1.Based on ShiLou County territory economy development history and present situation,this article analyzes the significance and the restriction factors of the Shilou County territory economy development.在对石楼县域经济发展的历史及现状深入分析的基础上,从石楼县域经济发展的意义及制约县域经济发展的因素出发,提出对石楼县域经济发展的战略举措和加快县域经济发展的政策建议。
2.Jia Dao set out from his native place ShiLou to Luoyang,who tossed about on the road and met HanYu finally over there.贾岛 (公元 80 2年 )从故里石楼出发 ,辗转到达洛阳并见到了韩愈。

1.stone walls,buildings, floors,statues石墙、石楼、石板地面、石雕
2.Qingdao Badaguan "Hua Shilou" Analysis of Architectural Forms and Decorative Features青岛八大关“花石楼”的建筑造型探析
3.The Research on the County Territory Economy Development of Shilou;县域经济发展研究——以石楼县域经济发展为例
4.Marble will front the building.大楼的正面将以大理石作装饰。
5.a skyscraper built on a base of solid rock.在坚实岩石基础上的摩天高楼。
6.Office in interpersonal communication difficulties: stone? Scissors? Cloth?写字楼里的人际沟通困境:石头?剪子?布?
7.He looked vaguely up the marble staircase.他发呆地望了一望大理石铺成的楼梯。
8.The masonry of the old building began to crumble.旧楼房的砖石结构开始崩落。
9.The lower story of the building was cased with marble.大楼底层的外墙砌上了一层大理石。
10.This is an abridged edition of "Stone Story".这是“石头记(红楼梦)”的节略版。
11.The Sketchy Textual Criticism of The Zhile Building Edition and Yeshijun-collated Edition of The Old Tang History;《旧唐书》至乐楼抄本与叶石君校本考略
12.The cultural implications of the “stone” in A Journey to the West and A Dream of the Red Chamber;《西游记》《红楼梦》中“石头”的文化隐喻
13.Hong Lou Meng and Shitou Ji: Versions and their English translations,;《红楼梦》和《石头记》:版本和英译名
14."Opposite the space of twenty cubits which was part of the inner square, and opposite the stone floor of the outer square. There were covered ways facing one another on the third floor."对着内院那二十肘宽之空地,又对着外院的铺石地,在第三层楼上有楼廊对着楼廊。
15.NIV] Both in the section twenty cubits from the inner court and in the section opposite the pavement of the outer court, gallery faced gallery at the three levels.[和合]对着内院那二十肘宽之空地,又对着外院的铺石地。在第三层楼上,有楼廊对着楼2廊。
16.Wang Xiaoshi had once benefited from the kindness of the head of the Golden Wind and Drizzling Rain Building Su Mengzhen, and had become sworn brothers with both Su and his deputy.王小石受过“金风细雨楼”楼主苏梦枕知遇之恩,而且他和正副楼主都有结拜之义。
17.The area consists of three Chinese-style arches, a stone lion and a pagoda.这个地区包括三座中式牌楼、只石狮和一座宝塔。
18.He went down the broad gravel path towards the building.他顺着石子铺的宽甬路,朝着那座大楼走去。

Red sandstone buildings红石楼房
3)Shichang Zhonglou石场-中楼
1.The Shichang Zhonglou Basin sited in the middle part of the Yihe Shuhe Fault.郯庐断裂中段石场-中楼一带,产出一长宽比近于2:1的菱型构造盆地。
4)Shilou County石楼县
5)stone stair石楼梯

石楼1.石牌坊。 2.石筑的楼台。