1.Copper contents in two species plants of Compositae growing on copper mining spoils.;两种生长在铜矿渣上的菊科植物的铜含量
2.Analysis of electrical signal of three species in compositae;三种菊科植物电信号的分析
3.Progress in Protoplast Research of Compositae Plants;菊科植物原生质体研究进展

1.THE COMPOSITAE OF WESTERN HUBEI(Ⅰ)湖北西部菊科植物(Ⅰ)——斑鸠菊族、泽兰族、紫菀族
2.THE COMPOSITAE OF WESTERN HUBEI(Ⅴ)──Echinopsideae Cass., Cynareae Less,Mutisieae Cass.and Caichorieae Cass.湖北西部菊科植物(Ⅴ)──兰刺头族、菜蓟族、帚菊木族和菊苣族
3.common perennial of eastern North America having showy purplish flowers; a parent of the Michaelmas daisy.北美东部多年生紫花菊科植物;雏菊属的父系植物。
4.A small or reduced flower, especially one of the grasses and composite plants, such as a daisy.小花尤指禾木植物或菊科植物的一朵小花或小花穗,例如雏菊花
5.everlasting flower【植】干后花的形状颜色不变的植物(尤指季生菊科植物如蜡菊、灰毛菊等)
6.any of numerous perennial Old World herbs having showy brightly colored flower heads of the genera Chrysanthemum; Argyranthemum; Dendranthema; Tanacetum; widely cultivated.东半球多年生草本植物,各色亮丽花色的菊科植物;木茼蒿属;菊属;菊蒿属;被广泛种植。
7.Interactions between Three Invasive Composite Plants (Ageratina Adenophora, Ambrosia Artemisiifolia, Flaveria Bidentis) and Soil Biota三种入侵菊科植物(紫茎泽兰、豚草、黄顶菊)与土壤微生物的互作关系
8.The enlarged area bearing numerous tiny flowers, as in the flower head of composite plants, such as the daisy.花盘长有很多小花的扩大的地方,如在菊科植物的花头中,例如雏菊
9.any of several South African plants grown for the profusion of usually yellow daisylike flowers and mounds of aromatic foliage.一种南非的菊科植物,大量黄色的类似雏菊的花冠和堆状香叶。
10.grown for its succulent edible leaves used in Oriental cooking.东方人烹调用的菊科植物,其叶多汁、可食。
11.any of numerous composite plants having flower heads with well-developed ray flowers usually arranged in a single whorl.花冠呈放射状并成为一个整体涡漩的菊科植物
12.any of various plants of various genera of the family Compositae having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color.在干后形状和颜色都不改变的一种菊科植物
13.The Studies on the Process of the Xeromorphic Structure and Function Developing in Two Kinds of Sprout of Compositae;两种菊科植物幼苗旱生结构、功能发育过程研究
14.Resources of Wild Medicinal Compositae in Yinna Mountain;阴那山药用野生菊科植物资源调查与研究
15.Plant Species and Heavy Metal Concentrations in Composotae at Four Contaminated Sites in Xiangxi Lead-zinc Mine Area湘西铅锌矿区的菊科植物及其对重金属的积累
16.Any of several hybrid ornamental plants(Senecio? hybridus) in the composite family, derived from species native to the Canary Islands and widely grown as indoor or bedding plants for their showy, variously colored radiate flower heads and attractive silvery foliage.瓜叶菊,千日莲一种菊科杂交的装饰用植物
17.Studies on the Pollen Morphology of Three Species of Echinacea Moench.菊科松果菊属三种药用植物花粉的形态研究
18.Study on the Subtribe Lactucinae of Compositae from Shandong;山东菊科莴苣亚族植物的系统学研究

Compositae plants菊科植物
1.Bio-activities of extracts from 25 species Compositae plants against three kinds of pathogens;25种菊科植物提取物对3种植物病原菌的药效试验
2.Primary study on the fungicidal activity of compositae plants;几种菊科植物杀菌活性的初步研究
3)Compositae plant菊科植物
1.Study on the aUelopathy of aqueous extracts from five Compositae plants on seed germination of Ligularia virgaurea;5种菊科植物水浸液对黄帚橐吾种子萌发期化感作用的研究
2.According to field investigation data and correlative references, organ morphology variation and flora composition of Compositae plant in natural grassland of Bashang District in Hubei Province were studied.依据野外调查资料并参阅有关文献资料,对河北坝上地区天然草地菊科植物区系及器官形态分异性进行了研究。
3.The activities of POD,CAT and SOD in leaves of seven species of compositae plants,such as Sonchus oleraceus Linn.采用小盆钵土培法,测定了7种菊科植物(苦苣菜、苍耳、野塘蒿、小飞蓬、野莴苣、台湾翅果菊和旱莲草)在Al处理(0。
5)extractive of composite floristic fructification菊科植物抽提物
1.Effects of extractive of composite floristic fructification on the biochemical criterion of blood in normal mice in vivo;一种菊科植物抽提物对小鼠血液生化成分的影响
6)Compositae Plants in Hunan湖南产菊科植物
