1.A field experiment was carried out with early flowering K326 plants to study the effects of different branching-after-topping treatments and various dressing rates of nitrogen on chemical components of flue-cured tobacco midribs,and determine the optimum nitrogen dressing rate.为研究驳枝方式及追施氮肥用量对烤烟主脉化学成分的影响并确定驳枝后适宜的施氮量,通过田间试验对K326的早花烟株进行处理。

1.This fertilizing method of basal plus dressing can take an effect on high yield without lodging.基施加追施的方法能有效增产而不倒伏。
2.The nitrogen utilization efficiency were downtrend with the amount of topdressing increased.随著施氮量增加,追施氮肥的利用率明显下降。
3.Research on Using SPAD Value as Diagnostic Index for N Application in Wheat;SPAD值用于小麦氮肥追施诊断的研究
4.The other 50% and 10% of N will be dressed in peak jointing stage and milking stage along with irrigation.50%的氮在拔节高峰期、10%的氮在灌浆期随水追施
5.Effects of Topdressed N-Fertilizer on Translocation and Distribution in Soybean Plants追施氮肥对大豆体内氮素运转与分配的影响
6.Effect of nitrogen topdressing on yield and quality of in medium-gluten wheat Xiaoyan 22追施氮肥对中筋小麦小偃22产量和品质的影响
7.Preliminary Study on the Impact of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application at the Growth Stage on Ammonia Volatilization of Maize-Soil System追施氮肥对土壤氨挥发影响的初步研究
8.Effects of nitrogen application on grain yield and quality of Wanmai 48追施氮肥对皖麦48产量及主要品质性状的影响
9.Effects of Additional Nitrogen on Regrowth Yields and Feeding Qualities of Italian Ryegrass追施氮对多花黑麦草再生产量和品质的影响
10.Effects of Different Potassium Sidedressing Rates on Growth, Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco不同钾肥追施量对烤烟K326生长及产质量的影响
11.Wheat fertilization mainly in basal, all organic manure, P and K and half of N fertilizers are applied at plowing, the rest N fertilizer dressed in jointing stage along with irrigation.小麦施肥主要为基肥,全部有机肥、、和一半氮肥翻地时施入,其余氮肥在拔节期随灌水追施
12.conservatory measure in relation to recourse关于追索权的保全措施
13.follower of Baptistic doctrines.施洗礼学说的追随者。
14.adherent of Baptistic doctrines.施洗约翰学说的追随者。
15.Significances and measures of firms implementing seafood traceability systems;水产食品企业实施可追溯体系的意义及措施
16.Take a Rational Attitude Towards Implementing Quality Education vs Seeking the Ratio of University Entrance;理性对待实施素质教育与追求升学率
17.Implement“six pieces of combination”and do well in responsibility investigation;实施“六个结合” 搞好责任追究
18.Build a Quality-tracing System to Recall the Defective Product建立质量追溯体系 实施缺陷产品召回

additional fertilization with potassium fertilizer追施钾肥
1.After two years experiments in Lishui,the main potato producing area in Zhejiang,the effects of additional fertilization with potassium fertilizer for potato "Zhong Shu No.在浙江省马铃薯主产区丽水市,以中薯3号马铃薯为材料,通过2年试验研究了不同生育期追施钾肥对马铃薯产量及相关性状的影响。
3)Topdressing stage追施时期
4)sulfur application硫肥追施
5)Potassium fertilizer application追施K肥
6)top application of pure nitrogen追施纯氮
