
1.Merely17 fry from a first time brooder is not too bad a result.第一次能给予十七尾仔鱼已经算不错了。
2.An' I tell you, no number ending in seven-'我告诉你,末尾是七的号码没有——”
3.Sun Wu-kung can make seventy-two metamorphoses, and on one occasion he changes his tail into a Flagstaff -- that long.孙行者七十二变,最后把尾巴变成个旗杆,那么长。
4.The Monkey Sun Wu-kung is able to make seventy-two metamorphoses, but there is always one difficulty, changing his tail.孙猴子七十二变,有一个困难,就是尾巴不好变。
5.On the Feature of Tone Quality of Plosive Endings of Rhymes duo(铎) and yao(药) in the Qiyin Lue(七音略);论《七音略》铎药两韵塞音韵尾的音质特征
6.Study on the New Technique of Polymetallic Separation in Iron Tailing from Qi Bao Mountain of Jiang Xi Province江西七宝山铁尾矿多金属分离新工艺研究
7.The mystique surrounding those wearing black piping from collar to cleat seems to be back, especially after the Yankees beat the Diamondbacks, 4-1, for their seventh straight win.这个从头到尾围绕著条纹衣的力量似乎重新回来,特别在今天4-1,洋基击败响尾蛇七连胜之后.
8.I tell you no number ending in seven ain't won for over fourteen months!'我告诉你,一年零两个月以来,末尾是七的号码没有中过彩
9.Termination of Dial-up service must be the last day of calendar month and requires seven working days prior notice终止56K计划必须在月尾之最后一日,并须七个工作天前通知。
10.After the seventh inning, he sat all by himself at the far end of the dugout with a white towel draped over his right shoulder.在第七局之后,他坐在休息区板凳的最尾端,用毛巾包著他的右手臂。
11.Try to imagine a jet which is more than seventy meters long and more than five stories high at the tail.试着想像一下一架喷气式飞机长七十多米,尾部比五层楼还要高。
12.Grandness Enables Perfection, Regular Scheme Enables Change --Study on Particular Antithesis of Initial and Final Couplets in Eight-Line Poems with Seven Characters by Du Fu;大而能化 工而能变——论杜甫七律首尾联的特殊对仗
13.Prediction of the Water Environment Impact about the Effluent from the phase Ⅲ Qige Sewage Treatment Plant七格污水处理厂三期工程尾水排放的水环境影响预测研究
14.The1 st phase of the Xikengwei Refuse Landfill Site is to be started within the coming days and will cover a7 to8 hectare land plot with an effective landfill capacity of145 million cubic meters.将于近日全面动工的西坑尾垃圾填埋场,一期工程占地七到八公顷,有效填埋库容145万立方米。
15.we dropped her astern on the end of a seven-inch manilla, and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide.我们丢给了她船尾的一条七尺长的绳子,让她舒适地感受落潮的律动。
16.The whole disturbance had lasted only six or seven minutes, but it seemed like a hundred years to Ah Chen, who was still hiding in the office, trembling with fear.这一场骚乱,首尾不过六七分钟,然而那躲在管理部内发抖的阿珍却觉得就有一百年。
17.and the end of the fifth day found the ship still seven miles away and him unable to make even a mile a day.到了第五天末尾,他发现那条船离开他仍然有七哩,而他每天连一哩也爬不到了。
18.In the United States, AIDS patients who regularly take a cocktail of these drugs increase their life expectancy by ten to twenty years.在美国,常规性进行鸡尾酒治疗已经能延长爱滋病感染者的寿命达十到七十年。


注射用洁霉素 ,洁霉素,盐酸林可霉素,丽可胜药物名称:林可霉素英文名:Lincomycin别名: 林肯霉素;盐酸洁霉素;注射用洁霉素 ,洁霉素,盐酸林可霉素,丽可胜成分: 由链霉菌Streptomyces lincolnensis产生的一种林可胺类碱性抗生素。 性状: 常用其盐酸盐,为白色结晶性粉末;几有微臭或特殊臭;味苦。在水或甲醇中易溶,在乙醇中略溶。其10%水溶液的pH为3.0--5.5;性质稳定。 药理作用: 抑制细菌的蛋白质合成,对大多数革兰阳性菌和某些厌氧的革兰阴性菌有抗菌作用。对革兰阳性菌的抗菌作用类似红霉素,敏感菌可包括肺炎链球菌、化脓性链球菌、绿色链球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、白喉杆菌等。厌氧菌对本品敏感者包括拟杆菌属、梭杆菌、丙酸杆菌、真杆菌、双歧杆菌、消化链球菌、多数消化球菌、产气荚膜杆菌、破伤风杆菌、以及某些放线菌等。葡萄球菌对本品可缓慢的产生耐药性。对红霉素耐药的葡萄球菌对本品常显示交叉耐药性。 适应症: 主要用于葡萄球菌、链球菌、肺炎链球菌引起的呼吸道感染、骨髓炎、关节和软组织感染、胆道感染及败血症。对一些厌氧菌感染也可应用。外用治疗革兰阳性菌化脓性感染。 用量用法: 1.口服:成人1日量1.5~2g,分3~4次用;儿童1日每千克体重30~60mg。 2.肌注:成人1日0.6~1.8g,分1~3次用;儿童1日每千克体重10~30mg。 3.静滴:成人1次0.6g,溶于100~200ml输液内,滴注1~2小时,每8~12小时1次。 注意事项: 1.可引起消化道反应,如恶心、呕吐、舌炎、肛门瘙痒等。长期使用可致伪膜性肠炎,此由于难辨梭状芽胞桿菌滋生引起,其先驱症状为腹泻。遇此症状应立即停药,必要时可用万古霉素治疗。 2.尚可导致过敏反应,如皮疹、荨麻疹、多形性红斑以及白细胞减少、血小板减少等。 3.可致转氨酶升高、黄疸等。肝功能不全者慎用。长期应用定期检查血象和肝功能。 4.不可直接静脉推注,进药速度过快可致心搏暂停和低血压。静脉给药时,每0.6~1g本品需用100ml以上输液稀释,滴注时间不少于1小时。 5.尚有耳鸣、眩晕等不良反应。 6.孕妇及哺乳妇女慎用。 7.对1月龄以下的新生婴儿禁用。 规格: 盐酸克林霉素片剂(或胶囊):每片(或胶囊)75mg(活性);150mg(活性)。类别:抗生素