1.Paarlberg,an American scholar,classified security policy of genetically modified organisms in agriculture into four patterns: promotional,preventive,permissive and precautionary.Paarlberg认为农业转基因生物安全政策模式主要有这样四种:鼓励式的(promotional)、禁止式的(preventive)、允许式的(permissive)、预警式的(precautionary)。

1.Design of Early Warning Network Management System for the ATM Network of China Network Communications (CNC) Corp.;中国网通ATM网预警式网管系统的设计
2.Discussion on Warning in Advance Strategy and Crisis Management System of SME论中小企业预警式战略与危机管理系统
3.Thinking on How to Strengthen the Pre-alarm Supervision on the Leading Cadres;关于加强对领导干部预警式监督的思考
4.Global Early Warning System全球预警系统(预警系统)
5.Dike safety monitoring and alert system现代化堤防安全监测与预警系统模式研究
6.Design and implementation of distributed computer virus alert system in large-scale network大型网络分布式病毒预警系统的设计与实现
7.Key Technologies and Realization of Early Warning DSS for Snowmelt Flood in Xinjiang;新疆融雪洪水预警DSS关键技术及实现方式研究
8.Research on Alarm of Train-Approaching Based on the Technology of Embedded Audio Recognition;基于嵌入式声音识别技术的列车预警研究
9.Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Alarm Modeling Based on Wireless Local Area Network;无线局域网中分布式拒绝服务攻击预警研究
10.The Research and Design Based on the Network of Distributed Security Early Warning System;基于网络的分布式安全预警系统的研究与设计
11.Predicting and Alarming of Gas Based on Fuzzy Pattern Recognition;基于模糊模式识别的瓦斯预测报警系统
12.Research on Liquidation Risk of Open-end Fund in China;我国开放式基金流动性风险预警机制研究
13.Early Warning of Risk for Transportation Infrastructure Projects under a PPP Model;PPP模式下基础设施项目私营方风险预警模型
14.Virtual enterprise knowledge sharing risk early-warning based on heuristic attribute reduction;基于启发式约简的虚拟企业知识共享风险预警
15.Research on the Early Warning Management Mode of Important Emergency in China;我国重大突发事件的政府预警管理模式研究
16.The Application of Fuzzy Recognition Theory in Early Warning Information System of Real Estate Market;模糊模式识别在房地产预警信息系统中的应用
17.Research on the Early-warning Management Mode of Society Important Sporadic Event;社会重大突发事件的预警管理模式研究
18.Early Warning Mode Study on the Regional Risk of Projects Based on interface integrity;基于界面集成的项目区域风险预警模式研究

alarm mode预警方式
1.Atmospheric electric field monitoring net s data coherence and amelioration for alarm mode;大气电场仪联网数据一致性及预警方式的改进
3)Early Warning Network management预警式网管
4)accompany prewarning device of anti-hold scrapping-slime raker随动式压耙预警
5)ultrasonic alarm超声波式预警器
6)prewarning control system预警式控制系统
1.The article illustrated two doable control systems: the diagnoses control system based on KPIs can keep stabilization of the performance system, and the prewarning control system based on interactive learning can answer the uncertainty of strategic.本文阐述了两种可行的控制系统:基于KPIs的诊断性控制系统保持绩效管理系统的正常运行,基于交互学习的预警式控制系统应对不确定性的战略环境。
