》作为《呐喊》的最后一篇,与一个多月后所作的《自序》相合在何处?重读借镜日本文章与五四戏剧改良的《社戏》,叙述者在对中国戏的文化建构中,呈现出和《自序》在“寂寞”的“梦”的“幻化”与“经验”的“反省”之间态度的一致性。
2.Marx growed in the period of full bloom of modernity, understanding, introspection and criticism of modernity is a thought theme of all life of Marx.马克思生逢现代性的全盛时期,对现代性的理解、反省和批判是其毕生的思想主题。
3.Marx s whole theoretical subject consists of the understanding,the introspection and the criticism to modernity.对现代性的理解、反省和批判构成了马克思毕生的理论主题。

1.Some of the authors are introspective as well as critical;有的作者既反省,又批判。
2.Please remember yourself, Charles!你得反省一下,查尔斯。
3.serious reflection认真的思考,严肃的反省
4.He reflected on his past mistakes.他反省过去的错误。
5.Self-examination and repentance are courageous. Self-examination and repentance are a mirror in your hand.惭愧反省,是悔过的勇气。惭愧反省,是自知的镜子。
6.Self-examination and repentance are a stairway to virtue. Self-examination and repentance are lessons to practice.惭愧反省,是进德的阶梯;惭愧反省,是自修的功课。
7.examine sb.in physics考某人的物理E-yourself.你反省反噬。
8.Contemplation of one's own thoughts, feelings, and sensations;self - examination.反省对自己的思想、感情、以及感觉的沉思;自省
9.Check your homework before you hand it in.把你的家庭作业反省一下然后再交。
10.It is time that you reflected upon your mistakes.该是你反省思过的时候了。
11.Without self reflection, a man will become stagnant.一个人不经常反省,头脑会变得迟钝。
12.IT behooves us to reflect on this matter.信息论应该让我们反省这个问题。
13.Please reflect on your actions.请反省一下自己的行动吧。
14.all my Reflections upon my past Conduct,还有对自己过去行为的反省
15.English: Zeng Zi said" Everyday I examine myself on three counts.曾子曰:“我每天常三次反省我自己。
16.He' s constantly rationalizing.他总是不断反省是否言行合理.
17.I have frequently detected myself in such kind of mistakes.我不时地反省了我自己犯的这类错误。
18.I searched my heart many days before making a decision.在决定之前,我自我反省了许多天。

1.As an important approach to improve the flexibility of system,reflection is also available to Workflow Management System (WfMS) .反省作为提高系统灵活性的重要技术手段也可用于工作流管理系统中。
2.According to Locke s opinion, simple idea can be gained through perception or reflection, and complex ideas come from simple ideas and knowledge comes from ideas which consist of simple ideas and complex ideas.洛克认为人心可以通过感觉或反省获得简单观念,人心加工简单观念就可以形成复杂观念,继而人心整合观念可形成知识。
3.Inquiry, reflection and action are three elements of his theory of knowledge.杜威的知识观是以实用主义哲学为基础的 ,探究、反省、行动是其知识观的三大要素 ,其知识观以及相应的教育理论 ,在“学什么”和“怎么学”两个基本方面对于我国基础教育改革富有启发意
1.The philosophical ability can be summarized in this thesis as the ability of speculative thinking,experience and awareness,critical thinking and self-reflection.本文以思辨、体悟、批判、反省概括了哲学思维素质的基本内涵,并从阅读、提问、体验、表达四个方面阐述了培养大学生哲学思维素质的途径。
4)reflect on反省
1.After the Second World War, Germany reflect on themselves profoundly and therefore get the pardon from other European countries and realize the national reunification.到21世纪初,由于日本仍拒不反省,右翼势力不断坐大,对亚洲各国的侵害变本加厉,同时也使日本日益孤立。
1.The retrospection is deeply rooted in the traditional ration of German culture.二战后德国人直面历史,勇于承担历史罪责,自觉反省历史,利用一切机会向受害国人民认罪,并以实际行动清算过去,赢得了过去受害国政府和人民的谅解和信任。
