1.A study was conducted to compare the impact of four soil ameliorants on the chemical properties of saline-sodic soil in Daqing of the Songnen Plain.)Tzvel)试验地和轻度盐渍化的紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativalinn)试验地上分别施用4种土壤改良物质,即腐殖酸、沸石、硫酸铝和生物菌剂,研究4种改良物质对多年生牧草生长特性、物候期和土壤化学性质的影响,揭示了土壤在改良物质作用下各项性能的变化规律。

1.Effect of Soil Ameliorants on Salinized Soil;土壤改良物质对盐渍化土壤改良的作用
2.Effectd of Soil Ameliorant on Growth Characteristics of Plants and Salinized Soil改良物质对盐碱土的改良作用及对植被生长发育的影响
3.Laboratory tests of fly ash as a sandy soil amendment and its effects on soil water粉煤灰改良沙质土壤水分物理性质的室内试验
4.Ameliorative effect of mineral fertilizers on soil physical properties of dump矿物肥料对排土场土壤物理性质的改良效应
5.Improved methods for in vitro culturing human keratinocytes and biological features人角质形成细胞的体外改良培养及生物学特征
6.Research on the Physical Improvement of Argillaceous Siltstoue Filler in Wuhan-Guangzhou PDL武广客运专线泥质粉砂岩填料物理改良研究
7.Main contaminating material characters of natural leaching solution of improved gangue matrix改良煤矸石基质淋溶液主要污染物特征
8.better agriculture through biological research通过生物研究改良农业
9.The intermingled roots of two plants growing closely together improve the quality of the soil.依偎在一起生长的两种植物的根交织在一起,能够改良土壤的质量。
10.The plain gasoline had to be improved by treatment or the addition of other higher quality material.一般的汽油得通过处理或添加别的较高性能的物质来改良其性能。
11.Study on Improvement Strain Screening and Fermentation Conditions of a Novel Bacteriocin-like Producing Strain;类细菌素产生菌的筛选改良及其发酵产物性质的初步研究
12.Experimental Researches on Ecological Effects of Peat and Plants' Ameliorating the Soil Media of Coal Mining Wastelands;泥炭和植物改良煤矿废弃地基质的生态效应试验研究
13.Strain Improvement of Fungus Fusarium Mairei and Precursors Effector on Taxol Production;产紫杉醇菌种的改良及若干种前体物质作用的研究
14.Study on Detoxification of Rapeseed Meal and Improvement of Its Protein Quality by Fermentation微生物发酵法对菜粕脱毒及蛋白品质改良的研究
15.Amendment Reclamation and Phytostabilization by Energy Crop on Copper Mine Tailings矿区污染场地尾矿基质改良和能源植物稳定化修复
16.The Research on the Physical and Chemical Characteristic of Saline-alkali Soil in the Different Improvement Measures盐碱土在不同改良措施下土壤物理化学性质变化的研究
17.Research on the Effects of PAM Application on the Physical Properties and Spatial Variability of Purple Soil土壤改良剂聚丙烯酰胺对紫色土物理性质及其空间变异的影响
18.In vitro improved culture and biological characteristics of umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells改良法体外培养脐带血间充质干细胞及其生物学特性分析(英文)

crop quality improvement作物品质改良
3)quality improvement品质改良
1.The research in quality improvement of drinks extracted from almond of Amygdalus communis L;巴旦杏仁乳饮料的品质改良研究
2.Biotechnology and its application on quality improvement for forage grasses;生物技术在牧草品质改良中的应用
3.The application of biotechnology in the quality improvement of gladiolus;生物技术在唐菖蒲品质改良中的应用
4)substrate amendment基质改良
1.The key problems such as substrate amendment,management of plant growth and so on were discussed.论述了植被恢复过程中应注意的关键问题如基质改良,植物生长管理等。
2.The research is conducted in the substrate amendment of coal-gangue pile in Jixi Coal Mine with the soil from tailrace dredging in the local rivers and coal ash from the generation plant as the soil amendment.以黑龙江省鸡西煤矿区为研究区,利用鸡西本地河道清淤土和电厂粉煤灰两种固体废弃物作为改良剂进行矸石山基质改良研究。
5)quality improvements质量改良
6)quality improving品质改良

改良①去掉事物的个别缺点,使更适合要求:~土壤 ㄧ~品种。②改善。