
1.Investigation and Research on the Present Situation of Shanxi Province Puxian s Senior Citizen;山西省蒲县老年人健身现状调查研究
2.Culture Analysis of Faith of the Dongyue--Taking Pu County of Shanxi as the Case东岳信仰的人类学分析——以山西蒲县地区为个案
3.The Reconstruction and Extension Engineering Design of First-Grade Highway for Linfen to Puxian省道临午线临汾至蒲县段一级公路改扩建工程设计
4.Chihpi is situated on the south bank of the Yangtse River, to the northeast of Chiayu Hupeh Province.赤壁在今湖北省蒲圻县西北长江南岸。
5.Discussion on the Regional Distribution of Planting Industry in Pucheng,Shaanxi Province陕西省蒲城县种植业区域布局的探讨
6.Based in Pucheng County, Chunhua County, Xixiang County, Jia County and Yulin of Shaanxi Province.该职位在位于陕西省的蒲城县、化县、乡县、县和榆林工作。
7.Research on the Teacher-student Interaction of "P.E. and Health" in High School of Pucheng City;蒲城县普通高中“体育与健康”课师生互动研究
8.Study on Epidemiological Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Unintentional Injuries among Children in PuCheng County蒲城县农村儿童意外伤害现况及影响因素研究
9.Analysis of Urban Landscape Pattern and Construction of Urban Forest in PuJiang County蒲江县城市景观格局分析与城市森林构建
10.Plantation Structure Adjusting and Regional Layout Exploration in Pucheng County, Shaanxi Province陕西省蒲城县种植业结构调整及区域布局探索
11.Investigation into the Situation of School-based Curriculum Development of Rural Junior High Schools --A Case Study of Pucheng County, Shaanxi Province;农村初中校本课程开发现状调查研究——以陕西省蒲城县为例
12.Protection·Inheritance·Development--to Shanxi Pucheng County Region Construction Culture Research保护、传承、发展——对陕西蒲城县地域建筑文化的研究
13.A Study on Hydraulic Model Test of Pulu Hydropower Project in Lipu County荔浦县蒲芦水电站工程拱坝水工整体模型试验研究
14.Analysis on Current Situation and Strategy of Regional Agricultural Sustainable Development区域农业可持续发展的现状与策略分析——以陕西省蒲城县为例
15.Demonstrational study on the land consolidation and rehabilitation(LCR) project of saline-alkali soil in arid areas: a case study of Lubotan LCR project in Pucheng county, Shaanxi Province;干旱区盐碱化土地整理工程实证研究——以陕西省蒲城县卤泊滩土地整理项目为例
16.Soil trace element content and efficiency evaluation of citrus orchard within Chuangziba land consolidation area,Pujiang County,Chengdu City,Sichuan,China成都市蒲江县窗子坝土地整理区柑橘园土壤微量元素的含量与有效性评价
17.pampas grass【植】(南美产)蒲苇
18.Brewin Trust Fund蒲鲁贤慈善信托基金

Pu County of Shanxi山西蒲县
3)The downtown center in Pucheng county蒲城县中心区
1.The Study of County Size of Inner Mongolia,in the Sight of Economy of Scale;规模经济视域下的内蒙古自治区县政区划研究
2.The Economy of Scale and The Reform of County s Administrative Region: An Empirical Study on Hunan Province;规模经济与县行政区划改革:对湖南省的实证分析
3.The comparison of the structure of county and township at all times;我国县乡权力结构的历史比较
5)Typha angustifolia L香蒲
1.Effects of Substrate Condition and Cultivated Way on the Growth of Phragmites australis Trin.and Typha angustifolia L.;基底条件和栽培方式对芦苇和香蒲生长发育的影响
2.5mmol/L EDTA had an inhibitory effect on growth of Typha angustifolia L.5mmol/L的EDTA对狭叶香蒲(Typha angustifolia L。
6)typha latifola香蒲
1.Effects of Salt Stress on Physiological Properties of Phragmites australis and Typha latifola;盐胁迫对芦苇和香蒲生理特性的影响
2.Effects of Different Treatments of NaCl Consistence on the Physiological Characteristics of Phragmites australis and Typha latifola不同浓度NaCl处理对芦苇和香蒲叶片某些生理特性的影响
3.Aquatic plants (phramites comunis, typha latifola) were soaked in wastewater and clean water to investigate their morphological and physiological characteristics changes in constructed wetland wastewater treatment.主要比较了污水和净水培养水生植物(芦苇、香蒲)形态特征的改变,测定了污水和净水培养的水生植物体内(根、叶片)过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性,分析判断了水生植物对长期污水浸泡所采取的响应的途径和方式。

木阑花慢 蒲县东神山庙柱石刻五首时至正辛【诗文】:监燕京马哈马拉尹镇阳,扬从道尹晋,霍邑邢叔亨,簿乡张时敏,仙尉襄陵陈德新,儒学论忻州王秉钧,共祀岱岳庙。叔亨走笔书木兰花慢数篇,音韵铿锵,意象豪宕,刺军政之得失,滔滔缕缕,若大河之出昆仑,恒星之丽碧虚,水镜之析埃漠,令人心怀洒然,愈吮而味加,铭心而口口,可见口平蓄之有余也。下缺一上蒲东东岳,山头陡起神宫。有松柏参天,杏桃张锦,遍地春风。年年今朝此日,王孙仕女骤骄骢。十载妖兵乱国,一时豪杰潜踪。我为狂客气盈胸。起坐听晨钟。喜夜雨如酥,晓晴似拭,香火扬空。眼下太平可幸,官军分散息兵戎。剑戟变为家器,四民乐业无穷。【注释】:【出处】: