1.Study on root systems of trees and shrubs on the bio-bank and hedge, and their influences on soil moisture nearby the interface, is the bedrock on understanding the competition mechanism between different components, selecting tree species, designing and managing the system.生物埂和植物篱是我国黄土坡面主要的农林复合形式。
2)the plant of protecting ridge护埂植物
3)borders protected by plants植物护埂
4)terrace hedgerow地埂植物篱
1.Effects of terrace hedgerows on soil macrofauna diversity地埂植物篱对大型土壤动物多样性的影响

1.Effects of terrace hedgerows on soil macrofauna diversity地埂植物篱对大型土壤动物多样性的影响
2.Studies on the Model of Agroforestry and Contour Hedgerows and Its Benefits on Sloping Land in Three Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区陡坡耕地生物篱埂和农林复合经营建设模式与效益研究
3.Studies on the Water and Soil Erosion of Mountain Areas with Different Hedgerows in the South of China南方丘陵山地不同植物篱处理下水土流失研究
4.Study on Soil Nutrient in the Slope Croplands by Applying Plant Hedgerows Techniques in Three Gorges Reservoir Area三峡库区坡耕地植物篱技术对土壤特性的影响
5.The honeysuckle rambled all over the fence.忍冬属植物爬满了篱笆。
6.Microbial Characteristics of the Calcareous Purple Soil Treated by Different Hedgerows on the Hilly Slopes;不同植物篱对石灰性紫色旱坡地土壤微生物特性的研究
8.Cuttings or slips of a plant suitable for hedges.绿篱用树适合作篱笆的一种植物的插条或枝条
9.A hedge consisting of these plant cuttings or slips.绿篱一种用这些植物的插条或枝条组成的篱笆
10.Soil and Water Conservation Effects and Mechanisms by Hedgerow Ecosystems in Red Soil Fields on Slopes;红壤坡地植物篱笆生态系统水土保持效应及机理研究
11.Application and Benefit Analysis of Hedgerows Technology in Sloping Farmland Improvement of Hubei Province植物篱技术在湖北坡耕地治理中的应用和效益分析
12.Effects of Perennial Alfalfa and Hedgerow System on the Adjustment and Control of Soil Erosion in the Granite Sloping Fields生草覆盖和植物篱措施对红壤坡地土壤侵蚀调控效应研究
13.Soil Moisture Characteristics under Hedgerow Intercropping System植物篱模式下土壤水分特征变化研究
14.small shrubby tree of Madagascar cultivated in tropical regions as a hedge plant and for its deep red acid fruits resembling small plums.马达加斯加的一种小的灌木状的乔木,在热带地区作为绿篱植物栽培,果深红色、微酸、味似李子。
15.In the British Isles and western Europe it is common copse and hedge plant.在不列颠群岛和西欧为常见萌生林和绿篱植物。
16.Study on the types of hedgerow and their ecological-economical benefit;经济植物篱主要模式及其生态经济效益研究
17."The best rice land is level, conveniently diked for alternating irrigation and drainage. "稻田最好是在平地上,筑田埂以利排灌。
18.Changes of Soil Physical Properties, Runoff and Soil Erosion Under Different Hedgerow System不同植物篱模式下土壤物理变化及其减流减沙效应研究

the plant of protecting ridge护埂植物
3)borders protected by plants植物护埂
4)terrace hedgerow地埂植物篱
1.Effects of terrace hedgerows on soil macrofauna diversity地埂植物篱对大型土壤动物多样性的影响
5)terrace hedgerow梯田地埂植物篱
1.The consolidating function and economic benefit analysis of the terrace hedgerows in the hilly loess region of northwest Hebei Province;冀西北黄土丘陵沟壑区梯田地埂植物篱的固埂作用与效益分析
6)ridge of field田埂
1.The study is on community structure of spiders which is main predator in crop fields in North China,and distribution dynamics of dominant species in habitats of forest belt,crop field and ridge of field.蜘蛛是华北农区的主要天敌种群之一,本文研究了农田蜘蛛种群结构及优势种在林带-田埂-农田环境的分布动态。

穿埂毒穿埂毒 穿埂毒   病名。指手心毒见于掌边者。出《外科大成》卷二。详见手心毒条。