1.Evolvement of Soil Enzymes and Organic Carbon in Desertification Karst Area of Huajiang;花江石漠化喀斯特土壤有机碳及其部分转化酶演变
2.A discussion about community development and ecosystem environment control in karst gorge area in Huajiang;花江喀斯特峡谷区社区发展与生态环境治理
3.Study on Soil Enzyme and Oxidized Organic Carbon in Karst Regions of Huajiang Canyon;花江峡谷喀斯特土壤酶与可氧化有机碳研究

1.Jilin city was named after Jilin River-namely Songhua River today.吉林城得名于吉林江,即今松花江
2.Of the rivers here, the Li River, Little East River, Peach Blossoms River and Banyan Lake are typical of the scenic beauty of Guilin.水以漓江、小东江、桃花江和榕湖最有代表性。
3.Analysis of the Meteorological Causes Ice Jam Dam Flood Disaster at Heilongjiang,Songhuajiang and Nenjiang River黑龙江、松花江、嫩江冰坝凌汛的气象成因分析
4.Analysis on Ice Jam Meteorological Cause in Ice-cut Spring of Heilongjiang River,Songhua River and Nenjiang River黑龙江、嫩江、松花江冰坝春季开江期气象原因分析
5.Harbin, often referred to as the city of Ice, is situated on the Songhua (Sungari) River in the southern part of Heilongjiang Province.冰城哈尔滨,位于黑龙江省南部,松花江畔。
6.Analysis of Summer Precipitation and Water Level Variation over Nen River and Songhuajiang River Valley嫩江、松花江流域夏季降水与水位变化分析
7.Guilin is also famous for its meandering Lijiang River and Peach Blossom River.桂林还以蜿蜒的漓江和桃花江闻名遐迩。
8.The Research of Water Contamination to Second-songhuajiang River in Songyuan City;第二松花江流域松原市江段水污染控制研究
9.The Characteristics of Historical Floods Formation in The Valley of Nenjiang River松花江支流嫩江流域历史洪水形成演绎特征
10.The Simulation Study on the Influence of the Polluted Water of the Jilin Part of Songhua River on the Groundwater松花江吉林江段污染江水对地下水影响的模拟实验研究
11.Percentages of the Water Quality Grades of the Song Hua River System松花江水系水质类别比例
12.The Songhua River runs from west to east through the city.松花江从西向东横贯全市。
13.At sunrise riverside flowers blossom more red than fire, in spring green river waves grow as blue as sapphire.日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝
14.The Whangpoo and the Yangtse are admission-free swimming-pools.黄浦江、长江是一个钱不花的游泳池。
15.Everyone knows that south of the reaches of the Changjiang River is a picturesque and poetic destination for many people.男:江南好,风景旧曾谙,日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝,能不忆江南。
16.The "Flower Drum"in Jiangsu is divided into many kinds, such as those performed by two people, four people or "Fishing Basket Flower Drum".江苏的"花鼓"又有"对子(双人)花鼓"、"四人花鼓"、"渔篮花鼓"等名目,
17.Analysis on the difference between Poem 《Blooming Flowers by the River in Moonlight Night》 and instrumental music 《Blooming Flowers by the River in Moonlight Night》;唐诗《春江花月夜》与器乐曲《春江花月夜》的意境辩异

Nenjiang and Songhuajiang rivers松花江嫩江
3)Songhua River松花江
1.Estimation and Analysis of Pollutant Fluxes for the Songhua River Tongjiang Section;松花江同江断面高锰酸盐指数通量估算与分析
2.Ecological risk assessment of mercury pollution in the sediment of Songhua River;松花江水体沉积物汞污染的生态风险
3.Investigation of Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) pollution in the surface water of the Songhua River;松花江水系江水中全氟辛烷磺酸和全氟辛酸污染现状调查
4)the Songhua River松花江
1.Speciation of Mercury in Water and Sediments from the Songhua River during the Icebound Season;松花江冰封期江水和沉积物中汞形态研究
2.Ice Jam Flood in Heilongjiang and the Songhua River in 1957;1957年黑龙江及松花江区域性冰坝凌汛初步分析
3.the Middle East Railway and the Development of Forest Resources of the Songhua River Basin in Modern Times中东铁路与近代松花江流域森林资源开发
5)Taohuajiang River桃花江
1.Water environment capacity of Taohuajiang River in Guilin;桂林桃花江水环境容量研究
2.Influence of rainfall runoff on ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus in Taohuajiang River;降雨径流对桂林桃花江水体中氨氮和总磷的影响
3.The research relates to the field experiment for improving river water quality by using microorganism, which lasts two months in Taohuajiang River.在桂林桃花江河道投放反硝化细菌制剂2个月后,水质有了一定程度的改善,COD和TN的浓度降低,但TP和浊度变化幅度不大。
6)Huajiang Gorge花江峡谷
1.Microclimatic effects along environmental gradient in karst rocky desertified area: A case study of a small catchment in Huajiang Gorge of Guizhou Province.;喀斯特低热河谷石漠化区环境梯度的小气候效应——以贵州花江峡谷区小流域为例
2.The research area is a typical karst catchment subject to rocky desertification in Huajiang Gorge,Guizhou Province.以贵州省花江峡谷区典型喀斯特石漠化小流域为研究区域,对潜在、轻度、中度、强度石漠化等级样地代表性土壤物理组分有机碳氮进行了研究。
