1.Soil Desiccations Status of the Coniferous Sand-Fixation Plantation in Zhanggutai;章古台针叶固沙林土壤干化状况的研究
2.Reports on seedling cultivation experiments of introducted European needle-leaved tree species in Zhanggutai;章古台引种欧洲针叶树育苗试验初报
3.Reforestation Models of Sand Fixation Plantations in Zhanggutai章古台固沙林更新造林模式的初步研究

1.Characteristics of Ground Covers under Main Vegetation Types in Zhanggutai Sandy Area at Zhangwu,Liaoning Province章古台沙地主要植被类型下地被物特征研究
2.Reforestation Models of Sand Fixation Plantations in Zhanggutai章古台固沙林更新造林模式的初步研究
3.Study on Situation of Soil Water and the Relationship between It and Growth of Pinus Sylvestris Var. Mongolica in Zhanggutai Sand;章古台沙地土壤水分状况及其与樟子松生长关系的研究
4.Soil nutrient analysis with Zhang gutai sand 2 kinds of typical ecologicalrepair patterns章古台沙地2种典型生态修复模式土壤养分分析
5.Analysis on soil moiture vertical variation of artificial arbor-forests in Zhang gutai sandy land章古台沙地人工乔木林地土壤水分垂直变化分析
6.Horizontal variations in ring width and tracheid length of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in Zhanggutai章古台地区樟子松年轮宽度和管胞长度的径向变异
7.Order,Medal and Souvenir Badge of Chinese and Foreign militaries in Ancient and Modern Times;古今中外军事勋章、奖章、纪念章纵横谈
8.A Traditional Music In Modern Times--Discussion About Classical Music Cartoon Series;视像时代奏鸣古典乐章——简评《古典音乐动漫系列》
9.The Revival Theory of Ancient Prose of Nine Writers in Yi-tang:Additionally on the Selection of Prose Path in Early Qing Dynasty从易堂九子的古文复古理论看清初文章之取径
10.Essay and Classical Novel--An Important Viewpoint to Study Classical Novel文章与古典小说——研究古代小说的一个重要视角
11.The Ancient Observatory北京建国门古观象台
12.Radio Havana Cuba古巴哈瓦那广播电台
13.He wrote an article on the ancient Chinese history.他写了一篇关于中国古代史的文章。
14.Chapter Four: the Policy of the Early Kennedy Government towards Cuba.第四章、肯尼迪政府初期的对古巴政策。
15.Zhang Taiyan’s Thought of Literary Renaissance and the Birth of Lu Xun’s Literature;章太炎的文学复古与鲁迅文学的发生
16.Evolvement of mediaeval Zhi San,Zhang Group Initials pronunciation in Xiang Dialect;中古知三、章组声母在湘方言的演变
17.Features of Chinese Ancient Mathematics and "Arithemetic in Nine Sections";论《九章算术》和中国古代数学的特点
18.Beginning and Embryonic Form of Traditional Ancient Chinese Novels with Each Chapter Headed by a Couplet Giving the Gist of Its Content;中国古代长篇章回小说的产生和雏形

Zhanggutai sandy land章古台沙地
1.Available nitrogen in forest soil of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantations in Zhanggutai sandy lands;章古台沙地樟子松人工林土壤有效氮的研究
3)rules of ancient prose style古文章法
5)ancient Chinese article-ology古代文章学
6)Buried platform古潜台

侍五官中郎将建章台集诗【诗文】:朝雁鸣云中。音响一何哀。问子游何乡。戢翼正徘徊。言我塞门来。将就衡阳栖。往春翔北土。今冬客南淮。远行蒙霜雪。毛羽日摧颓。常恐伤肌骨。身陨沉黄泥。简珠堕沙石。何能中自谐。欲因云雨会。濯羽陵高梯。良遇不可值。伸眉路何阶。公子敬爱客。乐饮不知疲。和颜既以畅。乃肯顾细微。赠诗见存慰。小子非所宜。为且极讙情。不醉其无归。凡百敬尔位。以副饥渴怀。 【注释】:【出处】: