1.Relation between soil nutrition and grape quality in hillside vineyards;山地酿酒葡萄园土壤养分与葡萄品质的关系
2.Effect of green covering on vineyard microclimate and wine quality;行间生草对葡萄园微气候和葡萄酒品质的影响
3.Dynamical Changes and Correlation Analysis of Soil Microorganism, Enzyme Activities and Soil Nutrition of Interplanting Grass in Vineyard;行间生草条件下葡萄园土壤微生物、酶活性、养分的动态变化及相关性分析

1.Ground planted with cultivated grapevines.葡萄园种植葡萄的地方
2.One that owns a vineyard and produces wine.种葡萄酿酒的人拥有葡萄园并酿葡萄酒者
3.An area or a greenhouse for growing vines.葡萄园,葡萄暖房种葡萄树的地方或温室
4.One that cultivates and prunes grapevines.葡萄园丁种植和修剪葡萄藤的人
5.A vineyard or wine-producing region in France.克鲁法国的葡萄园或葡萄酒生产区
6.Eat the grape and don't ask which vineyard it came from.吃葡萄不要问它来自哪个葡萄园
7.a wine from a famous vineyard由著名葡萄园酿造的葡萄酒.
8.a season's yield of wine from a vineyard.葡萄园收获葡萄酒的季节。
9.There are vineyards as far as the eye can see.满眼望去都是葡萄园
10.Is the vineyard profitable?这个葡萄园盈利了吗?
11.There is a vine yard before the hill.山前有一个葡萄园
12."You will put in vines and take care of them, but you will get no wine or grapes from them; for they will be food for worms."你栽种,修理葡萄园,却不得收葡萄,也不得喝葡萄酒,因为被虫子吃了。
13.A superb wine born from our ancient vineyards.这是历史悠久的萨达葡萄园出产的优质葡萄酒。
14.The Effect of Vineyard Green Cover on Wine Quality in Grape Cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon葡萄园行间生草对‘赤霞珠’干红葡萄酒质的影响
15.In like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, and with thy oliveyard.你的葡萄园和橄榄园也要照样办理。
16.Who plants a vineyard and does not partake of its fruit?有谁栽种葡萄园,不吃园中的果子?
17.The yield of wine or grapes from a vineyard or district during one season.葡萄产量一片葡萄园或地区在一个季节所获得的葡萄酒或葡萄的产量
18.Today I am born anew and my birthplace is a vineyard where there is fruit for all.今天,我重新来到这个世上,我出生在葡萄园中,园内葡萄任人享用。

1.Study on grapery soil nutrients condition and balanced fertilization in Shaanxi Guanzhong area;陕西关中葡萄园土壤养分状况分析与平衡施肥研究
2.Based on the thorough investigation, the dynamics of the arthropod communities in grapery and interaction of main insects with its natural enemies were studied by means of community analysis, grey system theory, path analysis and geostastics.本研究在对合肥地区葡萄园节肢动物群落的系统调查的基础上,分析了葡萄园节肢动物群落结构及其时空动态变化,并利用群落分析、灰色系统分析、通径分析和地统计学分析,系统研究了葡萄园主要害虫和主要天敌间的相互关系,为合理制定 IPM对策和措施提供理论依据。
1.Logic Metanarratives in Pynchon s Vineland;评《葡萄园》中的逻各斯元话语
2.The Incredulity Toward Metanarratives in Pynchon s Vineland;论品钦《葡萄园》中对元话语的怀疑
4)vineyard type葡萄园形
5)wine soil葡萄园土
6)vineyard plough葡萄园犁

葡萄园乌鲁木齐市葡萄园始建于1964年,总占地面积357亩,葡萄种植面积257亩,葡萄品种由原来的24种发展到现在的100余种。多年来,该园种植的葡萄以其口感好、含糖量高、保鲜时间长等特点,远销北京上海、广州及港奥地区,受到了各地宾客的一致好评。葡萄园建园以来除承担政府接待职能外,现已全面对外开放。服务项目由原来单一的葡萄、瓜果的品偿, 已发展为集饮食、娱乐、休闲、度假为一体的综合性服务体系。园内新增设具有异国风情和少数民族特色的蒙古包、云南傣家竹楼、草屋、维吾尔厅、哈萨克毡房、天山木屋、品种园观光葡萄廊、休闲垂钓区、文化长廊、观光游览区、休闲娱乐区、演播厅可按待上百人的大型会议、配套完整的餐厅、舞厅,是社会团体、家庭、个人理想的休闲度假的长所。葡萄园现成为乌鲁木齐市政治、经济、文化联系服务的窗口之—。