1.Research on Traceability Chain of Grain and Oil Products Based on FMECA;基于FMECA的粮油产品质量安全追溯链的研究
2.Quality traceability of raw materials of Chinese liquor白酒原辅料质量的可追溯性研究
3.Research on operation mode of food traceability in China我国食品安全追溯运行模式研究

1.Article 20 Retroactivity第20条 追溯效力
2.To trace the origin or development of(a word.追溯追溯(一个词的)根源或发展
3.To trace and state the etymology of.追溯字的词源追溯、阐述或说明…的词源
4.To trace the origin or derivation of.溯源追溯…的源头或起源于…
5.a going back in time or upward in genealogical succession.家谱系统在时间上的追溯或上溯。
6.dates back to 20, 000 years B. C..可以追溯到公元前20000年。
7.The legislation was made retrospective.该项法规具有追溯效力.
8.a retrospective pay rise有追溯效力的加薪.
9.retrace the progress of civilization追溯人类文明的进步
10.trace its origin back to the time of它的来源可追溯到…时代
11.This custom can reach back Tang Dynasty.这个风俗可追溯到唐朝。
12.line of descent traced through one side of the family.追溯家庭某一方的血统。
13.The story goes back to the middle of the nineteenth century.故事追溯到19世纪中叶。
14.(of laws,payments,etc)applying to the past as well as the future;retroactive(指法律、支付关系等)溯及既往的,有追溯效力的
15.Traceability:ability to trace the history, application or location of that which is under consideration可追溯性:追溯所考虑对象的历史、应用情况或所处场所的能力。
16.The castle dates back to Roman times该城堡可追溯到罗马时代。
17.The legend dates back to(the)16th century这个传说可追溯到16世纪。
18.Horse racing has been traced to the Olympic Games of about600 BC.赛马可追溯到公元前600年的奥运会。

1.In order to identity the vegetable produce in vegetable quality and safety traceability system, with EAN·UCC system, encoding method was established and the traceable label for vegetable produce was designed and implemented.为实现蔬菜质量安全可追溯系统中蔬菜产品的标识,应用EAN·UCC系统,制定了蔬菜产品追溯码编码方案,设计实现了蔬菜产品质量追溯标签。
2.from the vision of life education theory,we trace the life value in PE teaching.从生命教育视(?)中追溯了体育教学的生命价值。
3.While the effective measure of protecting farm produce safety is to trace the produce, working out a scientific, reasona.而保障农产品安全的重要手段就是农产品追溯的实施,因此规划设计出一套较为科学、合理、可行的农产品追溯编码体系具有至关重要的作用。
1.This paper is intended to give a historical retrospect,on basis of which a new definition is argued of the higher education.因此,在追溯我国高校定位历史的基础上,总结出我国高校定位的现状特点,并对此做出对策性的反思,或能为高校的发展定位提供一些借鉴。
2.It was found that the information integration of simple inference was not a retrospective process,rather it was simultaneous with the reading.本研究通过三个实验证明了在需要简单推理情境下的文本阅读中 ,需要推理的信息整合是即时发生的 ,而不是经过追溯才发生 ,在这种情况下支持文本阅读的更新追随假设理论。
4)To assign the origin of.追溯追溯…的起源
5)traceability cell追溯单元
1.Study on Cargo Traceability of Grocery Port;散杂货港口货物可追溯性问题研究
2.The definition and meaning of traceability and quality trace of tobacco products were discussed.讨论了可追溯性及烟叶产品质量追溯的定义和内涵,分析了烟叶产品质量的形成过程和烟叶产品质量的可追溯性。
3.The accurate and timely traceability of products and activities in the supply chain has become a new factor in food and agribusiness.本文主要讨论了农业食品供应链及其可追溯性的概念,可追溯系统的目的要求、类型和架构,用于可追溯系统的技术及其发展。
