1.Climate Change Characteristics in Jiaxiang Country of Shandong in the Last 42 Years山东省嘉祥县42年气候变化特征

1.Shandong Jiaxiang Dexin Blue Limestone Co., Ltd. is located in the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, Jiaxiang, which is at the riverside of the Jinghang Canal.山东(嘉祥)德信石业有限公司坐落于京杭大运河畔的孔孟之乡——嘉祥
2.Wang, C., Wang, K., Kuo, C.S., &Wang, D.C. (2005, 7).王谦、王凯、郭嘉祥、王道治(2005,4)。
3.Exploration on Land Saving and Intensive Utilization in Jiaxiang of Jining City;浅议济宁市嘉祥县节约集约用地问题
4.The Comparative Study of Relief Stone Sculpture in Shandong Jiaxiang and Henan Nanyang山东嘉祥画像石与河南南阳画像石之比较研究
5.Analysis on Investment Effect on the Loan of World Bank--Irrigation Agriculture Project in County Jiaxiang;嘉祥县世界银行贷款——灌溉农业项目投资效果分析
6.Charisma of Carved Stone Line in the Han Dynasty汉画像石中的线条魅力——以山东省嘉祥、邹城、滕州三地的汉画像石为例
7.An Image-theory Study on Cultural Tourism Imagery Positioning and Industry Development of Historical city--Taking Jiaxiang country Shandong Province as an example基于意象理论的历史文化名城文化旅游形象定位与产业发展研究——以山东省嘉祥县为例
8.Cheng Xuanying, a scholar from the Tang Dynasty, explained: "Ji means something good and beneficial, and xiang means an auspicious sign."唐人成玄英对此有个疏解:“吉者,福善之事;祥者,嘉庆之征。”
9.The auspicious designs symbolize good luck and the avoidance of evil.吉祥图案寓意吉祥辟邪,
10."Brother Xiangzi, don't cry!“祥哥! 先别哭!
11.Motionless and dazed, he stood there awhile until he heard someone calving from the bridge. "Xiangzi, Xiangzi ! Come here, Xiangzi!"楞了会儿,桥上叫:“祥子!祥子!这儿来!祥子!
12.portentous events, signs不祥的事件、 徵兆.
13.The "Lion Dance"stands for auspiciousness;"狮舞"象征吉祥;
14." Don't go yet, Xiangzi.“祥子,你先别走!
15."Just look at that! Really, Xiangzi!“你看,真是的,祥子!
16."Carrie," she called, "Carrie, come back";“嘉莉! "她喊,"嘉莉,回来!
17."Pretty good," said Carrie.“很好,"嘉莉说。
18."All right," said Carrie.“好的,"嘉莉说。

Jiaxiang in Shandong province山东嘉祥
3)Jiaxiang County嘉祥县
4)Jiaxiang statements嘉祥说
5)Jia-Xiang Chrysanthemum嘉祥菊花
6)Jiaxiang in Jining city济宁市嘉祥

嘉祥【嘉祥】 (人名)隋会稽嘉祥寺吉藏。以寺号称为嘉祥。三论宗之祖也。唐高僧传十三,佛祖统纪十,有传。【又】梁高僧传著者慧皎,住梁会稽嘉祥寺。故亦呼为嘉祥。见唐高僧传六。