1.Post Roads,Railways and MaBang of Yunnan Province at the End of Qing Dynasty and the Beginning of the Min Dynasty清末民初的云南驿路、铁路与马帮

1.Q3: (v.16-18) Who helped Paul in Ephesus and in Rome?18节)谁在厄弗所和罗马帮助保禄?
2.Horse Caravan--A Particular Cultural Carrier in Yunnan Plateau;马帮——云南高原上独特的文化载体
3.On Basic Theme and Literary Expression of The Caravan by Hai Nan:the Poem of the Living and Life of the Caravan in the Western Region;西部马帮的存在与生命之诗——论海男《马帮城》的基本命题及其文学表达
4.I will be back to take your order.我会马上回来帮您点菜。
5.the gangs meet again.两帮人马又狭路相适。
6.We helped the farmer to grub for potatoes.我们帮助农夫挖马铃薯。
7.Walk beside the pony daddy, it's my first ride.帮我牵着我的小马,爸爸,这可是我第一次骑马。
8.Fetch me those Brown files right now.马上帮我查一下布朗名下的档案袋。
9.Injun Joe helped to raise the body of the murdered man and put it in a wagon for removal;印第安-乔也帮着把尸体抬上马车运走。
10.I will be right back to take your order. Is that all right?我会马上回来帮您点菜,可以吗?
11.The Pope added his voice to the cry for revenge...罗马教皇帮腔叫嚷要复仇…
12.Transport by dray.板车运输使用无帮马车的运输
13.It is an act of kindness / a kind act to help a blind man across the street.帮助盲人过马路是做好事.
14.It is an act of kindness to help a blind man across the street.帮助盲人过马路是一种好事。
15.Could I have Mark help me write the proposal?我可以请马克帮我写这一个企划吗?
16.IN THIS ARTICLE: Former Mongrel Mob member Martin Hemomo-- who had a bad beginning and a worse middle to his life--tells how the turnaround began for him.本文简介:前“混合帮”成员马
17.The horse is an animal assistant to man.马是对人类有帮助的动物。
18.A horse added to a team of horses to assist a wagon through high water or over difficult terrain.马车之后的额外的马加入一小组马的一匹马,帮助四轮运货马车通过深水或越过困难地形。

The Caravan City《马帮城》
3)Trade Caravan马帮组织
4)Yunnan MaBang云南马帮
1.The Carrying of Yunnan MaBang during the Republic of China;民国时期的云南马帮驿运
5)commercialized and organized caravan马帮商团化
6)Come and help me to brush the horses down.来, 帮我刷马。
