1.Brief Report on Excavation of the Ganyanwa Burial of the Song and Ming Dynasty at Hedian, Suizhou;随州市何店镇干堰洼宋明墓葬发掘简报
2.A Primary Research on Seed Nucleus Characteristcs and Nutritional Components of the Ancient Ginkgo Trees in Suizhou and Anlu;随州和安陆的银杏古树种核特征及其营养成分的初步研究
3.RAPD and ISSR Analysis on Genetic Diversity of the Ancient Ginkgo Trees in Suizhou;随州古银杏遗传多样性的RAPD及ISSR分析

1.RAPD and ISSR Analysis on Genetic Diversity of the Ancient Ginkgo Trees in Suizhou;随州古银杏遗传多样性的RAPD及ISSR分析
2.Research of the Policy-Making by "Two Tickets System" and "Two Meetings System" in Suizhou City;随州市“两票制”选举和“两会制”决策研究
3.Countermeasure in Protection and Industrial Development for Resource of Cymbidium in Suizhou City;随州市兰花资源保护与产业发展对策
4.The Study on the Function Words in the Slips and Tablets from Han Tomb at Suizhou Kongjiapo-Test Rishu (《日书》)随州孔家坡汉墓简牍《日书》虚词研究
5.According to the textual study, its source was the fault esker at the east end of the fossil course of the Zhashui River on the north part of the present Suizhou city.经考据随珠产地为今之随州市北部?阉?实蓝?硕仙咔稹
6.The Tentative Plan of Suizhou Implementation of the New High School Music Curriculum Reform;随州市实施高中新音乐课程教育改革的设想
7.Researches on Molecular Genetics Basis of Seed Nucleus Variation of the Ancient Ginkgo Trees in Suizhou and Anlu;随州和安陆银杏古树种核变异的分子遗传基础
8.Brief Report on Excavation of the Ganyanwa Burial of the Song and Ming Dynasty at Hedian, Suizhou;随州市何店镇干堰洼宋明墓葬发掘简报
9.Land Use/Cover Changes and the Environmental Effects in Suizhou Between 1949~2000;随州市1949~2000年土地利用变化的环境效应
10.Infection Status and Drug-susceptilibity Analysis of Ureaplasma urealyticum in Suizhou随州市女性解脲脲支原体感染及耐药性分析
11.Survey on Nitrate Content in Pot-stewed Food in Suizhou City in 20072007年随州市卤菜食品中亚硝酸盐含量调查
12.Comparison of antioxidant activity of Propolis中国随州蜂胶和巴西蜂胶抗氧化活性的比较
13.Antibiotics Resistance of Escherichia coli Inducing Hospital Infection随州市大肠埃希菌医院感染及耐药性调查分析
14.An essay on the calligraphy and drawing exhibition of yangzhou baguai held;南京博物院“扬州八怪书画展”随笔
15.Capriccio over The Kuoduan-Saban Negotiation at the State of Liang;《阔端与萨班凉州会谈》的读后随想
16.The twins followed California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to the stage.这对双胞胎跟随加州州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格走上讲台。
17.Yale seemed able to walk into the Governor's office whenever he chose.看样子,耶尔只要高兴,随时可以走进州长办公室。
18.At 24, he joined his uncle Xiang Liang in an armed uprising in today's Suzhou in response to the insurgency led by two peasant leaders, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.24岁时,他跟随项梁在苏州起义,响应陈胜,吴广。

1.Experiment on the Process of Iron Removal from Nepheline Syenite in Suizhou of Hubei;湖北随州霞石正长岩除铁工艺试验
2.Study on the Ceramic Sintering Properties of Nepheline Syenite in Suizhou of Hub ei;湖北随州霞石正长岩烧结性能试验研究
1.The Correlation between Nurse s Work Burnout and Work Stress,Control Sense among Nurses in Suizhou;随州市护士工作倦怠状况及其与工作压力源和控制感的相关性研究
2.Land Use/Cover Changes and the Environmental Effects in Suizhou Between 1949~2000;随州市1949~2000年土地利用变化的环境效应
3.Analysis on environmental effects of land use changes in Suizhou,Hubei in 1949-2000;1949-2001年随州市曾都区土地利用变化的环境效应分析
4)Suizhu earthquake随州地震
5)Suizhou city随州市
1.In this paper,the importance of the development of sight-seeing agriculturc in Suizhou City was discussed,the superiority factor in Suizhou City was analyzed,and countermeasures was put forward as well.观光农业是一种新兴的农业与旅游业的交叉高效产业 ,发展观光农业意义深远 ;分析和探讨了随州市发展观光农业的意义、优势条件及应采取的对策措
2.The election of branch secretary in village by“two tickets system”and the policy-making of the village affairs by“two meetings system”in Suizhou city is also one of these kinds of pioneering works.随州市“两票制”选举村党支部书记、“两会制”决策村务要事也是这样一种创举,是我国农村政治民主化发展的又一种新形式。
6)the collection of liu suizhou刘随州集
