1.Research Progress of Effects of Grafting on Physiology in Cucurbitaceous Vegetable Crops嫁接对瓜菜生理影响的研究进展
2)snake melon菜瓜
1.Green snake melons are cut and cleaned.酱瓜碎是将青皮大菜瓜剖瓜去瓤,经腌渍、嵌料捆扎、曝晒、酱渍、翻缸、曝晒、切碎和晾晒等工序制成,酱红色、有光泽,香甜脆嫩。

1.vegetable spongeph.1. 丝瓜筋(可用来做洗东西的菜瓜布)
2.He clove the pumpkin with his kitchen knife.他用菜刀把那南瓜剖开。
3.peanuts, watermelons and cabbage.花生、西瓜和包心菜。
4.Cucumbers are my favorite vegetable.黄瓜是我最喜欢的蔬菜。
5.Products: Sweet potato, white gourd, Chinese cabbage, persimmon, tomato, towel gourd, soybean.主要产品:马铃薯、瓜、白菜、方柿、椒、红柿、瓜、豆。
6.Among them: apples, nuts, avocados, soybeans, asparagus, broccoli, celery, squash and cucumbers.其中包括苹果、果、梨、豆、笋、蓝、菜、瓜和小黄瓜。
7.It is engage to watermelon, melon and vegetable breeding and spreading.主要从事西瓜、甜瓜及蔬菜品种选育与推广。
8.Spinach, egg-plant, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber and turnip are our favorite vegetables.菠菜,茄子,卷心菜,花椰菜,黄瓜,和萝卜都是我们喜欢吃的蔬菜。
9.Our vegetable have potato, lettuce cucumber, peking cabbage, string bean.我们的蔬菜有土豆、窝笋、黄瓜、大白菜、姜豆等等。
10.Jars of mixed pickles contain gherkins and pieces of cauliflower as well as onions.混合泡菜坛子里装有黄瓜、菜花片和洋葱。
11.The shopping: the salad: tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and onions.买菜做沙拉用的蕃茄莴苣黄瓜和葱头。
12.Their favourite vegetables are potatoes, cucumbers and beans.它们喜欢吃的蔬菜是西红柿、瓜和蚕豆。
13.l heard that they've been performing summary executions of patriots lately!听闻他们杀那些志士时 有如斩瓜切菜
14.Cucumber and Cabbage are good friends.黄瓜和卷心菜是一对好朋友,
15.vegetables (especially cucumbers) preserved in brine or vinegar.保存在盐水或醋中的蔬菜(尤其是黄瓜)。
16.Pickles are cucumbers preserved in vinegar.泡菜就是把黄瓜等泡在醋里做成的。
17."Toast Sucking Pigs" and "Wax Gourd Soup" in Guangdong flavour dishes.广东菜中的“烤乳猪”和“冬瓜盅”。
18.Study on the Vegetable Juices--Cloudy Pumpkin Juices and Cloudy Carrot Juices;蔬菜汁——南瓜混汁和胡萝卜混汁的研究

snake melon菜瓜
1.Green snake melons are cut and cleaned.酱瓜碎是将青皮大菜瓜剖瓜去瓤,经腌渍、嵌料捆扎、曝晒、酱渍、翻缸、曝晒、切碎和晾晒等工序制成,酱红色、有光泽,香甜脆嫩。
3)vegetable melon菜西瓜
4)melon and vegetable industry瓜菜产业
1.The present status and development prospect of melon and vegetable industry in Yulin;榆林市瓜菜产业现状及发展思路
5)union on vegetable planting peasants瓜菜协会
6)gourd vegetables瓜类蔬菜
1.This paper is the first part of the insect communities studies in the gourd vegetables carried out in the suburbs of Chongqing City China.本文是重庆市郊瓜类蔬菜昆虫群落研究结果的第一部分 ,主要报道瓜类昆虫群落 (包括蛛形纲和软体动物门中的一些有害生物及天敌 ,下同 )的组成和结构 。

菜瓜1.瓜名。又叫生瓜﹑越瓜﹑甜瓜﹑梢瓜。可以生吃或腌作酱菜。 2.方言。责骂。